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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. This is not the time to be thinking of yourself!
  2. The rules should be strict to the point of pitbulls being banned in Thailand as they are in many civilised countries!
  3. I think it is masculine, and whilst not charging, unless its an electric model, does require expensive maintenance to keep its throbbing up to scratch and for the appropriate levels of thrust!
  4. Don't shoot the messenger - the OP is right! Your position appears to suggest that doing nothing is a waste because the smog will kill your lungs anyway! Regular purposeful exercising helps resist environmental issues and contributes to maintaining a healthy immune system! I live under the same conditions here in Thailand as others. Arising from my regular exercising: biking, running, walking and working out on my home gym I enjoy perfect health, going through 80 years old last week, with feelings of not ever being specially affected by the air quality! I readily accept that many others do not enjoy what I have re my health and fitness!
  5. If size does matter, then a Harley throbbing between your legs is quite an expensive way of suggesting one is made of much more!
  6. Nothing to do with where I come from. I don't consider it "unacceptable", I consider it irresponsible. My comment remains valid!
  7. So you condone young children buying beer - and you too tired to go yourself? You wouldn't even need to run. A poor example from an irresponsible adult!
  8. What you know about me and two cents wouldn't get you a haircut! The time and attention, love and affection I enjoy are offered to me unreservedly. And I NEVER lie to anyone, even including you. Your "Best Regards" I consider to be disingenuous.
  9. Is it resurrection or reincarnation? Bob to Colin, Colin to Elvis and back to Bob! If I was an attention seeker, I think that is what I would do!
  10. Leave Jack alone!! He has had an adventure which might have been a lot worse. It doesn't mean he wasnt foolish and it doesn't mean all people including the police are wonderful and everything is right with Thailand again as this post suggests.
  11. Containing a lot of useful information!. If you don't have a liver, move on!
  12. It is true that the word farang is derived from the French word for foreigner in general terms but... From a Thai perspective, "farangs" are white - wherever they come from! Indian, Chinese, Middle-Eastern, or any black person is not a farang - wherever they come from.
  13. It is a kind of natural ending to my statement - look up the word sarcasm! I didn't say YOU are my mate - don't flatter yourself!
  14. Same to you, mate!
  15. The OP is nothing to do with not being able to afford it!
  16. I am not sure 'WE" are considered "lowly"; you maybe, but me , not remotely so by any Thai or Officialdom and as far as I know neither from other foreigners I have met in more than 22 years living in various parts of Thailand.
  17. It doesn't matter what you call things! I have lived here "permanently" for 22 years already! Effectively, only three times a year to organise 90 day as every year at extension time they do the fourth one automatically. And who except you and a few Officials will even know you have PR? I think it is fair to say that the benefits are minimal and for me completely unnecessary - how do you think your life will change by knowing you are a (formal) PR? Many people on this forum allow things to bug them when they are not even affected! Control yourself, manage others!
  18. In 1962, I bought a Ford Poplar for GBP5. I was 17 I didn't have a driving licence, I can't remember if the car was taxed or insured!! And in any case I couldn't drive it either. One day after my friend and another, together with three girls went for a spin on the recently opened M5 Not far, my friend lost control of it and the car turned over on its side and I remember vividly the sparks close to my ears - really scary. Minor injuries to all of us - cuts and bruises. Not long before the motorway police arrived and names and addresses taken and later questioned - no further action for me as the owner but the driver was cautioned I think! My first legit car was a second hand Ford van I bought in 1969 soon after getting married - then I was 24 and I learned to drive in that!
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