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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. They DID land on the moon - no excuses, No conspiracies needed!
  2. Well, that was quite a mouthful! I wonder what outcomes there will be. Will it be "Golden Apples?" Will it be "Sour Grapes?" Or will it be "Low Lying Fruit?"
  3. It was YOU that stated you "cross-examined" - that is NOT just asking
  4. First dates, don't like being "cross-examined" or 'interviewed'.
  5. Doesn't most of the "P" from Pattaya and Phuket end up in the sea anyway?
  6. I can sympathise a little with the OP. It is a bit irritating when Officers appear to be other than what you expect or prefer...(being officious) But It isn't worth making it an issue important enough to put it in writing, particularly as it didn't affect the positive outcome!
  7. Well, I think you will find that the fire (fry) in California has already fried quite a lot of stuff, including 11 people. In fact I thought the title referred to this much more important current issue! So let's be charitable and say I was misled!
  8. Let's hear it from those men in the forum that think they are worthy of a girl 10!
  9. I bought two of these some time ago from Wish and the spec whether fake or not, neither worked and I threw them out. And Wish know they are rubbish. For one of them, delivery took so long that in the meantime, they refunded my money and said that if it ever arrived I could keep it. Which I did but it didn't work as I said. I don't want these things even if they are free. I don't buy anything from them anymore.
  10. That is your story and you are sticking to it!
  11. You have only made your case weaker by these prejudiced comments about "Brits". Personal experience doesn't qualify as generalisations!
  12. Your callous remarks deserve the derision I give to them.
  13. You haven't said anything yet that denies me any of my comments! YOUR comments however, continues about the dead!! Have some thoughts for the mess he has left behind!!
  14. This OP, ones before and no doubt those to come are a useful reminder for all of us when we travel! Remember we used to say - before leaving home: Passport, tickets, money - now add Insurance to that mantra! Simple when one thinks ahead!
  15. My post does not sympathise with a dead man! This post is about ONE case of "begging and Go Fund Me" I have used the word stupidity that demonstrates I understand the man was foolish My greatest sympathy lies with the untold grief he has left behind and it is not their fault. it's obvious you have no feelings for them, only intent on compounding it with excessive righteousness! Hindsight - never around when you need it!
  16. I am not SO sympathetic! My comments remain valid!
  17. You have made up your mind without evidence - now there's a thing!!
  18. He is another human being like all of us! Nobody deserves to die for an error of judgment that some foreigners make while in Thailand. If it is your son, you have no sympathy if he dies, even if it was caused by stupidity?? More than 50% of Thais don;t wear helmets; most of them will be lucky and will never have an accident, I feel for his twin brother and all his family!
  19. Also on YouTube, I have downloaded it already to avoid the ads and to watch it later
  20. NO! What do you mean by a "respectable restaurant" - one that already charges over the top?
  21. You know what the OP means - why change it to another topic?
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