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Posts posted by steve187

  1. the maximum with 35 years of NI contributions after April 2023 will be about £10,000 a year, it works out roughly to £5.50 per week for each year of NI contributions you have, ie - so 30 years would be 30x£5.50 = £165 per week, can you buy some extra years to increase the weekly some, before claiming.

    they should send you a letter some 3 or 4 months before your pension is due, this letter includes an invitation code, which makes the online process simpler. see here - https://www.gov.uk/get-state-pension

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  2. 13 hours ago, edwinchester said:

    Price of a trip back to the UK for my family is about 50% higher than it was pre covid when I thought of booking this week.

    by way of a comparison what do you think a return trip in economy Bkk/Uk/Bkk was per adult back in 2019 or 2020, (i was travelling the reverse of that journey i paid £800 ish with eva air PE Lhr/Bkk/Lhr), i have looked at Utp/Stn/Utp for June at 30,000thb but long stop overs, but Utp/Bhx/UTp comes in at 39,100thb

  3. you can own a vehicle in your name in Thailand,

    compulsory insurance is required when a new yearly 'screen' tax disc is applied for, additional better coverage insurance, class 1,2 or 3 is obtained through insurance brokers or insurance companies direct,

    if buying a new vehicle the 1st year additional insurance is 'thrown in' with the purchase, also included in a new car purchase is the first years 'screen' tax as well as compulsory insurance, and number plates.

  4. as others have posted maybe the hard drive has failed, need to check in the bios, if so a new one is required, and a fresh install of W8, or if you have a back ip , use that.


    or try and recover any data you need and buy a new or a 2nd hand computer, with at least windows 10, but ideally if new W11. use 'classic start menu' to make it operate like W7, windows 8 was never any good.

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  5. 11 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    While 10 year old kids are allowed to ride motorbikes, they are arresting foreigners without Thai driver's licenses. Meanwhile it is perfectly legal for a Thai to drive in the US, with a Thai drivers license. Fair or extremely xenophobic? 


    The United States driving laws state that you’re required to have a valid driving license in possession to be able to drive in the US. This can be either issued by a US State or a foreign country. So, yes, you can drive with a foreign license in the US.





    same in Thailand, the problem is most tourists do not have a home country motorbike licence, so no licence to cover them in Thailand, also going by the accidents for tourists in Phuket, no experience on motorcycles either, look at that girl the other day she lost control, why wa she not in full control of the bike at all times, lack of experience maybe. 

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  6. For over 50's a non-immigrant 'O'A' is available from Thai embassy in own country. This gives a one year permission to stay stamp on each entry into Thailand, if you entry just before the expiry date of the visa a fresh 1 year stamp will be given,( insurance required for this 2nd year)  allowing 2 years stay in Thailand with the non 'O'A'.  90 day reports will be required. Don’t forget that once your non immigrant 'O'A' visa expires you will need a re-entry permit for any trips out of the country during this 2nd year, to keep your permission to stay stamp alive.

    a yearly extension (1,900thb) can be obtained within Thailand, but insurance will be required as will financial requirements within Thailand as mentioned in previous posts.

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