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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Here you go


    Bristol 6 weeks ago, very sunny but bloody cold :D

    Battersea Power Station, last week. Such a cool building.

    And that is rain related how? Numpty :D

    About as much as yours is nuggetboy........ :D:o

    Anyway, its rain related cos it wasn't, numpty..... :D


    Idiot!!!!! my post was clearly stating the weather in Bristol awhile back, where you are simply talking about a cool building. Now if this was a thread about buildings then your post would have been quite apt, but as it is about weather then your pic has <deleted> all to do with anything, bum boy :D

  2. My 50 satangs worth................. :o

    Cheap skate. My 10 bahts worth........................ :D:D

    Personally Pattaya isnt for me, but each to their own. I still enjoy reading about all the trials and tribulations that go on in Pattaya. :D

  3. Ratchada city hotel, out on Ratchada 800 night, huge beds, air con, swimming pool, cable tv good food. Walk to the end of the road and you have the underground.

    1,3,5,7,9 Soi Pracharajbumphen Huaykwang :o

  4. I forgot which thread I read this in, but if it's someone repeatedly calling you on your mobile simply set the ringtone for that number to mute.

    Wow, that's a great idea.

    The ex missus keeps calling at all hours, we broke up 6 months ago

    You might need more than a silent ringtone, sounds more like you need an injunction for stalking :o:D

  5. Had some serious thunder storms last night and tonigt, reckon they have come over from Pattaya :D

    Had 'em here also mate... big old buggers they were... :o

    totster :D

    Scared the life out of baby Joe. I shouldnt laugh really but he was bloody funny when the first one struck, the look in his face was priceless :D

  6. Sorry to hear that, i think that is pretty bloody disgraceful, and i cant understand why they would refuse a wheelchair passenger, but unfortunately this is Thailand and as usual discrimination laws dont seem to apply. :o

    I guess you could try writing a letter of complaint to Thai air, dont know if it will get you anywhere, but might make you feel a bit better.

  7. Avoiding generalizations, Thais have proven to me on numerous occasions to be some of the most honest people in the World...

    I would definately agree with this point. I got a taxi very early one morning to the bus station. In my pocket was the wifes new mobile phone. Sure enough i got out of the taxi and the phone had slipped out of my pocket and onto the seat of the taxi.

    I went inside the station, took the phone out to tell the wife i was getting on the bus and then realised the phone had gone. I rushed around looking for a payphone, found one and the while i was dialing the number the taxi man tapped me on my shoulder and returned the lost phone. I tried to give him 500 baht as a thank you, but he wouldnt take it. So instead i asked him for his phone number and when i came back to bangkok i promised to used his taxi whenever i needed to go anywhere. In the end he got a lot more than 500 baht out of me, but hey it was worth it :o

  8. I may be being a bit simple here, but all i have to do to be able to switch the language bar on is right click on the task bar at the bottom then go to toolbars and select language bar, and hey presto there it is.

    Then when you have done that right click on the icon and goto setting and just check to make sure you have Thai installed, then it should just be a simple matter of clicking on the icon and selecting thai.

    Now i am no genius so if this doesnt work then i cant help, but i run xp pro and thats how i get it to work. Hope that helps :o

  9. Been peeing down all day today :D No :D today

    No doubt you've had peeing all over you also... :o

    totster :D

    lol you aint worng mate. Changed his nappy yesterday and he decided he was going to pee at the same time, got me soaked from a distance of about 3 feet :D:D

  10. Now you have the encoding, you will need some software, and short of buying the Thai version of windows, you will need to buy or get for free :o a software package. I personally dont know of any packages, but if you have a spare computer i would get a copy of Windows in Thai :D

  11. What operating sytem do you run?

    I know on my xp pro you can click on view then select encoding then goto more then look down the list for Thai. Select that then the email should show in Thai witout a problem.

    If you dont have xp or cant find the Thai lisited in your list, i think you can goto microsofts website and download the language pack for free, which should contain the necessary files.

    Hope this helps :o

  12. Dark and cloudy tonight.

    What's the point f all this?

    No point really, just a bit of fun, shooting the breeze, passing some time :D

    Mind you... from the title and the first post... it's all self explanatory really ! :D

    totster :D


    I wonder how long it would actually take to read all 146 pages. And i am pretty amazed that it has stayed on topic.

    Bit rainy by the way tonight :D


    I wonder how disapointing it would be to read through all the posts from the beginning... :o

    totster :D

    There is some pretty funny stuff in here.I reckon they should make the rain thread into a sitcom :D

  13. Dark and cloudy tonight.

    What's the point f all this?

    No point really, just a bit of fun, shooting the breeze, passing some time :D

    Mind you... from the title and the first post... it's all self explanatory really ! :o

    totster :D


    I wonder how long it would actually take to read all 146 pages. And i am pretty amazed that it has stayed on topic.

    Bit rainy by the way tonight :D

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