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Everything posted by Cricky

  1. 'Not finished spaces' has nothing to do with m². They calculate the area (m²) from the eaves.
  2. It seems a bit strange that you want this now, it's something I've been given prior to deposit. Why is it so important to have, why do you need a floor plan? You don't need a floor plan for furniture etc. a measuring tape is all that's required. Are you German by any chance, I reckon you are being pedantic, caring too much about minor details.
  3. Worked offshore in Saudi for a few years. I'd like to know how many faithful kill themselves every year by fasting. I worked in the heat with these idiots, they wouldn't drink water all day. Good way to see Allah prematurely.
  4. YOU. Give it a go, you got nothing to lose, only gain....your health.
  5. Where are you located, What are you selling and how much are you asking?
  6. I would not have given your deposit back. You are a time waster. It seems that your Life's a gamble. You took the bait. Be accountable for your actions. What if the agent had another customer, the other customer would not be able to rent. You decided that you changed your mind, it all goes pear shaped. Next time make the right decision. You'll find life will be so much easier.
  7. I have been reading the comments back and forth between you two, scubascuba3 has been very respectful in his replies towards disabled people, he has just given options for the disabled. I read most of scubascuba3's comments on most postings and he is always very helpful. I hope you can see that you are being a little over the top on this issue. Have a nice day. ????
  8. OMG, not you again, I thought I got rid of you. ????
  9. Now, this is something worth complaining about. I gave up smoking nearly 10 years ago, I reckon my monthly flights would have been very different without a smoking room at the gate. Beer drinking without a smoke, it's unthinkable.
  10. Sounds just like most Australian airports
  11. Yep, if you read my comments I've acknowledged that. Sadly, many members can't read or are too lazy to read.
  12. It's quite sad but most of the AN members remind me of Statler and Waldorf, the pair of Muppet characters. I reckon similar age group to. Always with their cantankerous opinions. Never willing to discuss issues they find difficult and that they don't understand. Consistently heckling, antagonizing, repetitive with their jeered hostile replies. The similarities are endless
  13. I see it differently. I've never complained before about issues, I reckon it's the complainers and their complaints are rubbing off on me. I want to get in on the action too. How about the complainers stop complaining then I will stop complaining about the complainers.
  14. Who said it's perfect, no such place. I don't want to live in perfect. Just go back to where you come from and be miserable. You living in Thailand and Complaining, it's stupid.
  15. And I won't stop my rant until you children grow up. Only a delinquent would make Thailand their home then complain about this and that The moaners that complain about issues in Thailand really bug me, go away and bug someone else. Uneducated people grow up. Note, the word 'perhaps' is used far too often, speculation and hypothesis, why bother replying. Perhaps he's just a miserable old Codger.
  16. I feel sorry for you dude. It's 5am, you've probably just woken up and the first thing you do today is make a negative, hostile, antagonizing comment. You miserable people just don't stop. Thailand has too many bitter, moaners. The poor Thai's, the most wonderful people on the planet, to have to put up with all these haters, so sad.
  17. cha, cha...... Slowly, slowly. Hold your horses, what's the rush. We are in Thailand, it'll get done in Thai time.
  18. Yep, its the only complaint you'll ever see from me, I'm fed up with the whinging and complaining, I'm always complaining making comments regarding these negative members. It's articles like this one that feeds the whiners, the Thai Bashers. I'm proud of my efforts to complain, I wish all the moaners would Nick off. Here you go, Dan (Dan about Thailand) is fed up with them to. https://fb.watch/jpgp3dHtSZ/ He's hit the nail on the head. I've been saying EXACTLY the same thing for years, well done Dan. ????
  19. Shame that you think those with disabilities are moaners, complainers and whiners. They're people less fortunate than you and a little pre-planning could have ensured they have access along with anyone else. It just never stops. Complaining about this and that, if they're not happy here go back to where they come from. I like Thailand the way it is, it's not perfect but there is no place that's perfect. Thailand is slowly changing, for the worse, before we know it, it will be the same sh*t hole I left to come here.
  20. Agree. So rediculous, all these moaners and complainers are really annoying. I left Australia to get away from the whiners.
  21. Reactions, don't react, just continue as normal. You get used to it after a while. It's pretty scary the first couple of years.
  22. It's been brought in by the Russians, probably the same device that brought down Malaysian Airlines flight 17
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