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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Just had a look on BA, cheapest from Manchester is £524.50 thats flying in June :o

    Yeah i booked at the end of Jan, they had a deal on and as long as you booked before the end of Jan and flew before the end of June you got the flight for £430, then if you joined their club you got another £15 off. :D

    I posted about this deal a while ago here


    Sorry i cant help you mate, looks pretty expensive now.

    You can still fly from heathrow for £450 direct, so if you join their club you will get another £15 off so £435 aint to bad.

    So you could take the coach with megabus.com for £1 manchester-London then fly Ba. Not a bad way of doing it. :D

  2. Maybe i am wrong then. But when we have flown with them, they were on time at every point, decent planes, not bad legroom and the plane on the way back of one journey was all but empty, 40 people max which was great :D

    I think even with the changes you will still have a good flight. Not much happening at abu dhabi though, airport is ok and clean enough, but not very interesting.

    Were flying with ba this year, and they have already changed our schedule. :o Only by a hour or so but not a good start considering were not flying till June

  3. He stumbled out of his apartment and began to act in a threatening manner towards other residents and children in the area.

    So much for maintaining a low-profile and staying "beneath the radar".... :o:D

    Only thing he failed to do was erect a large flashing neon sign over his house:


    Nah he also forgot to pay the guy in the van with the speakers, to travel round the local area shouting it out as well :D

  4. Rest of the time in Patters and maybe sidetrip to Koh Chang! :D However if an official TV pissup were in July I might be drawn to BKK for a nite. :D

    I reckon if we start a pm campaign to george, but July he might crack and organise something :o If not patters it will be :D

  5. It is going to be around the 10th July for 7 days, so plenty of time to meet everyone :D I will let you know for sure as soon as we know, still in the planning stage at the moment, so give or take a day or two either way :D

    Britmaverick is coming in July toooooooooooooooooo......... :o

    If I'm still here that is.... see 'Advice from Bedlam Boys' :D

    Ahh you will still be there khall, especially when there is a promise of a free beer :D

    So where are you going to be Brit? Are we going to catch up in Patters? :D or would you rather meet in bkk? Maybe george could organise a meet up in July :D

  6. if i were you , i'd go to the south by train , and come back by plane.. coz the way i go, i still have energy and freshy (if your choice = train and plane)

    the way back i 'm always tired

    in fact , i prefer go and back by plane ,

    Thanks bambi, how long does it take to get from Surat Thani to Phuket? How do you get there? :D

    By bus Daleyboy.... probably better to hire a minivan with your tribe. It takes maybe 4 hours drive time in minivan vs 6 hrs on the local bus. Guesstimating! :D

    So do us Phuketians get to meet you lot? When are you here?

    Wow that long!!!!!!!!! :o Well there goes the train idea, flying there and back then :D

    Of course you will get to meet us, it will be great to catch up with a few members, thats part of the reason to come down that way. So far i have a bbq in Khorat, a piss take out of the drunks in Surin, a possible bbq in Patters, and hopefully i will like to have a chance to meet as many members in Bkk as well.

    So indeed my rose there will always be room in my schedule for you :D

  7. if i were you , i'd go to the south by train , and come back by plane.. coz the way i go, i still have energy and freshy (if your choice = train and plane)

    the way back i 'm always tired

    in fact , i prefer go and back by plane ,

    Thanks bambi, how long does it take to get from Surat Thani to Phuket? How do you get there? :o

  8. I want to travel by train to Phuket, now obviously i can only get as far as Surat Thani. So what are the options and times for the rest of the journey? Would i be better flying to Phuket and then train back, or train there plane back? :D Btw there will be 4 adults two 12 year olds and a new born baby :o

    We could gly both ways, but i wanted to let the family go on a train as well because they have never been on one before :D

  9. Perhaps Patex is missing a point.

    While a house is still owned in the UK it is possible to return to the UK if things don't work out in Thailand.

    This is known as 'Not Burning Your Bridges'.

    If after a few years you find yourself settled and content with your life in Thailand you can sell and re-invest.

    :o Nothing else to add to this

  10. Sell the house, enjoy/invest the money! You have earned it! Look at your first daugther, you brought her up in a good way you owe her nothing ( the opposite is the truth).

    When I was 22, I would be very happy about a few 10 000 Pounds for build up my own future.

    As a houseowner you are not so naive like daleyboy and you know what problems can arise with a property like this and what a pain in the ... it must be to manage it from Thailand.


    Why do you think not selling is being naive? Do you not think it is a bit naive to think you can just sell up spend all your money and not care about your children?

    Please tell me what problems can arise, and why it would be a pain to keep the house? Have you never heard of managemnt companies? Let me explain for you. You pay them a percentage of the rent and they look after the place for you and they guarantee the rent even if there is no one in there.

    You tell the op to invest his money!!!! do you not think gettting x amount every month for your investment is good enough, knowing that in 5 or 10 years time you will still have something physical you can then sell?

    Yet another moronic post from patex :o

  11. Tony... the problem only arises if you hold onto your house, so the solution is simple.... sell it now!! Give some to your eldest... enough for a deposit on her own place, invest the rest and go and have a wonderful life in Thailand. Don't be tempted to hold on to the property in the UK.

    At least that's what I would do!!

    There is no way you want to cut yor ties staright away. Why would you want to sell now? :D Thats just crazy, the market hasnt stagnated in the uk, sure the price rises have slowed, but they havent stopped, selling now would just be sheer stupidity. There is nothing to stop you spending an hour at a solicitors and getting your will sorted out to secure the furture of everyone involved.

    I am sorry flint but this is just silly advice that is best ignored. I dont mean to offend but really, a house is an asset, and one which is still rising in value. Hang onto it for as long as possible and rent it out, if you have no mortgage on it, then it is pure profit in your pocket, well apart from the bit you have to give to the tax man :o Then when you feel the market has ceased rising, and you are happy in Thailand, then sell, and not one second before :D

  12. I think there are more motorcycle dealers in Bangkok than there are grocery stores. Grab a motorcycle taxi driver and tell him to take you to a shop. You probably won't drive more than 5 minuites before you reach the shop.

    That was my idea too. I mean, with about 100,000 of these things on the road there should be shops aplenty. Motorcycle taxi drivers have taken me to several places, but they just didn't have what I was looking for.


    What makes you think he is a troll? He has just asked a simple question about bike dealers in Bangkok. :o Nothing trollish about that.

  13. Great pics Kan, we will definately be visiting a few of the national parks around this area, there certainly seem to be quite a few. The wife keeps going on about phu kradung, so we will be having a look there as well. I will keep you updated with some pics :o

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