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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Don't wear them then! There are countless matters in life that are not guaranteed. People can die even if they wear a helmet or a seat belt, Ropes break, things break down - they cause accidents!
  2. If you don't wear a condom with women (of the night); you because you don't want to, or she says she doesn't care, then either or both of you can be considered irresponsible, with each of you potentially susceptible to catching something that might not be the ultimate happy ending! And possibly making matters even worse if you are multiple-timing your wife or g/f. There should be another sub-forum below the Pub - The Gutter!
  3. Good for you, Really hope you will find full resolution!! Just for a little light relief: Last Monday was "World Toilet Day" Don't pooh pooh it! It's true!
  4. No further comment from me!
  5. I think you mean "close the topic"! I am sorry that you think to seek proper advice and that my suggestion do so is considered worthless. Sorry also to have bothered your head to read it!
  6. So your last hope for a solution to a medical problem is this forum?Though with respect: except for Sheryl! Interestingly, this topic opened 5 days ago so you have been happy to-ing and fro-ing here during which time you could have gone to your doctor. Are you still constipated??
  7. You don't need to run nor go often, Right now, you are talking about one problem - maybe only need to go once to the Doctor to be reassured that the solution is easy to treat. Constipation is sometimes not just an ache or a pain! It can be a serious symptom of something else that needs attention by those who know what they are talking about. The fact that you tell us that you have been doing all the right things and they haven't worked is a sign to me that your situation needs to be re-assessed as to what is actually causing the constipation. Good luck with all these suggestions - by the time you have tried them all... ??
  8. Another one who is NOT a Doctor! The point of a Doctor is to establish a correct diagnosis that takes account of possible complications and other pre-exisiting conditions with this particular patient!
  9. So your position is: You can trust me, I am NOT a Doctor!!
  10. And which of all these suggestions will you opt for? Go to your Doctor; He/she will ask you questions and dependent on your answers will give Professional and appropriate advice.
  11. The confrontation occurs with the possibility of you being sarcastic or rude about something that is irritating, yes, but not important enough for you then to title that suggests ALL Thais maybe don't understand sarcasm (your perception of how your comment was received) or you overreacting in a way they might have been understood by them to be confrontational. You had no control over the person pushing in but you had the chance to be in control of yourself because in real life these small incidents achieve nothing except you venting your feelings. I readily agree that momentarily one may be angry, but I am not interested in seeking the risk of further trouble.
  12. Better to avoid confrontation and creating a scene!
  13. Where you are the only candidate?
  14. The first reason for wearing a helmet is not because of the law. it is the responsibility of the rider to protect against the possibility of a serious accident involving his head!!
  15. And while he is doing that perhaps you can tell us about your name that suggests both a male and female name side by side!
  16. Why is there confusion in this case as we understand it from the report? I think all Accident Insurance policies have an exclusion re motor cycles if not wearing a crash helmet. And I think this is justified! The man had a broken arm and some others cuts that as it happens, wearing a helmet or not had no connection in minimising those injuries! Coming from the UK he would know for sure that he wouldn't last five minutes there if not with a helmet before he was stopped! But this situation occurs with many foreigners regarding helmets - when in Thailand do as the Thais do!!
  17. I have been drinking plain water of the same kind for fifteen years and doesn't need filtering of any kind My wife and I consume through direct drinking as well as cooking and making ice for drinks In total, we get through 100 litres per month between us that costs us B180, that is delivered to our door. The taste is non-descript as I think it should be and proves to be entirely adequate for our hydration needs. Yes, of course, we make coffee and tea every day as well. I use tap water for shaving, washing hands and teeth brushing.
  18. AmbiEnce as it is known. But I am surprised you found it at 2am in Pattaya Shouldn't you be tucked up even safer in bed?
  19. I sympathise! But over 50 for you still hasn't yet arrived at me at 79. Can still do everything I could do when I was 25 - just slower!
  20. Yes, I see that here. But that page didn't come up to me - in fact I never did see that page. If that page did come up to me I have no post to write!! That is what you are missing!
  21. Most of what you said is irrelevant. What you like and what I like is obviously different. It is only your opinion that something is boring and not a fact. In any event, My OP is what actually happened and therefore is an account that has nothing do with your particular findings. The only lesson you need to learn from my first post is that an original return fare Chiang Mai To Krabi was B18,000 and I eventually found one at B10,000 which is NOT expensive!
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