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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. you're born into this world in ketosis .. Keto works ! Keto-vore is even better ... Carnivore is even better than that 10-15-20 years no problem !
  2. and,,,, not everyone lives in a congested hustle bustle city living right on top of each other . some people have chosen to be in a more relaxed and rural area where their business stays their business remember the WWII saying .. same theory The phrase "Smoke 'em if you got 'em" or "Smoke if you got 'em" is slang for "do what you want, if you have the means". The first phrase was popular in the United States military during World War II, meaning to take a break. Officers would say "Smoke 'em if you got 'em", allowing the soldiers to take a break and smoke their cigarettes,
  3. they have to pay the staff .. and surley don't want a night shift so they make them stock the shelves during "working hours instead of standing around like lamposts gazing at their phones
  4. ha ! I'm all about science, facts and reality "an entire population wearing masks will slow the spread of a virus in said population." so in the real world, that means they get in on Friday instead of Tuesday same uneducated low intelligence unaware people will still take that face diaper off and handle it then sit at a table in a crowded restaurant and swap spoon spit and pla ra breath then put the same dirty useless diaper back on their pie hole don't blame me.. blame Xi
  5. when will they learn.. you buy cheap crap from "THERE" it will break, fail, stop working.. soon
  6. wouldn't it make more sense to give 'em a wiff while they are still being worn ?
  7. ying -yang .. pedulam swings to the left . then to the right .. Chinese tourists.. Russian Tourists they got ya comming and going
  8. pick one ........ too cheap to buy real napkins, NOT HISO.. ,They think a stain on the lower right leg of your shorts looks better ( wipe mouth with hand and wipe on shorts)
  9. Dumb,Stupid,Non Informed,Low Intelligence..just plain old wrong.. these masks do absolutely nothing to stop the spread of a potential virus BUT...they DO WORK on masking some Fugly people and a bad case of Pla Ra breath... not to mention .. I'll bet the farm this same official, will go to a dinner function and use the same spoon to fill his plate and pie hole from the same communal dish that 10 other people are alao sharing their spit with. Stupis is as stupid does
  10. quick fix method ? Did the atomic bomb turn sand into glass? Hoisted atop a 100-foot tower, a plutonium device, called "Gadget," detonated at precisely 5:30 am over the New Mexico desert, releasing 18.6 kilotons of power, instantly vaporizing the tower and turning the surrounding asphalt and sand into green glass, called "trinitite." Seconds after the explosion, an enormous ...
  11. that was a backdoor move so his $$ friends$$ the Chinese could get their hands on them
  12. our trash collectors were draining their veins on the opposite side of the street on pick up days .. i printed out the security cam photos and brought them over to the OBT office and had the wife lay into the boss..... nevered happened again
  13. ever notice that they stand at the back of the car or truck in full view of on comming traffic ...instead of going to the far side out of view
  14. Game changer .... # instead of constantly using creams and meds that do not cure change your diet !
  15. we as humans on a proper diet do not need veggies and or fiber ( ever do any research to see all the toxins in plants) ? we do not have a functioning secum like gorillas that convert fiber to saturated fat why do you think when you eat veg/fiber most if it exits as "waste" ? when you eat proper .. 98% of your intake red meat/eggs/fats etc are absorbed
  16. Bad seed oils Sugar Carbs ( Bread Rice Pasta etc etc ) Fiber as in useless veggies and Smoking MODERN Science ,, Red meat, Saturated fats,, are the way to go .. follow your ancestral diet !
  17. Seems to be a very nice Man .. nothing against him .. but on a professonal level .. especially as the Tranportation Secretary ... a useless individual maybe he should try his luck as a cookie shop clerk
  18. a gunshot wound to his left arm .... obviously needs more precise target training
  19. food for thought ...... The FAA is overseen by Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg what could possibly go wrong ..... ( very long list )
  20. Stop calling them migrants .. they are point blank illegal trespassers and I do belive in fair play ... at least 1 warning shot
  21. Stop calling them migrants .. they are point blank illegal trespassers and I do belive in fair play ... at least 1 warning shot
  22. ..and or they supply rubber sandals for you to wear ,, that have been worn by hundreds of people who's feet are right out of their own dirty fungus filled sandals.. even better watch how many people take a seat then remove the sandals and put their feet up on the chair.

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