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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. You should of went there, knocked out the entire family and give them a reason to charge you with assualt.

    Are you a University Don(z) - ie A college or university professor?

    nope. I was never smart enough

    Thats pretty obvious :o:D

  2. Fair enough and an obviously honest response.However my comment was really directed at those clearly in denial.I was once in the same position myself on a UK forum thus no sense of superiority on my part.However the bottom line is that most prolific posters have an addiction problem though many are in denial.Even if you are out of work or have unsocial hours, there are loads of better things to do than tap tap tap tap away on the PC (and I don't mean just boozing or partying).Forums such as TV are useful and can be fun but as in all things moderation is better.

    Ohhh yes i am completely in denial, but i dont know about what! Your a qualified doctor of internet psycology are you? :D

    Please please please tell me with your infinite wisdom, what i could possibly do at 4am in the morning other than tap tap tap on my keyboard? I would really appreciate some suggestions on pastimes that are available at this time in the morning. Perhaps i could take up kite flying ohhhh i know maybe star gazing. I might even be able to keep the wife happy by doing some ironing.

    I shall spell this out nice and clearly for you. I can finish work in the early hours of the moring, and like any person i like to come home and unwind for a couple of hours. Most people who finish at 5pm come home and put on the idiot box and thats why tv from 6pm to 9 pm is known as prime time, as this is when most people are watching, and when the most watchable programs are on.

    To sum up, i may spend too much time on here, and that is your business why exactly? Are you my wife? Are you a friend of mine? I think not.

    I personally think you are just a troll, which is a lot worse than a prolific poster, because i dont post to get a response, i post becaue i enjoy it, and i do believe the really sad people on forums are the trolls like you.

    So thanks to Tip for defending my post rate :D And to everyone else i ask you to ignore this obvious troll and maybe he will crawl back to that other forum, from whence he came.

    Muppet :o

  3. I'm surprised you have time for real life with over 3000 posts in less than one year.No offence but yo've got some hard thinking to do mate about your priorities in life.I'd take the piss but it's too sad.

    Sorry for stepping in for you, Dale. Can't help myself. Seems there's some foul air blowing this direction lately.

    Let's do the math here . . . 3,026 posts, or 9.4 posts per day. Given that Dale specializes in one-liners and we assume 5 minutes to browse through a thread and post. That comes out to . . . 47 minutes per day. O.K., O.K., let's not be so ultra conservative and call it 10 minutes per post. Double the 47 minutes and we're up to about 1-1/2 hours. I would think most people spend much more time than that watching TV (television, that is) every day.

    Awww, why am I even bothering with the little dcik, Dale??? :D

    Thanks for that Tip.

    Indeed ######,cough i mean arsenal.Although i dont need to justify myself to such an idiot, i will explain to you how it works, i might have to use words of more than one syllable, will you be ok with that?

    I work very unusal hours, which gives me a lot of free time at odd hours of the night and day, when there is little else i can do. For example it is now 0744 on Sunday morning, what would you suggest i be doing now? There is nothing on the idiot box worth watching, and i watch very little tv becasue it is mind numbing <deleted>, so i come on here to post some opinions and have a laugh.

    So tell me ######, how much tv do you watch a day? Is it more then 1 to 2 hours a day? I bet it is. Well i substitute that time for time on here to have conversations and disscussion with intelligible people, so really i can count you out of that last comment

    You say you are surprised i have time for a real life. Well i count working 50 hours a week in a full time job and about to be a dad for the first time a real life. Wouldnt you?

    Really if you are going to insult fellow members, try getting your facts straight befoe you attack them. You need to ask yourself who is the sadder person, the one who comes on here and contributes to a forum community or the one who comes on here to insult. I do believe you have enough of a brain to answer that one for yourself, then carry on and look in a mirror and you will see who is the sad one. :o

  4. IAgree.gifGoodPost.gifImWithStupid.gif


    . . . except that I wish you had more to say, Dale. Seemed to me you were just picking up steam. My rule of thumb when posting is to lengthen it just enough to make it the only reading material needed for your next trip to the water closet under even the most severest of circumstances.


    Thats about as far as i can get tip, any longer and my mind starts to wander and then the post makes no sense whatsoever. :o:D

  5. I used to post almost exclusively in the General forum. But then I discovered another forum that appealed to me more. :o I've since changed a lot. Or maybe another part of me became activated? :D Or, as Daleyboy once mentioned, you've been around long enough to let your hair down.

    I still enjoy the General forum, although some of the topics become endlessly repetitious after awhile. Which is to be expected. Still, more than enough good topics to choose from. And you can always create your own.

    Lately, however, there's been an influx of a whole army of newbies, which is great for TV. That's a testament to the quality of this site and the admin and moderators deserve a lot of praise for that. But it also makes it harder to 'bond' with members since there are so many new nicks everyday.

    Which is why I like the forum I frequent now. It's populated with the usual suspects, so to speak. That gives you a chance to become familiar with certain members and develop a rapport with them. Which leads to teasing, friendly bashings, whimsical and comical remarks, retorts, wisecracks, comebacks, rejoinders and such. Silliness, of course, but fun. I don't want to be serious all the time. After all, TIT, and seriousness is discouraged. :D

    The "Missing Kayo Thread" is a hoot . . . if you know all the posters. The humourous side of you can't help but come out. Which in turn affects and infects everyone else and then the entire process continues to snowball. Rain is the same, although I don't frequent that thread. But there are scores of other threads which are similar; inane topics for the sole purpose of making people laugh and smile.

    If you want seriousness, stroll on over to Thailand News clippings. Now that forum literally puts me to sleep. Same old same old for me. News never changes. Same old worn out travesties day in and day out, year in and year out. But then again there's quite a bit of activity there, so it does appeal to many others.

    In any case, there's more than enough here at TV to suit just about anyone, and if it doesn't then make your own mark. Simply be yourself, who you are, and you'll then find yourself to be a fit anywhere. But there's nothing to complain about, really. I guess you could moan about anything if you really want to, though. I know you're not complaining, Maigo6, simply wondering what's changed in this forum. TV, as with anything, continues to evolve. Some players retire (or are forced to retire), new faces appear, and the forums continually expand to broaden the choices. All for the best. :D

    Good post tip

    There is enough seriousness in real life without worrying about it online as well. I dont know about everyone else but i come on here mainly to have a laugh, and to try and make other people laugh.

    I do very occasionally post something serious, if i want to gleen some info for my upcoming holiday, or the birth of my child for instance.

    Likewise i do post in serious threads when i feel i have somthing to add. But my main source of enjoyment from Tv is to have a laugh and a joke with the people i get on well with.

    Really if you want to post something serious post it in general topics or the news section. Read the title of this forum

    Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life.

    Now that title says to me, this is a virtual pub, and you come in to have a bit of fun and entertainment. Now when i go into a pub, i have a laugh with my mates and generally talk <deleted> for a couple of hours, and very rarely is there anything serious said, i save that for "real life"

    So i guess i am saying if you dont like the topics in here, either start your own or go away and post somewhere else(my polite way of saying <deleted> off) :D

  6. A gun is a tool just like a hammer. A hammer can be used to build a beauiful house or bash in a skull and take a life. A gun can be used to take an innocent life or protect/save a life. It's up to the individual user how the tool is used. :D

    Sorry but that is utter arse. A gun isnt a tool, it is a killing weapon, a gun has no other use other than to kill. Seriously get a grip on reality. It isnt designed to hammer nails in or knock a wall down its sole purpose for existence is to kill other living things.

    A gun cannot be used to save a life, yes your life maybe but in the process you are taking another life. :o

  7. Bags of loot? Drugs? money, or all three..... If he had stopped and was caught in possession then big trouble and the slammer...as it is he will probably be charged (if found) with failing to stop and disobeying the BIB.

    Exactly, and i know hwich one i would rather be charged with. The police wont be able to do very much to him without any evidence. :o

    They know to watch him now at any rate, not to mention prob the possibility of being black listed.

    I still think i would rather be black listed than spend 30 years in the hilton :D

  8. Where can I find Lampard :D

    Lampard is the farang connection.

    You can find his mug at the top and bottom of most of the pages,as he is a sponsor of the site.

    Check the issan forum for the farang connection, and you surely will find hm. Mind he is a bit old and senile and you might have to shout. But from all accounts he stocks the best western fare in Thailand, and if he aint got it then no one will

    Heres your man

    http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showuser=14019 :o And tell him i referred you,and i want to claim my free breakfast, and my free bottle of robinsons squash :D

  9. I think Monty mentioned long haul truck drivers as a good temp job. I agree. Pretty good pay, long hours, and many jobs available. Plus, driving long haul, there's no need to have an apartment (because you're on the road all the time) and you don't need a car. So you can save a lot of money.

    I know a couple of guys that do this in the uk. They live in Thailad six months a year, then come back to the uk, and work for the same company and they live in their lorries for 6 months a year. No council tax or rent. They have showers in the yard i used to work in, also have a cooker and microwave in the canteen. Their only expense is taking their washin to a laundry once a week and their food. :D

    Persoanlly i could never do that, i used to sleep in a lorry 4 nights a week and tha was more than enough for me. Too cold in the winter, too hot in the summer, very cramped. And if you are not a really tidy person it can soon become pretty uncomfortable in there :o

  10. Kerry mate, i wouldnt be seen dead in a bmw, so i dont think you have to worry aabout bmw being me. :o

    Dull and overcast today :D

    Another great day in Pattaya, so I'm told. Me head is aching a wee bit too much to expose it to any bright sunshine or cheerful people :D:D:D

    Apparently it's not RAINing though, and no (major) waterfights going on yet.

    HAPPY HAPPY PEOPLE, I HOPE YOUR HEAD DOSENT HURT TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  11. Finally did it my wife and I booked our tickets to Thailand. We leave May 3rd and arrive May 4th in Bangkok. Hope to see some the TV member around maybe stage a piss-up who knows. Anyone have any good recommendations for guesthouses near the airport reasonably priced? Yes I have googled it and searched it on the forum. Just want to get some of your honest opinions on the guesthouses maybe one with a long stay option around 250-400 a day or 6,000-9,000 a month.

    Why do you want to stay near the airport? There are much nicer areas of town to stay in, and a lot closer to the attractions/nightlife/restaurants :o And if you want to rent long term, why a guesthouse? Get an apartment

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