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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Well i gave up a 60 a day roll up habit one week after i found out the wife was pregenant. Went to the docs and she did the carbon monoxide test and put me on a 3 month course of patches, starting with the 15mg then 10mg then finally 5mg.

    I had always promised myself i would give up smoking by the time i was 30, and i have done it. To be honest the only difference i noticed in my health was no cough anymore, and a better sense of taste and smell.

    I havent really been tempted to go back to it, but i have had dreams where i am smoking, then woke up in a hurry looking for burning smokes in my bed :o

    So keep it up geroge, and dont have those bloody party smokes. Just avoid going out for a couple of months, and then you will find it alot easier. :D

  2. I heard women are often confused when they talk to Totster :o:D

    Confused woman are the only kind that will talk to tots mate :D:D

    LOL actually i think i am the confused one, i meant to say blind not confused :D

  3. Well 0550 and the sun is already trying to break though :D Warm and sunny today i reckon :D

    I concur !

    totster :D

    Why are you up so early? I have an excuse, newborn baby, so whats yours? Or are you just coming in you dirty stop out? :D

    W*rking ! :D

    totster :D

    Bummer :D On such a lovely day as well and a bloody saturday. I feel so sorry for you :o:D

  4. Well 0550 and the sun is already trying to break though :D Warm and sunny today i reckon :D

    I concur !

    totster :D

    Why are you up so early? I have an excuse, newborn baby, so whats yours? Or are you just coming in you dirty stop out? :o

  5. I really dont see how this is so funny.

    How easy it is to laugh at another's misfortune. A crime actually took place here. He was lucky that he wasn't physically harmed.

    Are you so immune to crimes being committed and insensitive that situations like this poor guy found himself in now becomes some sort of joke? Or is it so funny because he is gay and you are all bigots?

    Endure I was surprised by your reaction but maybe you think he got what he deserved.

    Should we make fun of another's misfortune? You will know the answer to that when you are on the receiving end. Then I guess you will know if it is funny or not.

    I think you will find, no one is laughing at the blokes misfortune, but rather the way its reported. I just read the report, i found not the content but the way that content was written to be very funny, and i dont see anyone slating the bloke. :o

    I mean come on who didnt find the rusty potal bit funny? :D

  6. Just as the question says. We have just had our first son in the uk and will be travelling to Thailand at the end of June and i was wondering if we can buy farleys food in Thai?

    I am sure i asked a similar question ages ago, but i am useless when it comes to the search function, so thought i would repost :o

  7. Not good mate :D pretty grey and bloody miserable. Hoping for better though. Still 4 days to go till baby is due so i wont be caring much about the weather when that happens :D

    You've got a new baby on the way, and are still planning on coming to LOS in July ?

    (glad I won't be sitting next to you on the plane !) :D

    It hasn't RAINed here all day ! As I am going out soon, I expect a downpour any minute now though :D

    Actually we are coming at the end of June mate, and yes i am going to be one of those people i hate so much on the plane :D But he will be newborn mate so as long as he is fed and dry then they dont tend to cry very much, well fingers crossed. :o

    Came out sunny this afternoon by the way :D

  8. Warm and sunny all day today in Bristol :D Shorts and t shirt weather

    Beautifully gorgeous weather here in Tak province........ as per normal :D

    How is Bristol today Daleyboy?? :o

    Not good mate :D pretty grey and bloody miserable. Hoping for better though. Still 4 days to go till baby is due so i wont be caring much about the weather when that happens :D

  9. Have sent a message to Lampard there too. The menu is wonderful. I feel ill now :o

    And I got it.....................................the good thing is though, with the Thailand postal service,I could send you some processed Cheddar and by the time it gets to you it will look and smell like Danish Blue. :D

    Would you like some of the Roast Lamb and mint sauce as well. Or how about a huge Cornish Pasty.

    I personally would reccomend the Cottage Pie, topped with melted cheddar, or even my own design Cordon Blue. Two Wiener Schnitzels packed with Paris Ham and Danish Blue cheese. :D:D:D:D

    Now thats just mean :D

    Funny you should mention roast lamb. Thats exactly what i am having for dinner tonight, a lovley leg of welsh lamb, with roast spuds and all the trimmings. :D

  10. 4 days without anyone posting a weather update, then 3 in one day. I think ol' daleyboy has been asleep at the switch (to busy trying on dresses ?)

    I think he's been busy making last minute plans for his imminent arrival into fatherhood...

    In his absense though - Id like to say that it has been raining in bristol in the last hour - just very finely drizzling now - now a break in the clouds is beginning to show

    Yeah sorry about not posting the weathr in Bristol for a few days, rio is right lots of things on my mind. :o

    I am sure Rio can deputise for me if i am not seen posting, after all he only lives down the road so i am sure the weather will still be the same there. :D

    Ohh its still raining by the way :D

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