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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Thailands seasons are certainly less defined compared to western Europe for instance. We have very obvious seasons, of Winter,autum,spring and summer. Where Thailand is only hot, hot and wet or dry and really hot. I also believe if you give it a few months you will aclimatise(sp) at least thats what i have found when i have stayed for extended periods,gradually cut down on the ac and then move over to the fan. :D

    Shame the wife cant do the same in the uk. To her its alwas cold :o

  2. Pissin down.

    At an Uncle's funeral today so, apt I suppose. Rip Uncle Ian. :D


    Best wishes to you and yours today mate :D

    Cheers fella, appreciated. :D

    Bring back the sun you lot, I was enjoying it. Someone do a dance or sometin.!


    Something that will cheer you up mate, look in the last word, i have given a definition of that word you wanted to know about :o

  3. For that sort of money, any of the 5 star hotels on Sukhumvit should suit your needs.

    The landmark is very nice, stayed there a few times, nice pool.

    Windsor suites hotel is also very nice again with a great pool.

    You have got the marriot as well

    Loads of choice really, check out the bangkok forum, and look at the top of the page at the links for hotels :o

    http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7017 heres the link

  4. The Rain Thread. Hands down. :D

    After that, any thread that I've started. :D

    Rain is the most posted on, as for the best thread, well there are just so many. Personally i enjoyed the "are all american football players pussies" thread in bedlam. Good fun from both the English,New zealand and Aussie rugby perspective and the American "football" perspective :o:D

    Agreed. And you're a good sport there, Dale, since you guys lost the argument. :D Pussies! :D

    lol No we just know how much you Americans whinge if you dont get your own way. :D:D

    I would also state,thinking about it the best thread that had the most impact on me was the one one by Richardb. I posted the link in the saddest story thread but here it is again. Get over the first page or two and then read the story


    I think this story should never be forgotten :D

  5. The Rain Thread. Hands down. :D

    After that, any thread that I've started. :D

    Rain is the most posted on, as for the best thread, well there are just so many. Personally i enjoyed the "are all american football players pussies" thread in bedlam. Good fun from both the English,New zealand and Aussie rugby perspective and the American "football" perspective :o:D

  6. I love Irn Bru. Some people dont ,some do. But it is a great hangover cure. I for one wish we could get it here.

    If you stopped the booze mate you wouldnt need the Bru :o:D

    I reckon i should take orders for food and drinks that people want brought over, for a small extra charge of course :D

  7. Reminds me of Bangkok 1985, when it rained for 36 hours.

    The ground floor of my house was underwater, and so was Silom Road.

    It is a pity you did not say where you are??? :D

    LOL me and Rus were still both in primary school in 1985. Your showing your age now astral :o:D

  8. Well i very rarely drink. And in my life i have probably been drunk 5 times. But the funniest for everyone apart from the owners of a mexican restaurant in Bristol was when 40 of us went there to celebrate my 23rd birthday. we had the whole top floor booked out for a big sit down dinner. Trouble is most of the group had already been drinking quite heavily and werent really interested in eating.

    Anyway i was sat right in the corner near the balcony and therefore impossible for me to get out. Now all my friends know i dont usually drink so when i told them i was going to get drunk, there was a rush at the bar to buy me drinks, and within half an hour i had consumed all sorts. One of my friends later told me after the 6th tequilla, i was downing cocktails, shorts, wine,beer and anything else that was put in front of me. I went from sober to almost unconcious(sp) in about 1 hour. After awhile i started to feel very warm, then the sick feeling started to come over me, and with nowhere to run my friend gave me a empty pitcher jug which i promptly threw up in. Everyone found this highly amusing especially when i started waving it around and singing drunk songs.

    I stated to feel a bit better so decided to order food along with about 10 other people. The owner wasnt too happy about this as we were taking up alot of his seatng and we were just drinking, but we assured him the drinks would keep flowing and he wouldnt miss the food revenue. So i started eating, BIG mistake, i hadnt even finished my first burrito, when that sick feeling came over me again. This time no pitcher jug, so i had to decide if it was going over me and my friends or over the balcony. I decided on the latter. :o I rained down chunks all over the bar staff and all the customers stood at the bar :D With this the owner came running up the stairs and proceeded to kick us out. I was carried out completely out of it, and one of my friends went back in to get the bill.

    We were charged £600 for 2 hours worth of drinking. After this i was carried across the road to one of the girls houses that was out with us. I was then put on a sofa, and while my friend mary was stood in front of me i puked all down her legs and on her lovely rug. :D

    In the end they left me passed out in the bath and they all fcuked of out to a club without me :D lesson learned, dont mix your drinks, and make sure you sit near the toilet :D

  9. All part of the sterile Thai Visa approach, which is overseen by overly P.C mods.

    Well theres always that other forum, with no moderation, and all that happens there is every single thread ends in a slanging match. :o At the end of the day, rules is rules and if you dont want to follow them its upto the mods to sort the problem out. We all step out of line at some time or another but most of us learn that when a mod says enough is enough, then its wise to take note. :D Added to he fact that the other topic was over 2 yeas old and half the people who contributed to that thread have either left or been banned. :D

  10. thank you so much for wanting to help me.

    I just got in contact with her and things are o.k. now.

    i won't bother you with the long story.....

    Thank you again.


    Thank Christ for that.........I hate to hear grown men crying down my phone :D

    Yeah i am sure its better for business for them to be crying into one of your beers!!! :o:D

    You got my robinsons yet mate? 44 days and counting :D

  11. (highly recommended by Kurgen) :D

    Is that a good thing? :o:D

    Oh yes Kurgen think so.... :D

    The only times I have ventured into Jennies was to drag "dancing" Davethailand away from the himshe's. :D

    yeah yeah, thats not what the pictures show :D:D

  12. Have a good time. Keep your hand on your wallet, dont fall in love and you will be fine :D Ohhh and please be respectful to the Thai people, bit of respect and dont let down your fellow countrymen :D

    Read a bit on here about customs and do's and donts. :o

  13. Can you not see the <deleted> precipitation clouds in my picture? You wanna borrow a pair of glasses, you dirty little felcher :D

    I have no idea <deleted> that means (felcher?) but if you're arguing about who's picture has the most potential rain, I win hands down.

    If I remember rightly it was spitting.......... :D

    Zip sniffer.


    haha. I cant believe you pretend to not know what a felcher is. Look it up on wikipedia. Caution not for the weak of stomach :D

    BTW quite mild in Bristol today, no rain and a bit of sunshine :o

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