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Everything posted by Cricky

  1. The house is pretty old now and I would like to replace all the wall mounted split system AC units. Looking to buy NEW, 5 or 6 units. I need the original units removed and new units installed. Any one out there can recommend a good AC guy in the Pattaya area? Cheers
  2. Totally agree. I also avoid rainy days and the heat of the day (too uncomfortable). ????
  3. OMG, I think they got the nationality wrong. I just read the news article and his motorbike was posted. Aussies don't ride these embarrassing scooters, he must have been a Pom.
  4. Sad story. ???? I reckon the driver was probably sleeping too.
  5. There's a guy getting around town in his R8, looks and sounds great. He was in the soi Buakhao traffic jam the other day, what a shame, that beautiful car spending 30 minutes at a crawl.
  6. Wow, who would have thought this guy had 5 baht weight in gold. He looks like one of those penniless foreign guys down soi Buakhao.
  7. Yes, felt this way in Australia, very insecure with all those Woke's and rainbow people.
  8. How many soi dogs has she killed, they're always in the middle of the road asleep Totally unaware. ????
  9. Not sure how Shell, Pattaya Tai are going since they've introduced the digital petrol browsers. Seemed everytime I filled up the scooter they'd never reset the amount to zero, always leaving the previous customers total then filling mine. They got me a few times ????
  10. Makes a change, every time I go to the police station, the cops are sleeping.
  11. Cricky

    Beware Phuket

    I'm a fan of brut force and corporal punishment. If you do the right thing there's nothing to be concerned about. Too many wacko's these days, bring back the cane. ????
  12. Geeze so scary. How many soi dogs has she killed, they're always in the middle of the road asleep. I'd say she was texting or she's blind as a bat ????
  13. I'm sorry for your loss. My comments are not a personal attack on your friend, just an opinion I have. RIP Neil.
  14. If you choose to participate in road rage in Thailand you will have a bad day. Leave your anger at home all you angry guys.
  15. Cars don't chase bikes willy, nilly. He's provoked, abused, showed hostility........whatever, which tipped this lunatic over the edge.. You play with FIRE, you're going to get BURNT.. Oh well, what ever the Brit. did, he won't be doing it again. RIP, old man
  16. No choice but to shoot in the back. It's road rage, After attacking the guys car he's then tried to escape.
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