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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. As those of you who have read my recent threads will know, i am planning quite a big trip this year.

    Anyway part of that trip is to take my wifes mother and father and my step daughter and nephew on a flight from Phuket to Bangkok. As none of them has ever flown before i thought this would be a nice treat.

    Now i can book airasia for around 7500 baht one way for all of us. The trouble arises when i am asked for their names. Now obviously i dont know how to spell these names in English and my pronunciation isnt great either. So any suggestiojns how i go about booking this? Anyone got any experience?

    The other problem i have is dates of birth. The in laws dont know their birthdays :D And finally one other problem i have is the kids, now obviously they dont have id cards because they are only 11 and 12 in age, also they dont have passports. So anyone got any suggestions on what would be suitable id?

    This is turning into a bit of a headache, never realised how hard this could be. I thougt about booking in person when we arrive, but i dont want to be in a position of promising them a trip on a plane and then finding out i cant get seats booked or that they are too expensive. :o

  2. If you have a problem with ANY moderator, the best recourse is to contact the moderator in question and see if you can resolve your differences, if that doesnt work the next step would be to contact one of the Administrators of the site, these are George, Dr Pat Pong or Huski.

    However bear in mind these are busy people, its best to try and resolve your problem at source.

    And once you get over a 1000 posts you are allowed to make fun of the moderators and there not allowed to do anything back to you :o

    I reckon if you ask wolfie nicely he will let you make fun of him and he wont ban or suspend you :D:D

  3. Has anyone had a peircing down below?

    It was something I was thinking about recently, I have heard it can cause problems but I have also heard that it can make bumpy bus journey's rather.. exciting.

    G'day Scampy, nice Troll, but not as good as the sidecar on a jet ski. :o


  4. Indeed in England, Soutmead market in Bristol, not really the place where you get the highest brain power in the county :D

    Right - well, go a bit further north into Wales and those folks do the same to 'strangers'.

    Walk into a store where everyone is speaking English and they immediately switch to Welsh.

    Lucky I had a Welsh friend to interpret for me - we didn't let on and left... :D

    I was born in Wales, but shusshh dont tell anyone, and i moved over to the right country at a very young age, and still havent forgiven my parents.

    My mum used to say the same thing, walk into a shop and tey would all swap language and speak in Welsh.

    Bloody sheep worriers :o I think thats where the 2 southmead families come from :D:D

  5. no more suspend .. got enuf ... its last chace for me :D


    even i know George ,Huski and Dr patpong love me :D:D

    dont dare me

    i prefer u are in birthday suit only with me in my room


    cheeky bloke u!! :D:D

    Hey got to be cheeky to the lovely bambi on her birthday, just dont tell the wife :burp::D

    :D I am sure the boys in blue wont mind as long as you do a private show for them in bedlam :o We could get khall and boo and sbk and a few of the other ladies to be your backing strippers :D

  6. Sawadee krup,

    I'm a farang and I can speak Thai. I'm a fan-club of this forum more than 3 years.

    I live in Bangkok and Chiengmai and run business with Thais. I like Thailand and Thai people.

    I love to read all you posted but my English is no good enough and so shy to say or answer others.

    I'm a divorced Farangsed(French guy) man and looking Thai lady to marry. Seeking for long time and I met that lady at this forum a few months ago. Now I never seen her at here more than 2 months. (Missed you so much) I don't know what going on but I want to ask for help from any who know her. Her first name is M, she is wise, polite,longhair and speak English very well.

    I'm a good farang, I respect Thai lady. I want to marry and have good family in Thailand.

    Ruk Tur Jing Jing.


    Your just taking the piss.

    you have 3 posts, so how many times could you of spoken to her??

    or did you just send private msg's to random ppl??

    Mate if you want to marry a thai girl so bad look on the right side of the screen, there is a few ads for you :o

    Take it easy donz, your doing it again!! Jumping in with both feet when you dont know the full story. Or indeed any of the story. Just like the thread in the support forum.

    Cool your teenage heart and relax.

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