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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. I would like to point out for accuracy sake the photo is not of SA KAEW city, but of the Cambodian border some 45 km to the east. Having spent a good deal of time in province with many day trips into Sa Kaew city, I have to agree with individual quoted at the bottom of the article that it is a typical sleepy Thai provincial town. As with the rest of Thailand and virtually the rest of world, modern times have brought its share of crime and unsavory characters.

    Please note the Singaporean gentleman was shot by a “Taiwanese ex-employee”. Having spent a good bit of time in China and seen several disgruntled employees get violent, I am not overly surprised.


    I have to agree with this. The wife and her family live very near Sa kaew and we spend alot of time there, and i have never seen any problems with guns. It also isnt exactly a border town. :o

  2. post-16137-1144380225_thumb.jpg

    Ohhh that was nice of you kerry to put a picture of yourself up. Your the one on the right i reckon :o I see you shaved the beard off and just kept the tache :D

    Quite grey today in Bristol, maybe sunshine later, bbut quite warm :D

  3. Easy solution. Just eat cabbage and beans before you go out, and dont shower. After a couple of farts you will find you have half a carriage to yourself and have a choice on where you want to sit :D

    Now obviously i have never done this,its just what my wife tells me :o:D

  4. And if you plan on riding a motorbike DONT, there are lots of idiots that think its funny to throw buckets of water at you while travelling at speed. Happened to me round CM a couple of years ago, almost took me off my bike twice. :o

  5. Will it Rain in Bangkok this evening?

    I find it incredible that at this point 37,724 have viewed this post - including me! How has it survived this long?

    Lots of Brits posting here mate, and you know how we love to moan about the weather. Then you have the likes of Kerryd who like to rub it in about how hot it is in Thailand.

    Another lovely day today btw :o

  6. Flown with them a couple of times, and everytime was always with a small incident or another. I only chose them because at the time i could get a return business class for £540 which aint bad at all.

    Now the first time i flew, they were on time the plane was ok and we stopped at Frankfurt for 1 hour then Dahka for 2 hours then onto bkk, all this was ok as being business class you had all the decent lounges. On the way back however was a different matter. Took off ok landed at Dahka, and as we were touching down the inner window fell out :D 1 hour there then take off, then what the agent forgot to tell me was we were having stops at Dubai, Rome and Frankfurt on the way back :o

    Yes i know a sucker for punishment, flew with them again 6 months later, thought it cant be that bad again, how wrong could i be. Same journey out, no hitches, same route. On the way back we were just taxiing(sp) along the runway at Dahka when we made an emergency stop, the captain came on and said there was minor problem with the wing. We sat on the runway for about 1hr, next thing i see 3 men on the wing with a <deleted> welder. At this point i just closed my eyes necked 5 valiums and hoped for the best, woke up just as we were landing at heathrow.

    Moral of the story.......dont fly biman fly with Ethiad much better by such a long way :D

  7. thank you!! :D my bank account is 427398749797297ioaohoruo927947979

    You can go back to Bedlam now Glauka, and leave RAIN (and daleyboy) alone ! :D

    You still won't get "The Last Word", but at least you won't be getting "rogered with the business end of a pineapple" either !

    (it could have been worse, he could have threatened you with a Durian ! :o

    Oi are you trying to imply i threatened Galuka with the business end of a pineapple? Because if you are i do believe you should get you facts straight, matey, re read the thread, i at no point threatened anyone with the placing of fruits in orrifices.

    So please refrain from slurring my great reputation here at TV :D

    Beautiful sunshine btw at 0808 this morning :D

  8. Same problem here, cannot edit my posts anymore. Is the 30 min limit a joke ?

    Not a great feature.

    It is a good feature, otherwise you could post, someone else responds to that post, then you read what they have written and then decide you didnnt want to say that, so then go back and edit it, therefore leaving a thread that would probably make no sense, especially if a few posters did the same thing in the same thread :o

  9. After a few requests to have pictures removed, i have decided to remove the entire album from view. It is unfortunate to have to do this, but after certain problems, i think it is the best interest of everyone invloved in the album and the forum just to delete it completely.

    Its a shame this has to be done but unfortunately because of a few it has spoiled it for the rest of us :o

    It is nice though to put faces to a few names. :D

    Could a mod or admin please remove all the pictures that are contained within this thread

  10. Daleyboy is really Pool Cleaner.

    What you doing over here ? :D

    :D In England we dont have pools because it rains all the time :D As it is now

    Thought you gone to sign on Doleyboy.

    Even though i am currently between jobs, :o i dont sign on. Never have and i never will. I am not a scouser you know, i come from down south :D

    Q. What do you call a scouser in a suit ?

    A. The accused.. :D

    Q. What do you say to a scouser on a bike?

    A. Stop thief :D

    Q. What do you say to a scouser in a uniform?

    A. Big mac and fries :D

  11. Daleyboy is really Pool Cleaner.

    What you doing over here ? :D

    :D In England we dont have pools because it rains all the time :D As it is now

    Thought you gone to sign on Doleyboy.

    Even though i am currently between jobs, :o i dont sign on. Never have and i never will. I am not a scouser you know, i come from down south :D

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