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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. My feelings go out to ya daleyboy. yes the temptation to <deleted> them one would have been ovewhelming, but what I would have given to see their faces when you told them you were her husband! Yeahhhhh baby!! Personally I would have asked for the manager.

    Me and the missus get that here a lot in Hat Yai from the Thais. We get all sorts of stares and the my girlfriend gets the occasional comments from people, especially taxi and tuk tuk drivers. I especially love it when Thais make shrude comments about me. The looks on their faces are awsome when I reply in Thai. I usually tell them that not all Farangs or "rangs" as they say in Hat Yai, are as stupid as them. But that's stooping to the same level I guess isn't it?

    Yeah the look on their faces was probably what saved them from a smack in the chops. Especially when all their mates looked around and started laughing. They went the same colur as a royal mail pillar box.

    Believe me if this had happened in a shop their managaer would have got some grief off of me, but as we were on a market there was no one to complain t except the market inspector i guess, but trying to find out who that is would be pretty difficult.

    Still i dont think they will be doing this in a hurry again

  2. Are you gonna make it anywhere near Pattaya Daleyboy?


    The plan is drive to Sakaeo, stay with the family for 3 or 4 days, then take family with us to Surin and the maybe KK from here to CM catch up with the boys and girls there. From there we are going to take the train back to Bangkok, onto Phuket the next day for 3 or 4 days, fly back to Bangkok. The folks are then going back home, we will then come down to Pattaya for a few days, before going back to bangkok to finish off the holiday. I have worked the costs out and it is going to cost me about 35000 baht for the transport costs, which in my mind for 4 adults 2 children and a baby isnt bad :D

    We are doing all this travelling so the wifes folks can see some of their country that they have never seen, and also so they can go on a train and a plane which they have never done. And also so her dad can see the beach and the sea which he has never done, the mother in law has seen the sea once and that was a couple of years ago when we took her on holiday with us

    So yeah you will be able to buy me a drink when i come to see you, but dont worry i only drink fanta :o

  3. Any idea what the distance is from Sakaeo to Surin? You reckon i could drive it at an easy pace with a few stops for breakfast, lunch and a bit of sightseeing?

    I don't drive fast these days (my age you know) but I reckon 3 to 3.5 hours depending on traffic and without stops.

    How long did it take for CM to Surin?

    The way we went, via Khon Kaen which you do not need to do, took around 14 hours total.

    but the quality of people you met it KK made it worth the trip :D

    Well that sounds ok to me, driving time isnt really important, we wont be in any hurry to get anywhere, i tought it was going to take all da to get to Surin. :D

    So the people in KK are worth visiting are they? I heard they were a bit of a rough bunch up round that way :o just a few dodgy Aussies :D Maybe we will have to make another detour enroute to CM :D

  4. Indeed in England, Soutmead market in Bristol, not really the place where you get the highest brain power in the county :o

    I think if my wife and mother werent there i might not have been so restrained in my approach.

    I also know Thais can be the same,but i dont believe Thais do so with such malice and hate as these men did. I also think that if a Thai was in a setting similar to the one we were in, they wouldnt have been talking loud enough for the immediate area of people to hear, knowing that everyone could understand what they were saying, including the person they were ridiculing(sp)

  5. We will be visiting you mate around the 5th of July give or take a day or two. Depends how long it takes to get from Sakaeo to the fc in Surin to CM. See my thread in the travel forum mate. The whole reason for such a large road trip is so i can meet as many tv members as possible. :o

  6. Ok this i what happened. I will just add before i start my story, things like this dont usually bother me, but then again they are not normally as blatant as this was.

    The wife and i had gone to our local market with my mum yesterday. We are walking around looking at the various stuff on offer, which is usually just cheap tat, but you can normally get good meat and good cheap clothes there.

    Anyway the wife wandered off to look at some clothes, while my mum and i went and had a look at a few of the local cheeses they had on offer. While we were stood there the blokes behind the counter were chatting. They werent being discreet about it and it was obvious they were talking about my wife.

    The conversation they had went something like this.......

    Moron1 " look at her they all look the <deleted> same dont they?"

    Moron2 "yeah they aint no better than the n*****s in our country,<deleted> yellow bitch"

    Moron1 " but i bet she cooks a great chinese"

    Moron2 "yeah as long as you like dog" they both thought this was hilarious

    Daleyboy " she looks Thai to me" Not letting on at this point she is my wife!

    Moron1 " no she aint <deleted> Thai, there is no way she is from Taiwan" :o

    Moron2 " yeah chinese without a doubt, i know my c****s when i see them"

    Daleyboy " I am sure she is Thai"

    Moron2 " how can you tell?"

    Daleyboy " because she is my <deleted> wife you moron, now which one of you should i smack first?"

    At this point i was ready to ht smeone, but seeing their obvious embarrassment(sp) i decided not to lower myself to their level and kick the <deleted> out of them added to the fact my mum was there and by this point my 7 month preggers wife had come back to join us which i think helped calm me down a bit. They then spent the next 5 minutes apologising all the while the other traders who were stood near by and heard what had just happened started taking the piss out of them.

    Now this isnt the first time i have noticed something like this going on, but normally it is just stares and snide comments, which with a quiet word and a nasty glare sorts out.

    So for those of you in Farang countries or Thailand for that matter, does it ever get on your tits when something like this happens?

    This follows on from the bettytv thread, now i hope you read this betty and realise what some of us have to go through on a almost daily basis, and when you make your program you take this into consideration and you present something which hopefully will dispell some of these stereotypes that people have of Thai women and the men who marry them.

  7. That's plenty of time for 5 days. Take it easy on the way, you will definitely enjoys your holiday.

    Phitsunulok province is the mid-way point for people going north - notheast - central. From there, I believe you should find your way to CM. Good Luck.

    Thanks for that mate, really looking forward to some adventures :o

  8. Just wondering if there was any progress on the family forum yet? I know it was talked about awhile ago, and i have seen a fair few topics about families and children that would fit in nicely into a family forum. :D

    jeesus H is this place not big and confusing enough already?

    what next, a bycicle forum? how about a ****** bashing forum or an eyelashes forum??? :D:D

    Obviously too confusing for you, i would have thought you would have noticed by now comments like the racist one you have just posted will get you banned

    Seriously wes you seem to have a serious problem with attitude, and with comments like this you wont be around for long in the forum :o

  9. I like the pic from Bristol Daleyboy posted, just out of interest where in Bristol is this?

    I am originally from Bristol but have been in sunny/rainy Thailand for the last 10 months.

    I do miss the Grrreat Bristol accent. :D

    Patchway mate, just up by the mall. :D And i dont have a Bristol accent, or so i have been told. :D

    No worries, neither do I (thank god!) just kidding.

    What's the temperature saying in Bristol at mo?

    All the best by the way with your return to LOS :o

    It is saying bloody cold mate. :D So where were you residng in Bristol?

  10. Theres a promotion on at Central Chitlom at the moment (I have no idea if its permanent) called 'A Taste of Britain' or similar, and Robinsons Cordial is available there along with other goodies such as Robertson's Jam, Walkers Crisps etc.

    Bet they wont have any when i bloody get there. Pick us up a few bottles, and i will pay ya when i get over :D Might even buy you a couple of beers.

    Hows life anyway Farty? You coping ok in Thailand? We can swap if you want. :o

  11. I like the pic from Bristol Daleyboy posted, just out of interest where in Bristol is this?

    I am originally from Bristol but have been in sunny/rainy Thailand for the last 10 months.

    I do miss the Grrreat Bristol accent. :o

    Patchway mate, just up by the mall. :D And i dont have a Bristol accent, or so i have been told. :D

  12. Cool thanks for the advice on maps, looks like i will have to buy both. As for the wife map reading!!!!:D A woman map reading :D Dont worry ladies i am only joking :o

    Thanks for the directions Yorky, i will buy you a beer if i dont get lost enroute :D

    Any idea what the distance is from Sakaeo to Surin? You reckon i could drive it at an easy pace with a few stops for breakfast, lunch and a bit of sightseeing?

    How long did it take for CM to Surin? We wont be in any hurry, i am sure the family will want to do a bit of sightseeing on the way. I will have roughly 5 days to go from Sakaeo to CM with a stop of at Surin you reckon that will be enogh time? I wont need to 2 chang days to recover, as i dont drink, but i still want to stop for 2 days. :D

  13. I daren't reply to this thread... daleyboy might report me ! :D


    totster :D

    :D :D Dont worry mate a couple of cherry and white tickets, will silence me :o

    As for Bristol you will be happy to know we have snow here. check the pic out of my kitchen window at 1000am :D


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