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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. And so you should!! And i am sure with your 6' 8" you can "melt into the crowd" very easily!!

    Yeah i move silently and without notice, bit like a baby elephant in a china shop :o

    BTW just to keep it on topic, bloody cold miserable and wet :D

  2. Infant Milk in Thailand

    Daley, I checked a couple of the larger stores in Pattaya and the following infant milk formulae are available here. If you do an Internet search and you might find more info and be able to select the most appropriate. Good luck.

    Ready Mixed Formulae

    Vitamilk X

    Dumex 1 and 3 (Used by my daughter when she was 6 months old)

    Hi-Q 1 and 3 (Also used by my daughter)

    Nestlés “Advance”

    Mead-Johnson’s “Alacta-NF”

    Powder Formulae

    Nestlés NAN

    Nestlés “Lactogen”

    Abbot Laboratories “S-26 Gold”

    Enfalac Infant Formula

    Dumex 1 and 3

    Hi-Q 1 and 3



    Abbot Laboratories “Pediasure”

    Wyeth “Infant Formula” (Singapore)

    Thank you very much for taking the time to research that for me, thats great, i think i may owe you a beer when i get to Thailand in July. Will be popping into patters for a week to catch up with a few members so beers are on me :o

  3. A balmy 26 degrees here ... Daley, you are not seriously going to take Diddy Daleyboy playing pool at 3 months old, are you?

    Dont be silly, he is too small to reach the table, i am taking him to look at the ladies instead :o:D

  4. My wifey's sister has a little club called Mojo's on the same strip. Great place for a game of pool since it's generally dead

    Sunshiny day here. :D

    Always up for a few games of pool mate, so that sounds like a good plan, and if its quiet i am sure Joe can come along and look at the ladies while we play pool :o

    Rain today :D

  5. Gas through the window was a popular method used upcountry about 10 or so years ago. There was a gang robbing villagers homes in the KK area.

    At that time I was told the gang would put a hose in through the window, wait a while until the occupants were knocked out and then break in with bolt croppers and jimmy bars.

    Gas is used alot in the robbery of lorries as well, the guy goes to sleep, someone then puts a hose in the air inlet for the night heater, knocks the guy out, then breaks into the cab throws the driver out and steals the lorry. It has happened to a couple of drivers i know, not robbed in the U.K but on the continent. :o

  6. I'm moving in a week and knowing my luck we'll have a freak snow storm!! God, I hate moving - packing, packing, packing... :o

    They say it's more stressful than divorce..

    Little tip for you.

    Get some shrink wrap, sort of like cling film but bigger. Dont take everything out of your draws, but simply take the the whole draw out and shrink wrap it, thats what i do whenever i have moved house, it saves hours on packing, i can move an entire house, packed and unpacked in less than a day easy :D

    BTW looks like it is going to rain again today :D

  7. My name is Michael and I just moved here. I've been coming here for years and finally moved here. Can some one point me in the right direction for meeting people? I can't seem to find any sites that have farangs on it.



    At the next pissup you could/can meet people. When is the next pissup? George? :D:D

    Yeah sometime between the 25th June and the 25th July would be GREAT :o

  8. Dept. of Transport Information Release.

    Due to the nature of the quality of driving in England the Department of

    Transport has now devised a new scheme in order to identify poor drivers and

    give good drivers the opportunity to recognise them whilst driving.

    For this reason as from the middle of May 2006 those drivers who are found

    to be driving badly which includes:

    -overtaking in dangerous places;

    -hovering within one inch of the car in front;

    -stopping sharply;

    -speeding in residential areas;

    -pulling out without indication;

    -performing U turns inappropriately in busy high streets; -under taking on motorways and -taking up more than one lane in multi lane roads,

    These drivers will be issued with flags, white with a red cross, signifying

    their inability to drive properly. These flags must be clipped to a door of

    the car and be visible to all other drivers and pedestrians.

    Those drivers who have shown particularly poor driving skills will have to

    display a flag on each side of the car to indicate their greater lack of

    skill and general lower intelligence mind set to the general public.

    Please circulate this to as many other motorists as you can so that drivers

    and pedestrians will be aware of the meaning of these flags.

    Department of Transport.

  9. I can't seem to find any sites that have farangs on it.



    Well you have found a site with 30000+ memebrs, alot of whom live in Thailand, so i am sure you will make lots of friends on here that will be more than happy to meet up with you for a drink or 2. :o

    So welcome to Thai visa :D

  10. Thanks mate, now i know they dont sell farleys, do you know what brands are available? Hoping to get him changed over before we get to Thailand, but it might just be as easy to bring 3 or 4 tins with us, if they allow it. I remeber watching a program awhile back, when foot and mouth was a problem and they banned all powdered milk from leaving the country, dont know if those rules still stand, anybody know? :o

    I can't see any problem about bringing some milk powder with you. The foot and mouth restrictions have been relaxed for some time now but there is always a query about taking foodstuffs into the UK. When do you plan to arrive in Thailand?.......Let me know and I'll have a look at what's available here for you. My daughter was born in Thailand; she is now a strapping and healthy 4-year old and has been raised on 'Dumex' throughout.......Our kids are worth the best.

    We arrive on the 25th June, so he will be 7 weeks and 4 days old. We are just worried about changing formula, along with the heat and humidity, just worried it will be alot of upset for him. :D

  11. We always stay around th Ratchada area. They have some great markets, and like Alex said some superb seafood restaurants, especially the huge outdoor one, that also has live music. Couple of half decent nightclubs as well.

    Most of my wifes friends live up around this way as well as they all used to work together in the palazzo hotel, which by the way is a very nice hotel, not sure what the prices are these days, but we used to get staff discount, but they stopped that so we now stay at the ratcahda city hotel.

    As for the naughty side, not too sure as i have never been in any of these places, other than for a drink, but they were extremely expensive, so i imagine the girls are the same :o

    We also used to live at wattana mansion which for the money was pretty resonable, only trouble was there were quite a few "eastern European" girls staying there, i think they all "worked" at the posiedun(sp) club :D

  12. It would be good if we could have a comprehensive list of available brands in Thailand. I asked a question awhile back about availability of farleys, which no one answered, so any chance of getting some brand names? so i know if i can get the same milk in the uk before we come or if i need to bring a ready supply. :o

    Hi Daley, no "Farleys" in Thailand mate but there are some excellent and equivalent alternatives, both in powder form and ready prepared. No need to bring our own but I can understand your desire to maintain the same formula.

    You might find that the same company markets the equivalent of "Farleys" here but under a different name, as "Farleys" might be difficult for Thai people to pronounce...or even mean something rude in Thai.

    Thanks mate, now i know they dont sell farleys, do you know what brands are available? Hoping to get him changed over before we get to Thailand, but it might just be as easy to bring 3 or 4 tins with us, if they allow it. I remeber watching a program awhile back, when foot and mouth was a problem and they banned all powdered milk from leaving the country, dont know if those rules still stand, anybody know? :D

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