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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. How can it possibly be 6 months when you didnt even join the forum till January :D:D


    indeed.. after some investigation it seems that the topic was started on 2006-02-22 09:48:32...

    So that would be a grand total of 1 month and 20ish days !

    totster :D

    :o Come on now KY stop telling such easily found out porkies :D

  2. I dont think there is an offical line on this one. I have posted on several forums, without any problems. The problems arise when posters go round slating TV and tryng to poach members by using TV as an advertisng tool for other forums.

    There are lots of members here that are also members of other forums, me included, and have never had problems with bannings. All that you hear about that is bullshit sour grapes on the part of banned members. They would rather cry into their beers and moan rather than just get on with life in their new forums :o

  3. That looks great lampy, make sure you save a couple of those breakfasts for me, minus the booze of course. :D

    Yeah....I'll have a glass of Robinsons Gripe Water standing by :D

    :o I will need two of those, pne for the baby and one for me :D

  4. Can't say i've seen the Winstone film in question, but 'Sexy Beast' is immense.

    Me and a mate of mine quoted lines from that film on the piss for months after we saw it, still do occasionally!!!

    Ben Kingsley is the star IMO.

    'Are you gonna do the job? yes or no?'


    '<deleted>*k you, you're doin' it you cu*t'



    Scum is an old film, with a very young Ray winstone. A true classic that you should definately see :o

  5. :o

    how much of a tip do people normaly leave daleyboy...

    perhaps i had better start saving right now... :D

    or better still i will just stay and avoid all costs :D

    Well its done on a sliding scale mate.

    Boys in blue charge 2000 baht tip or 2 crates of chang or 3 bottles of wine

    Boys and girls in red charge 1000 baht tip or 1 crate of chang or 1 bottle of wine

    As for the rest of us plebs we just charge a sense of humour and a laugh. :D

    Staying is always the best option, too many stalkers round these parts that will track you down if you try to leave :D

  6. Prob should hit Nana, Pat Pong, and Soi Cowboy - just for a lark. (tourist attraction purposes) :D

    :D Yeah sure this will do loads for promotion prospects. :D

    Personally i would take him out for some local street grub and then judge what type of bloke he is. He might even suggest that you goto nana or patpong. But i certainly wouldnt offer to take him there without prompting :o:D

  7. It seems the only thing you drink is Robinsons or the odd fanta!!


    Thats me :D

    I dont drink hot drinks of any sort, i dont drink alcohol, i dont like plain water or fizzy mineral water, i only drink fanta when i have no choice, i dont drink other fizzy drinks coke pepsi etc.

    I can pretty much tell the difference between differnt squash brands, and if they are sugar free or not. Ohhh dear how sad am i? No need for an answer.

    Ohh i do like a nice glass of ice cold milk :o

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