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Posts posted by steve187

  1. IIRC the one day service for a 'Jumbo'[48 pages] is less than the cost of same through the embassy here [AKA Hong Kong].

    It would be the best option in my view. These days I think you have to arrange an appointment some time ahead, but at least you can now do it at local Passport Offices.


    not local offices,which are in lots of towns now, but regional offices - London, Liverpool, Peterborough, Glasgow, Newport, Belfast and Durham

  2. The best direct flight from heathrow by far

    Ask for a window seat at the rear row 67 to 71 as these are only 2 seats so you wont get bothed by other passengers wanting to use the bog

    very good airline the best of all the direct flights, these rear seats are a bit bumpy,so try and get an emergency door seat. if a drink is required outside the normal trolley runs just go to the rear and ask the crew, no problems have a good flight

  3. How old are you? Do you have a passport? Have you ever left home before?

    No problem they will be looking for you. May I suggest that you go online and google Thailand or buy some books. Do your parents approve of you coming here?

    Not old enough to be patronizing? I may get banned again for 3 days, but let me ask you where in your life have you been outside of America? Are you old enough to travel alone? If not I suggest that you go to India first, then to Afghanistan and Pakistan after some good experience there come to Thailand.

    What a load of cr*p, A young person comes on here to ask a perfectly valid question or two, and you spout off that Thailand is like a modern day beirut, answer the persons questions correctly or leave it alone, We all know that Thailand is safe as long as you do not go and ask for trouble.

    Patriots I hope you have a good time in Thailand, enjoy the culture and the people, who are extremely friendly, and yes some will try and get your money but the vast majority will be very welcoming and helpful, give as you expect to receive. Some people on this forum should really reassess their place of residency.

  4. Hi

    OEM Versions of windows can only be used once, full retail versions can be used more than once but can only be used on one computer, so to use it on a second computer it must be uninstalled on the first computer. you can purchase a key on line,but must be part of a cd/download package and it must be a key for the same version you are installing, ie windows 7 ultimate key for a copy of windows 7 ultimate installed etc. see here -http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/get/. it would be cheaper to get an upgrade key from vista to windows 7, use the vista computer to check online with microsoft how much to upgrade the current operating system. see here -http://www.microsoft.com/windows/buy/default.aspx

  5. 2. When you buy the printer, have ink tanks installed the printer. You can easily see when the ink is getting low and they are very easy to refill. Have this done by a technician who is qualified. Many times I have seen a poor installation where the feed line comes lose and the print head jams. Or they get ink all over the carriage causing steaks. If you are in Pattaya, I have found the technician at Power Print (TukCom, 3rd floor next to the escalator) does an excellent job.

    I agree with getting ink tanks they are about 700 - 900 baht fitted. I have used them for a couple of years in a epsom photo r220 with a six colour tank, still prints as good as new.

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