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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Hi

    Having run (and still do) a UK/Thai internet site I obvioulsy have a biased point of view. Yes having come over here especially to Pattaya you almost cannot fail to meet a beautiful young Lady but unless you have kept your brains with you when going through the airport you could become another statistic.

    If you are in a foreign country where can you meet ladies, at the pub? well this is not to everyone's 'taste' or ideal place, with a reputable agency the ladies are checked and always remember these ladies can say no as well. Not all of us have the chat up refered to, beau-thai

    Is the picture a sample of the standard of ladies you have on your site? Because i have to say not only does she look like a bitch but also a bit ruff as well. In fact you could say she looks a bit like a boxer dog licking piss off of a stinging nettle :o:D

  2. Tell them you are going ot call the tourist police and the regular bib and tell them you will have them arrested for theft, unless your deposit is returned straight away. Dont give them anytime to pay, they have had this time already, they are taking the piss, grow a spine get in there and demand your money back. Forget this face saving shit, show them up in front of a crowd and dont back down, its time to stop the niceties and get serious

    As for suing them well there is only one thing to say to that :o Sorry but your first meeting with your lawyer will probably exceed the deposit anyway.

  3. relax,

    i used to have a huge ego in my teens, its slowly going down now.

    What at the same rate as you realize a 2 inch penis really isn't that big? :o:D

    2 inches is huge, what you talking about

    No your right, a 2 inch penis is huge, but only when it hangs between your eyes :D:D

  4. Funny how all you "men" go on about everyone going to jennies, but isnt it funny that i am actually the only one that was there that night with my wife, while Kerry and Brit and possibly Kurgen(didnt see you with a woman) were busy touching each other, so please dont include me in your "male bonding" excercises that you were all upto. :o:D

  5. If you all remember i was responsible for sorting the pics out, so i actually have a pic of donzs mrs, so hands up who wants to see it :o More than 2 yes votes i will post it

    Not really a good idea daley :D

    Too late mate, already posted, have you not seen her? What a beauty :D

    And i wouldnt dare post private photos, but she posted this one herself on mingers.com :D

  6. When me and the fiancee are in thailand everytime I leave her for a few minutes guys (mostly farangs) try to pick her up, I hate it so much I have to hold back and just say sorry she is with me now get f.... Especially when there more then twice her age, I usually abit more harsh.

    How do you guys deal with it? do you feel like caving faces in or are you more relaxed and just say bugger off??

    could be lucrative. :D

    totster :o

    What writing Jackanory books?

    There would be no point in writing books on how to troll, becaue donz has to be the worst one in Tv history :D Yet i am amazed the longest lasting one :D

  7. A wee bit nervous!!!

    I bet you'd pull a funny face if you had sodding great space hopper whispering "squeal piggy"in your ear whilst patting your back side.

    Smile my arse!


    So that was what britmaveric was doing, what was daleyboy whispering in your other ear ? (And where were his hands ?) :o


    He was saying" I know you're better looking,in better shape, younger, funnier,whittier and just an all round better chap.Please,I've got such a wide and only porky can fill my gap,if I give you 5000baht will you sod off and let me lick his lower digestive tract"

    Who am I to stand in the way of true love :D

    :D :D

  8. Since i have been married, i have saved thousands of pounds. Before i met my wife i was runing up debts buying fast cars and holidays with no thought about tommorrow, now i am married i have a pension started, i have life insurance and medical cover. I have savings in the bank for the first time in my life and i have settled down loads. Added to the fact my wife works full time so we manage to save even more. :D

    So to answer the question, its cost me nothing to get married and saved me from myself and a downward spiral of debt and big trouble :D

    Also since having the little one 3 months ago, my life has settled even more and now i am managing to pay into a savings account for the little fella :D

    Ohh and we have just bought our first house in the U.K, to add to the house we hae been given in Thailand by the inlaws

    Is this what its like to grow up? :o

  9. Guess you can work on your tan. You must be a bit pasty, never being up in time to catch the sun when you were in Pattaya :D

    Pea soup of pollution here. Cough gasp. :o

    LOL with a 3 month old baby mate, i am normally up at dawn, so plenty of time to work on the tan :D

  10. Afraid we wont make it :o We are a driver down next friday night, so they need me to work saturday night to get the job done. I probably wont be back home until 2 or 3am so really wont feel like driving all the way to london and back in a day :D Sorry lads and lasses, hopefully though you will all have a lovely day and the weather will be good :D

  11. Dear Chon , please please please can I enter the EPL compo?

    I just loved the WC compo, I used to dress up in them little shorts and pretend I was

    left back in the changing rooms whilst the big boys all showering and stuff.....etc

    Sorry DB I had to show the TV'rs your last pm to me , why not be proud of your softer/harder side?


    LOL very good, but funny you mentioned left back, when i was in school and before i discovered a real game (rugby) my position used to be left back :D

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