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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Ohh dear your old man is looking a bit rough mate, you want to tell him to lay of the booze :o:D

    Not a chance mate!

    I will be upto see you boys in Surin in July, maybe i will buy your old man a couple of beers mate, but he did tell me you dont drink, so orange juice for you :D:D

    Yours is uploaded rio, i did try cropping it so we didnt have to look at you, but i aint very good at paintshop yet :D

  2. Sunny this morning, but ohhhh so cold -5c :D

    You big Southern softie. I'm still going out in my String vest and Hanky on me head. It'll have to drop by another 10 degrees before i have to put me Tank Top on :o:D

    Its just you northeners think a sunny day is when you switch your lights on in your miners cottage :D

  3. Well originally i was supposed to be going to Mexico with a friend to get some travel experience for a job i was offered. He let me down just as i was going to book the tickets, so left me stuffed for somewhere to go.

    Then i thought about a friend of mine, she was travelling around Thailand with her bloke at the time, so i managed to get hold of her and asked if she fancied some company for a couple of weeks. And the rest they say is history, met my missus on my first visit, and have been coming back ever since. I was living in Bangkok for a fair while and then we decided to come back to the U.K. Now that was the worst mistake of my life :o

  4. I went on Bangkok chat once... Never again :D

    This is NOT bangkok chat... ! :D

    come on in, talk about everyday life and generally have a good laugh, bit like being in the pub ! :D

    totster :D

    I was in earlier, but you werent there, even though you said in your pm that you were, it was just showing geroge and super villian and no one else. I know you you were just hiding just like you do in the pub when its your round :D so yeah i guess it is just like being in a pub with you :o

  5. I don't like seeing 60-75yr old men with 18-25yr old women.

    I'm a 60-year old bloke with a 45 year-old Thai wife. Should the opportunity present itself to swop her for the right 18-25 year-old I might just do that. And you better stop whingeing about it. :D

    I thought that was the whole point?

    Kind of like watching your investment grow.

    Marry a 20 year old Thai lady now, then in 20 years after that investment has matured you cash her in for a new one. :o

    :D :D

  6. :o Or maybe you won't. I think that airlines have a policy - written or unwritten I dn't know. I ahve never been able to get the bulkhead seats when travelling with the girls. When they were babies though we were seated right at the front with a hang on the wall cot thing. Goodluck.

    Yeah sorry i should have mentioned,we will have our 2 month old baby with us :D

  7. [if it's their first flight they won't know any better!! :o

    good Luck

    TBWG :D

    screaming we are all gonna die like a 12 year old girl :D

    How do 12 year old girls die? :D

    TBWG :D

    Like Ned flanders in the simpsons when he screams :D

    Reading back on it maybe i didnt write that in the best way :D

    Both fly 737's. AirAsia the 737-300, and Nok the 737-400, a bit larger capacity than the 300.

    If anything, the kids will be amused by the colours of the Nok aircraft


    My wife is 5ft5in and she was squeezed for room in AA. I'm 6'3 and fit comfortably in Nok.


    Yeah i am 6"8 so seat room is a premium for me, even though it is only for a couple of hours, i will have baby with me as well so we will need the extra room. But maybe we will get bulk head seats so a bit more room there :D

  8. My Wifes sister was married before, that finished and she now has another guy that wants to marry her, he will pay a dowry.

    They are both Thai.

    So I guess all cases are not the same, it's up to you. :o

    A fool and his money are easily parted...

    Indeed mate.

    I never paid a penny when we got married, the folks said they understood that i wasnt loaded and they said they were happier if we kept what money we had to stat in our new life.

    We do now occasionaly send over a few baht, but that is to pay for my step daughter and her schooling clothing etc. :D

  9. Ahh ok so maybe nok is the way forward then. It will probably be woth it for the extra legroom. What sort of planes do they use? You reckon it will be exciting for a first time flier? I know when we flew down to Samui with Bangkok air i have never been so scared in all my life with a dodgy twin prop on a windy landing, not good, and i'm a experienced flier, i would hate to see my in-laws scared out of their wits :o

  10. Are nok air any better/worse than air asia?

    I did get the wife to ring the Thailand number today, and they told her just to book the flight and make up the names as best i could :D and as long as the folks had id cards and the kids had the 30baht health cards that would be ok but i told the wife there was no way i am going to do this so i either have to wait till we ge to Thailand, or i have to ring them and hope i can get somone who speaks English :o

    Edit// just checked nok air website and their fares are 2500 baht more expensive than air asia. It maybe cheaper in June but as it will only let me book up until June guess i will have to wait a bit

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