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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. It would be good if we could have a comprehensive list of available brands in Thailand. I asked a question awhile back about availability of farleys, which no one answered, so any chance of getting some brand names? so i know if i can get the same milk in the uk before we come or if i need to bring a ready supply. :o

  2. Sorry mate, bit belated but happy birthday :D I might even buy you a beer when i see you. :o

    Thanks........but I'll stick to the Robinsons you're bringing. :D

    I thought you were getting ME some. I thought you were the man that can, guess not, looks like i will have to bring my own juice :D anything else you want bringing over? If you ask nicely and i have room in the cases i might bring you something over :D:D

    Pkts of birds instant custard.

    Not a problem mate, they weigh nothing, so i am sure i will find room in my bag for a few packets for you :D

  3. If you are into snooker there are quite a few places i play in around suk soi 7, you never see farang in these places, as they are only frequented by taxi drivers and the police, but as i know quite a few of the coppers, i usually hang in the club they play in :o

    Forgot to mention they also have a great little prawn fishing place round the corner, and the last time we were there they had a huge western food festival on, with the singers and all that as well, i also believe it was attended by some of the big international schools who put shows on :D

  4. Sorry mate, bit belated but happy birthday :D I might even buy you a beer when i see you. :o

    Thanks........but I'll stick to the Robinsons you're bringing. :D

    I thought you were getting ME some. I thought you were the man that can, guess not, looks like i will have to bring my own juice :D anything else you want bringing over? If you ask nicely and i have room in the cases i might bring you something over :D:D

  5. UPDATE: I've offered the dude 10k/month and he's ok with that.

    Thanks for all the comments. They really soothed me. I wrote my initial post when I was tearing the hair outta my head. You guys were a big help.

    Glad to hear you have sorted this out, now you can go back to relaxing in the sunshine and worrying about if you want spicy or non spicy for lunch :o

  6. It all goes back to the dreaded word..They ASSUME.

    They see a heay set(o.k maybe fat) Guy with a Thai lady hes a sexpat and the Thai female must always be a working girl. No way could it be a normal relationship. Who have been married for 8 years. Thats impossible. I never get the tourist frown here in Canada but when I go back to Thailand. They look and frown. That frown say it all. Sad little man could not find a girl from where every he is from and had to come to Thailand. And god forbid I say goodmorning. (Thats another story)

    They ASSUME even when they do not know you from adam. Its very sad. :D

    Couldnt agree more, but at the end of the day you have to think, is it worth the stares and looks? and to me it is without a doubt. :D I dont really notice the stares, being 6"8 and 150kgs i have had people stare at me for years so i dont notice it, but my wife sometimes says to me look they are staring, i then either give them a snide look back or if they are in earshot, a comment that is loud enough to embarress(sp) them. I know i shouldt lower myself to their level, but its the only way these people will learn. :o

  7. Each to their own at the end of the day, anyone who doesnt like the fact that i married a Thai girl, thats their problem, not mine. :D


    In fact Daley, one shouldn't even mention the nationality of a partner, whether male or female and thus in fact it should read:

    ""Each to their own at the end of the day, anyone who doesnt like the fact that i married a .... girl, thats their problem, not mine. :D ""

    Because it's nobody's business but your own and if they don't like it, they're not your friends.

    Be happy with your newborn Junior and wife! :D

    Good luck to you


    Thanks mate, yep still happy, even with the sleepless nigts and shitty nappies. :D only joking, it has been ALOT easier than i thought, i was scared about how bad it would be, but the little man, is great, sleeps alot, only cries when he wants a nappy change or food, other than that he is a happy little soul and if i knew all babies would be this easy i would have more, but i think we have just been very lucky. :D Well thats what everyone says. :o

    And your right i shouldnt need to tell them my wifes nationality, but to me i am proud my wife is Thai, and i am happy for anyone to know it :D

    I feel i am the luckiest man alive, i have a beautiful wife and lovely baby, and i couldnt care less what anyone thinks of my relationship, and like i said before, i have nothing to be ashamed off, but to be fair, most people i speak to are more intrigued rather than nasty. They all want to know how we met, what life is like in Thaland, how does Noi like it in the U.K, do i want to live in Thailand. And me being me, i am always happy to promote Thailand :D

  8. I have to agree with other comments. How much have you already paid your lawyer? Bet its not far off 40k. Sounds to me like it isnt a scam, otherwise he wouldnt have got the police involved. No insurance was taken, which is your responsibility, so why should the owner of the bike lose out?

    If someone borrowed something off you and then had it stolen, would youi just say forget it? Especially if its part of your livelyhood(sp). Of course you wouldnt. Speak to the owner and offer to buy an eqivilent(sp) bike, of equal value.

    IMHO best just to pay up and walk away, if you can afford a lwayer then you can afford to pay the owner the money you owe him. Thats right YOU owe him this money, if the bike was stolen its your fault, not his, and it is you that should lose out, not him.

    I know it sounds harsh, but i am looking at it from the owners point of view, and i know i would be mighty pissed off if i was in the same situation, and had some farang offering me half of what the bike is probably worth :o

  9. I lost a couple of friends who i thought were friends for life, when they found out i had married a Thai woman. One said to me why did i want to marry a whore with aids? :D And this was a bloke who i classed as my best friend. I couldnt believe what came out of his mouth. He said that all she wanted was a visa to the uk and my money and then she would leave me, needless to say i gave him a few home truths about dating a 17 year old at the age of 28, who went to the same school as where he worked :o

    As far as other people go, i am proud that i married a Thai lady, why should i be ashamed? Its no different in my eyes to meeting and marrying a girl from anywhere in the world. I had a comment from a thick Brit builder not so long ago. We were chatting and i said my wife was Thai and he said to me "how much did i pay for her?" To which i responded probably not as much as he has paid for his wife, added to the fact my wife is petite slim and beautiful rather than a big fat slapper. He didnt appreciate this very much, so i pointed out i didnt appreciate his comments about my wife. :D

    Each to their own at the end of the day, anyone who doesnt like the fact that i married a Thai girl, thats their problem, not mine. :D

  10. Hello fellow "Thai-O-Philes" :D I just joined up after discovering this marvelous site (although I'm still having a bit of a problem logging in!) :D

    I'm hoping to retire to the "Trat" area in the not too distant future after visiting numerous times in the last 37 years. I'm sure I'll find the wealth of info posted here invaluable. Dreaming of opening a small restaurant on some property we own near Laem Ngop.

    Interests include: My Family (of course), Thai Food, Blues & Jazz Music & Motorsports of nearly all types. "Might" be bringing my metal working tools along as at least one Thai rallye team has expressed an interest in employing my talents...O.G.

    Welcome to :o As for the blues, check out the blues factory website, place in Patters run by Davethailand :D

  11. It didn't RAIN in Pattaya today.

    Just thought I'd throw this in as a reminder of what the topic is for this thread :o

    Yeah yeah. :D

    Rain in Bristol today, and a bit cloudy as well, hopefull it will improve for the weekend. :D

  12. Tony is a very private and shy person, I can't imagine him in front of a camera.

    Not like you then mate? We have all seen those "specialist" :D adult films being advertised on the net starring you :o:D

  13. Good luck to you mate, i kicked a 40-60 a day rolly habit 9 months a go when i found out she was having a baby. I had always promised myself that i would give up by the age of 30 and here i am 30 and a non smoker. :o

    I used the patches starting with the strongest then less and less for 3 months then stopped the patches. I still have the odd craving, but the way i see it, i have given up for 9 months it would just be silly to start smoking again.

    If you need a kick up the backside or some encouraging words, i am always here mate :D

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