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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. That made you look. :o

    What i am actually looking for is a housemate. Basically the wife and i are moving into a new house in a few weeks, and we will have a couple of spare rooms. We are looking to let one of these rooms out to a overseas student.

    My friend does this, but he doesn't know of any organisations, whenever he has let his room out it has been by word of mouth, friend of a friend sort of thing.

    So does anyone know of any organisations based in the U.K that i can get in touch with? I want a female student because with a young baby in the house i wouldn't be comfortable with a male that i didn't know very well. Added to the fact it would be good comapny for the missus while i am out working. :D

  2. I would also reccommend a little gold shop on Sukhumvit 71.

    To get to it turn left onto suk71 from sukhumvit end and about 2-3 hundred metre you will see a pedestrian crossing, on the right you will see a little gold shop with a sliding front door, and this is where the wife always buys and sells her gold, the workmanship, quality and price all seem very fair :o There are 2 shops here, one on the corner of a small soi that leads to a market and the one we use a little bit away from this one

  3. The trouble is these cards i am sure are only available in us$ so unless you are A)American or :D very quick at working exchange rate from us$ to £ to Thai baht, then i personally wouldn't bother.

    Like has been said many times, get yourself a flex account with nationwide. Even better get 2 accounts, ten if you lose your card for one then you can do instant transfers between accounts :o The other advantage with the flex account, apart from not being charged is you get the rate in Thailand not the U.K, so for example when we were in Thailand last month U.K rate was 64 to the £ where as in Thailand from the ATM we were getting 69.5 to the £. :D

  4. most start higher education at 18, but maybe you are confident you have a child prodigy on your hands - in which case I'm sure you will manage to secure some kind of scholarship!

    To pay the university fees at the non - foreigner rate - your son may have had to be resident in UK for some time before going (despite having a british passport) - not sure but worth checking.

    I think you misunderstood my post. I class higher education as anything that follows secondary school, i.e college or "a" levels. But i see what your saying about uni, i guess that is what is really classed as higher education :o

  5. Qatar are excellent, nice service and great kid friendly T.V, plenty of cartoon favs. The kids also receive a back pack with numerous entertaining bits and bobs. Food is fun for them too. Nothing seems to much trouble for the staff. We have flown nine times between the UK and Bangkok and never had probs. As several members have stated stay clear of BA & Thai airlines.

    Just a quick note, i think you will find only Thai was not reccommended, and Ba was actually a very good airline :o

  6. Well i think 14 is the wrong age to come here, as this is about the time kids start studying for gcse's. And unless he can speak and read and write really good English he might struggle a bit.

    We are in sort of the same situation, my step daughter is 12 and lives in Thailand with the grand parents. We have talked at length about bringing her over to goto school, but as she speaks no English this could be quite tricky. So we have decided to wait until she is 16 and she has a good command of English, she can then come over and goto college. I think this would be of great benefit to her.

    As for problems enrolling kids, then i cant see that being a problem as he already has a British passport, so therefore has a right to free education upto the age of 16 and probably upto 18 if he goes to college as well, and then if he wants uni there are grants and loans available. If if the child is a foreign national then i still think a child will be entitled to free education as long as they are resident here in the U.K.

    Hope this is of some help :o

  7. There are loads of good boats for fishing out there, were just not going to tell you because we dont like you Kurgina :o But i think you will need to find one with a poop deck :D

  8. Normally i would have said i miss everything about Thailand, but after getting back with a 3 month old baby, i tell you now i have never been happier to be back in the U.K. :o

    2 weeks on i am still happy to be back in the U.K and we wont be coming back until the little un is walking, so same time next year :D:D

  9. Good story but does not apply to me anymore, I'm no longer with the girl I love, thanks to most of the comments from you lot, I hope you are all happy now

    Care to explain this comment, are you really making a statement saying you have parted from, ' the girl you love' because of statements on this thread.

    If you are serious, the relationship must have been built on sand and not a proper foundation and was doomed to fail without any help from this forum.

    Then again you may well have been stringing us along, fair play to you then, you are not such a complete ejit.

    Good Luck


    Yeah my thread has reached the 200 mark!!, I wont be responding about my gf anymore, only replying to the idiots who keep putting her down, I would love to meet them in person, would be interesting.

    Well alot of them will be a the park today, so why dont you head down there with your toys and you can throw them out the pram at them.

    Seriously though, whats your ex-gf going to do now? I mean now you have dumped her, she will have to leave the uk or risk being deported, as her visa is no longer valid!!!

  10. BA and Qantas every time.

    They've really thought about families travelling and have worked that into their staff training.

    As for Thai, well in my opinion, they are mediocre on a good day, reckless on bad days.

    I've personally witnessed Thai staff sitting on the floor in the kitchen with a toddler during a flight, have they no imagination and if so does the thought of hot liquids being spilled enter their head?

    You'd not get that nonsense out of BA Qantas - Training!

    Yep ba for me as well. Only flown once with ba, and that was last month and with a 2 month old baby, and i tell you they couldnt do enough for us, a total pleasure to fly with, 10 out of 10 :o

  11. Good advice from Mr Jones regarding seeing a welfare rights advisor. Also ask about your rights to tax credits and family income support (as the primary carer you will be entitled to a family allowance and tax credits).

    Good point there. You can earn upto about £50k and still get tax credits. We get £20 a week tax credit and £17 a week family allowance. As far as talking to someone goes ring revenue and customs as they are the ones that deal with tax credits, not the dss as it isnt a benefit. Their number is 0845 300 3900.

    Also if you work you are entitiled to, upto 80% of child care costs if you place your kids with a registered childminder, depending on your income.

    Hope this is a start and helps you out a bit. Its not going to be easy, i struggle with our little un for the day when the wife goes out, but it is without a doubt the most rewarding thing i do in my life :o

  12. "well sorry for not being perfect!!! I must just say their are only a few decent people on this site the rest are complete CNUTS!!!"

    Hmmm, strange, there's another website where that spelling is in common use with just about every post & and you claimed to not know what a troll is/was...... :o

    I smell Porkies.


    I'm with you on this one udon.. smells like rotten wood.. :D

    totster :D

    You two are useless, i mentioned this very thing about 3 pages back. Wake up you slackers :D

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