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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Doubt I'd have the patience either. I've more or less given up obedience training for the dog - she trains me more than I train her! Bit like the wife. :D

    :D Fair enough mate. But i dont reckon it is that difficult, you dont need to be a great swimmer, you just have to be there to help. Try buying a float and starting him off with that up and down doing lengths, and then move up to swimming widths in the shallow end with out the float and just be there to support him if h starts to sink and given a bit of time he will get there. It really isnt that difficult, and its a good excuse to spend the day in the pool, and the wife will see you doing something nice and will be happy to keep bringing you out beers while training. :o:D

  2. However I am planning a trip to Farang Connection in April, just to see if Lampshades is as tight as his reputation suggests.

    TBWG :D

    Make sure you report back here when you get your results :o so it looks like you will miss out on that first free beer from me, you could ask lampy for one on tick and i will pay for it when i get there, but i dont know if he will accomodate that. I did look on his site to pay by c/c but it appears he doesnt accept my card :D

    By the way lampy, any chance you could get me a 3 litre bottle of robinsons apple and blackcurrant squash. I dont want the sugar free rubbish though. I am also happy to pay over the odds for it. I would bring it myself but with a new baby i am going to have way to much to carry. Will be there at the beginning of July to collect :D

  3. ]

    So are the oj's on you then if i drag my arse all the way up to see you? :o:D

    My names Hunt not................................................we'll see

    :D Dont worry mate, your tightness is legendary the world over you should have been Scottish. So....... anyone who fanices meeting me at lampys the first drink will be on me :D I will let you know exact dates closer to the time

    OYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.......I'm not tight, just careful.

    LOL dont worry mate i will even buy you a drink or two. :D Got any good hotels up that way? about 600baht a night should do

  4. ]

    So are the oj's on you then if i drag my arse all the way up to see you? :o:D

    My names Hunt not................................................we'll see

    :D Dont worry mate, your tightness is legendary the world over you should have been Scottish. So....... anyone who fanices meeting me at lampys the first drink will be on me :D I will let you know exact dates closer to the time

  5. Lomsak,Petchaboon ?

    Go to the Nattirat Hotel,or whatever it´s spelled, very nice location.

    I think it´s been about 800THB a night, with brekki.

    The pool is quite old, but gets maintained daily.

    It is indeed lomsak patchabun. I saw a few nice looking hotels in Petchabun, but apparently the family we are visiting live the other side of lom sak. Normally we would just sleep on the floor of whoever we are visiting but apparently their house isnt big enough, and there is going to be 7 or 8 of us. So i bravely volunteered to stay in a hotel :o Trouble is finding one not to far from the family, because i dont want to be driving for 1 or 2 hours each way to get there.

  6. Not sure i will get all the way upto Korat. How far is it from Surin? I have never travelled in these parts before so i am not sure of distances and times. The wifes family hale from Sakaeo, which apparently is about 3 hours from Surin. So we will be making the trip to see Lampy and his band of pissheads,staying overnight and then heading back down to Sakaeo. But we might be convinced to travel upto Korat for a day or two as long as it isnt too far away :D

    It's easy to get to Sakao from Surin by going to Korat first. Don't worry. We'll give you directions.

    And you're right. He's changed his name. He told me he was going to last time he was here.

    So are the oj's on you then if i drag my arse all the way up to see you? :o:D

  7. Hey you guys…..don’t give up yet!

    If you have the following qualities….then there is still a chance for you

    1. Still Breathing

    2. Doesn't miss the toilet

    3. Doesn't scare small children

    4. Likes soft foods


    5. Wears some clothes when at home

    Those are What Women above 70….. Want in a Man …..

    If you’re not too picky that is :D:D:D

    :o Well thats most of the men on this board covered then :D

  8. Thank you for the map post . I think you should " pin it " :D

    Done, as you were typing :D

    Good job mate. Looking at the map its not as far as i thought. I have been loking at so many places over the last couple of days, i was confusing Khon Kaen with Khorat....... bloody idiot i am :o Surin to Khorat, piece of wee wee :D

  9. I have never been to Surin before but from what I hear it's about a 3 hour drive . I was just told that the way I drive I could make it in 2 hours :D

    So for me that will be 1 hour. :o No forget that, with baby in tow that will be 6 hours :D

  10. Thanks for that mate, i got the ones the other day as well and i bougt a big fold out and a a4 size road map, but i am still guessing on how long it will take from Surin to Korat :o

  11. Nice looking (prefer hair on his head) checkto the hair bit anyway

    Smart and Educated (at least one bachelor degree) check

    Not a hardcore smoker and drinker check

    Compassioned to all people regardless of race and class check

    Honest check

    Charming check

    Witty check

    Good debater check

    Dresses with style check

    Adventurous and open mindcheck

    Financially successful (with solid & steady career)mmmmm maybe :o

    Very very supportive of my career check

    In good shape to rearrange the furniture check

    Laughs at my jokes check

    Nods head when I'm talking check alotFull of thoughtful surprises

    An imaginative, romantic lover check

    Wears a shirt that covers his stomach check :D

    Doesn't require much money for upkeep check i am very cheap

    Remembers that it's the weekend check

    Only snores lightly when asleep thats blown it :D

    Shaves some on weekends check

    Doesn't re-tell the same joke too many times check

    Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting check

    Oh….and can protect me from any harms check always

    Well i am let down on the snoring and the solid and steady career, so does a man have to have all these qualities? I reckon you would be hard pushed to get all those out of a man :D

    Sorry...daley lover boy, you're too late....coz I found the love of my life 20 yrs ago ka :D

    :D thats ok i dont think my better half would like me giving out my qualities to other ladies :D

  12. Not sure i will get all the way upto Korat. How far is it from Surin? I have never travelled in these parts before so i am not sure of distances and times. The wifes family hale from Sakaeo, which apparently is about 3 hours from Surin. So we will be making the trip to see Lampy and his band of pissheads,staying overnight and then heading back down to Sakaeo. But we might be convinced to travel upto Korat for a day or two as long as it isnt too far away :o

  13. Nice looking (prefer hair on his head) checkto the hair bit anyway

    Smart and Educated (at least one bachelor degree) check

    Not a hardcore smoker and drinker check

    Compassioned to all people regardless of race and class check

    Honest check

    Charming check

    Witty check

    Good debater check

    Dresses with style check

    Adventurous and open mindcheck

    Financially successful (with solid & steady career)mmmmm maybe :o

    Very very supportive of my career check

    In good shape to rearrange the furniture check

    Laughs at my jokes check

    Nods head when I'm talking check alotFull of thoughtful surprises

    An imaginative, romantic lover check

    Wears a shirt that covers his stomach check :D

    Doesn't require much money for upkeep check i am very cheap

    Remembers that it's the weekend check

    Only snores lightly when asleep thats blown it :D

    Shaves some on weekends check

    Doesn't re-tell the same joke too many times check

    Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting check

    Oh….and can protect me from any harms check always

    Well i am let down on the snoring and the solid and steady career, so does a man have to have all these qualities? I reckon you would be hard pushed to get all those out of a man :D

  14. Yeah i am 6"8 so seat room is a premium for me, even though it is only for a couple of hours, i will have baby with me as well so we will need the extra room. But maybe we will get bulk head seats so a bit more room there :D

    6'8" and sitting in the coach section of NOK AIR :o:D ... You are sure brave. I bet you get the major leg cramp when the ride's over.

    Nok Plus is the way to go then!! :D It's only just over an hr sure he will survive. I checked on Nok Air, I was informed you'll have to wait til april for bookings in July.

    No worries, i reckon i will manage, if i can cope with 12 hours in economy i reckon hour and a bit will be a piece of cake :D

  15. I do believe he is now calling himself thai chi :D Why some people have to change their names i dont know :o

    Here is his profile


    I clicked on a link to profile for call me daddy and it took me to thai chi :D

    Thanks Daleyboy.

    The lengths some people will go too, to avoid having a beer with me!! :D

    Even changing their names. Still I've got him now!! :D

    TBWG :D

    Yep there are a few of em on here. Will be up your way in July so you buying? Or are you gonna change your name and hide :D

  16. Sunny this morning, but ohhhh so cold -5c :D

    You big Southern softie. I'm still going out in my String vest and Hanky on me head. It'll have to drop by another 10 degrees before i have to put me Tank Top on :o:D

    Its just you northeners think a sunny day is when you switch your lights on in your miners cottage :D

    I understand you're really proud giving a weather forecast from your kitchen window in Greenland every day Dale. But it is a little sad.

    When do you get to Los next?

    In June mate. I know its sad, but there is nothing else to do, its too cold and bloody miserable to go out so i have to stay in and moan about it on the rain thread. Its evven worse when kerryd and tots start making fun it makes me wanto to :D :D

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