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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. I dont agree. I have children in the "no diaper" age. Dont judge the parents unless you know the full story. Having children you sometimes have to compromise on personal boundaries. If the kid says I have to go, and you know that these few weeks "have to go" means now now now now, you chose between a dirty pant with the cleanup job that is and a humiliating experience in public, well you might chose the humiliation.


    Oh and thread starter might want to anonymnize the faces on photo. Unless you asked for permission to use the photo, this is pretty much illegal to post.


    Problem is they don't pick up after their kids.


    Have I exhausted this thread?




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  2. Trump’s ‘John Wayne’ presidency struggles with tragedy
    “He’s missing an empathy gene. It’s just not natural to him,” said former George W. Bush White House speechwriter Peter Wehner. 
    “When people who don’t have empathy try to fake it, it doesn’t come across very well.”
    "He was uncharacteristically silent in the immediate aftermath of the February killing of an Indian immigrant in Kansas that was investigated as a hate crime, as well as the fatal stabbing in May of two men defending a Muslim woman riding a commuter train in Portland, Oregon."

    It has to be said.


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  3. Well for starters I don't believe that most of the people there were white supremacists, but regardless I am of course against white supremacy and racism of all kinds, even BLM.

    So does this mean you think I should go and join a violent militant left-wing hate group as my side?


    BLM = Black Lives Matter

    I'm starting to pick up the alt-right jargon. Once again, thanks Trump.

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  4. This Antifa

    They are a violent, fascist mob of rioters who try to justify their violent ways by calling anyone who doesn't agree with them racists, bigots and Nazi.

    They were the ones who attacked that guy in the car in Charlottesville before he ran his car through the mob and killed one of them. When his charges get dropped you will definitely hear more about Antifa and their violent riots that will happen immediately afterwards.

    I tried your Wikipedia link. Not much to be found there and suggest you try it yourself.

    You obviously didn't bother with the BBC link in my post either.

    I've provided a definition of fascism which you may, or may not, accept. Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing.


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  5. Freddie Royle is probably Tawan Dok Krateng Daeng, or Alan Deer, or perhaps another of his many guises??  One's banned, another surfaces.


    as for apologies, Trump condemned ALL violence at the outset, but apparently that's not enough for the left??   I would have thought that condemning ALL sides for their parts would have been sufficient, but once again the left have hijacked the agenda, and there are no surprises there.


    Incidentally, photoshop can produce wonders.


    While such a project for Welsh might appear purely speculative, the Trainspotting writer maintains an interest in Savile's dubious notoriety dating back to a story in his 1996 collection Ecstasy, titled Lorraine Goes to Livingston. It features a children's television presenter named Freddy Royle, dubbed Britain's "favourite caring, laconic uncle", who maintains an interest in necrophilia and child abuse via his charitable sponsorship of a local hospital. The character was widely assumed to be a reference to Savile 15 years before his crimes came to light.





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  6. a few comic strips, and a photo of his inauguration crowd.
    There will be three library guides, representing Ronald McDonald, Tiny Tim, and Mussolini, .....all with the obligatory mass of orange colored hair interspersed with bald spots.
    At the adjoining restaurant, all the waiters/waitresses and cashier will be Trump impressionists.

    I'd project his tweets on the walls, ceiling and floor. His minions could gaze in wonder.

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  7.  The important thing is not to tar a whole group because of one mentally unstable individual. In the same way that it is not politically correct to blame all muslims when one of them mows down a crowd with a truck, it is not polite to blame all patriots because one has a bad day behind the wheel. 

    Is there a way that trolls who keep coming back as new members can be identified? IP address?

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  8. Trump seems to have reached a point that all he has left his base. Bannon and Miller will continue to advice him how to maintain that base and get more popular with it by not actuallyaccomplishing anything.

    Instead, he has submitted to the policy agenda of Congress—and that agenda is, if possible, even less popular than he is. Trump will be far better off going to the nation in 2020 nothaving removed Medicaid coverage from millions of red state voters, not having shoved through a huge upper-income tax cut financed by stringent domestic budget cuts, than he would be running on that record.


    By the way, The Atlantic has a long cover story this month  on how we got here. Well worth the read.

    In concerned he's going to whip his base up into a frenzy.

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  9. I don`t blame President Trump. The real culprit is the power of the social media, like YouTube and fakebook.
    It`s loaded with fake news, crackpot conspiracy theories, extremist propaganda that is aimed at the gullible and easy influenced which radicalizes people, especially the young. This includes the ultra right, ultra left and religious fanatics.
    It has never been easier for hate groups to get organised and connect worldwide via the social media. The root causes is right there in front of your faces when you switch on your computers every day.

    Trump is the spawn of social media. He uses it.

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  10. Okay, so $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes each year. How much of that is cheap Chinese goods heading towards Britain and Europe ? How much of that is oil and other natural resources heading from the Middle East (and Africa) to China ?

    You do realise, right now as we speak, none of that $5 trillion in ship-borne trade is being stopped or blocked whilst in the South China Sea ? What's the point of sailing an American warship within 12 nautical miles of whatever Chinese-built island ? None of the Chinese-built islands are stopping any trade ships. It's pointless sailing American warships within 12 nautical miles of these islands. Apart from antagonising Beijing, there is no point. How about sail the warship about 50 nautical miles from any of the Chinese-built islands ?

    This is but a small example of what it is all about and it is going to happen with much more frequency in the future.

    "According to the industry source, Repsol executives were told last week by the government in Hanoi that China had threatened to attack Vietnamese bases in the Spratly Islands if the drilling did not stop."


    And the best part is this.

    "Two of the directors of Brightoil are senior members of the Chinese Communist Party."


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  11. From the mentally-addled man who had trouble responding to a simple question, "What do you think about the FBI raid on Paul Manafort's apartment?"
    Trump's response; "I thought it was a very very (two second pause) uh (two second pause) strong uh (two second pause) uh signal, or whatever."
    JFK is remembered for such oratory as, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."  
    Will this be the memorable line which defines Trump's presidency?  "Uh, ......we sent a......, um, strong signal, um, or whatever, um,.... to the head guy at North Korea."
    ....and then, hours later, as the mushroom clouds are dissipating over the Korean peninsula, "Um, I was just, um, kidding.  It was satire.  My base still loves me.  White supremacists love me.  Everyone will love me when they realize how, um, how great I am, or whatever.  They will, believe me."

    I can't wait for the trump presidential library. A long list of lies, tweets and brain farts.

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  12. My family owns a million in real estate, about 20 miles from C'ville.  Pop says he is more concerned about Bryce Harper's knee, than one dead protester, who probably was not a student.  Cops in helicopters?  Kind of like cops on steroids....usually not a good thing, but all too common.  How many were killed in Chicago this weekend?  Before Jefferson used slaves to build UVA, the colonist were forced to attend the Church of England, and faced whippings and fines if they didn't, yet every county in the State is named after some shitehole in England...perhaps those people have a more legitimate beef.

    You are some kind of nut.

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  13. There are not simply "right wing protesters."  There are NAZIS.  We KILL Nazis in the US.  Visitors applying for a visa, or immigrants applying for permanent residency in the US, to this day, must specifically denounce Naziism on their application.
    My uncle killed Nazis in France in WWII, and I'll do it on the streets of my city if it comes to that.

    My father said, "they paid me 50 cents a day for five years to kill Nazis, and I won't start liking them now".

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  14. The German people elected a National Socialist Govt... Nazi – an insult in use long before the rise of Adolf Hitler's party. It was a derogatory term for a backwards peasant – being a shortened version of Ignatius, a common name in Bavaria, the area from which the Nazis emerged. Opponents seized on this and shortened the party's title Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, to the dismissive "Nazi"
    Although I can't believe we're talking about Nazis in this day and age ( thanks Trump ), I've learnt something.

    The English slipped it to the f@ckers.




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  15. 1 hour ago, sirineou said:
    I respectfully disagree with you
    and state again.  
    You are only for free speech when you allow that which you disagree with  otherwise you engage at a different form of fascism.
    I am , as we all should be against all forms of fasism
    No disrespect to you, you have have being pleasant and reasonable in this little conversation we had, and I appreciate   you taking the time to engage me in this , But I don't know how many different ways I can make the same point.


    No disrespect dude, but you <deleted> up fasism.

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  16. Too bad he can't condemn the white supremacy movement that he tacitly supports. 
    I dont recall there being this many neo-nazis and white supremacists during the administration of Obama, or Bush or Clinton. 

    I just shrugged off the occasional racist and bigoted comments that were let slip during 20 plus years of business trips to those red states.

    After all, it was just some goof, and had nothing to do with the US government.

    All that changed with the election of the orange ass hatchling.

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  17. It isn't always easy to get insurance companies to payout here. Always looking for an excuse not to pay.

    I know of someone who listed his mother under a life insurance policy through the company he'd worked for. About 2 million baht.

    The family had to take the insurance company to court after he died, and it took 6 months to be settled because he'd listed her as beneficiary using her maiden rather than married name.



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  18. The (alt-) right was quick to excoriate the left in advising them to "get over it" - losing the election - but it is rich to see them clinging to their symbols of decades old "losses".
    Now we know why Jeffrey Lord was practicing his German catch-phrases last week on Twitter - boning up for the big march.

    That guy was such a dunce. Painful to watch.

    CNN got ride of him because of ratings. Too many people were turning off while watching him.


    CNN’s only motivation for wanting to get rid of Lord is that he must have become a drag on ratings. He’s only ever been there to give Trump’s thoughtless base a voice in panel discussions that otherwise consist of thoughtful liberals and thoughtful conservatives who all agree Trump is an obvious fraud. Anecdotally, I hear from people across the political spectrum who say that they change the channel away from CNN the minute Jeff Lord starts talking.


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