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Posts posted by Cricky

  1. 20 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:
    35 minutes ago, VYCM said:



    i have no idea how long you have lived here but some subsidies were remove several years ago from Diesel fuel

    If you are not able to read the numbers please leave me alone.

    -0.68, -2.93, -4.84 and lower tax than gasoline/gasohol.

    Is that too complicated for you?

    You were the one that attacked my comment, so you leave me alone.

    Your data is for 2019, I beleive Google more than your numbers


    Diesel Fuel was far cheaper that Petrol in the past.


  2. 5 minutes ago, transam said:
    15 minutes ago, VYCM said:



    i have no idea how long you have lived here but some subsidies were remove several years ago from Diesel fuel

    Think you are wrong....Diesel in LOS is cheap...

    Has anyone noticed that Diesel prices are now about 1 Baht higher than Gasohol (91/95)? That's new to me here in Thailand, used to be the opposite with Diesel being about 1B cheaper. Has there been some shift in policy?

  3. On 1/16/2020 at 11:43 AM, KhunBENQ said:
    On 1/16/2020 at 10:27 AM, VYCM said:

    Yep, a few years ago the government remove subsidies




    i have no idea how long you have lived here but some subsidies were remove several years ago from Diesel fuel

  4. 21 hours ago, xylophone said:
    23 hours ago, VYCM said:



    Lets keep on the same page here, dont wonder, keep focused.


    I don't "wonder" about anything, although other people seem to want to "wander" as regards the topic, which is what you have done, because on your first post you were indicating that age was to blame, however now you seem to have changed your tune slightly so perhaps you are capable of "wandering" thereby altering your position on the subject..........

    Why did you reply to my comment to mauGR1, post #159
    Mind your own business or is this you, an alias? Who else are you


    because these members have irritated me recently



    21 hours ago, xylophone said:
    22 hours ago, VYCM said:

    Please dont you try this or we surly will be reading about another elderly death.

    I try not to be "surly", but have to say that the responses by some folk would surely result in a surly disposition on my part and from other diligent and careful drivers of my age.


    I don’t sit in my room all day with my 17 inch screen instantly replying to comments.

    I have a life and reply to comments on the fly from my Smart phone with its 5.8 inch screen and big fingers, also no spell check.


    It’s petty of you to pick me up on a Typo, Mr Plagiarist.


  5. 2 hours ago, rambling said:

    Has anyone noticed that Diesel prices are now about 1 Baht higher than Gasohol (91/95)? That's new to me here in Thailand, used to be the opposite with Diesel being about 1B cheaper. Has there been some shift in policy?

    Yep, a few years ago the government remove subsidies 

  6. 3 hours ago, xylophone said:

    You should have told that to Bert Munro when he set the world record on a motorbike under 1000cc.....and it still stands. He was 68 years old.


    I have seen more incompetent younger imbeciles on motorbikes here than older farangs.


    Burt Munro. Herbert James "Burt" Munro (Bert in his youth; 25 March 1899 – 6 January 1978) was a New Zealand motorcycle racer, famous for setting an under-1,000 cc world record, at Bonneville, 26 August 1967. This record still stands; Munro was 68 and was riding a 47-year-old machine when he set his last record.

    Yep the world has only very few of these special talented people.,


    Please dont you try this or we surly will be reading about another elderly death.

  7. On 1/14/2020 at 10:10 AM, mauGR1 said:
    On 1/14/2020 at 9:15 AM, VYCM said:

    What have you to say about that Sherlock?


    You really don't get it, do you ?

    The majority of accidents is caused by young, reckless drivers.

    Elder drivers tend to be very cautious, your blaming accidents on age is total nonsense.

    You really dont get it.


    This article is titled   


    Sa Kaeo: Brit, 71, living in Thailand killed while making U-Turn on motorcycle


    No one is debating who is causing the majority of accidents.


    Try another Forum for that issue, Im sure there are plenty. 


    Lets keep on the same page here, dont wonder, keep focused.


  8. 12 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:
    1 hour ago, VYCM said:

    What have you to say about that Sherlock?


    You really don't get it, do you ?

    The majority of accidents is caused by young, reckless drivers.

    Elder drivers tend to be very cautious, your blaming accidents on age is total nonsense.

    OMG, you elderly have too much time

    Annoying comments.........I'm not blaming accidents on AGE, its about not being competent, a special skill set is required to ride on roads in Thailand.


    So, Let's just continue to encourage the Reckless, Elderly, incompetent to keep riding.


    Its very traumatic for the 3rd party involved in an accident when a death occurs.



  9. 7 minutes ago, xylophone said:
    28 minutes ago, VYCM said:


    You can't say that it's cheating

    No second prizes for senility jokes. You're plagiarizing my work.
    It was clever thou, looks like you got that new thinking cap I suggested you get

    Anyway, I reckon Safely First has nailed it. There are just toooo many elderly guys dying at U-turns.

    What have you to say about that Sherlock?


    And as another poster has suggested to the post by "Safety First", and I will say to you, to prove your point please supply the links to those "Toooo many" elderly guys dying at U-turns, and then search to find out how many people not considered elderly are dying on U-turns or indeed on the roads in general. 


    And as "Safety First" has admitted, there are far too many incompetent drivers on the road who are not elderly, so that says more about Thailand and its drivers than it does about the elderly, which was my point.


    And to round it off, RIP to the poor guy who was killed, and condolences to his family, because this man was sitting on his bike at a U-turn, just as he should have been, when through no fault of his own he was hit by a car and killed, so you're still certain that it was because of his age, that he died and not because of some incompetent car driver??


    Go figure Sherlock


    No second prizes for SHERLOCK jokes. You're plagiarizing my work.





  10. 15 hours ago, xylophone said:
    18 hours ago, VYCM said:

    You're obviously not reading the same words I am. 


    Oh well, you can't argue with senility. 


    Maybe you should trade your thinking cap in for a new one. 

    You are quite right I can't argue with early onset senility in your case, and I feel sorry for you in that regard so let me try and help you out here, and I will use the old adage, "I can explain to you but I can't understand it for you"..........


    You are saying that the headline states that because the person is 71 years of age he is in some way responsible for the accident, so let's look at this another way (I'll try for your sake, but only this once). Let's say the headline read, "Sa-Kaeo Brit 28 living in Thailand killed while making U turn on motorcycle".

    From that heading, and using your "powers of deduction and your same reasoning" you would have to say that the 28 year old Brit died (and the fact that you purely used age as a reason for the accident), and this was definitely about age, although nothing in that heading suggests it?


    As I said previously, the heading does not suggest age was the reason for the accident.

    And a recent post by "gomangosteen" along with pictures, very strongly suggests that the Brit was in the right lane to do a U-turn, doing the right thing to do a U-turn and was hit by a car, which then carried on and hit a pylon, which severely damaged the car – – speeding perhaps?


    I rest my case.


    You can't say that it's cheating

    No second prizes for senility jokes. You're plagiarizing my work.
    It was clever thou, looks like you got that new thinking cap I suggested you get

    Anyway, I reckon Safely First has nailed it. There are just toooo many elderly guys dying at U-turns.

    What have you to say about that Sherlock?


    • Sad 2
  11. 7 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    I don't need reading glasses and there is nowhere in that headline, that I can see, suggesting that age caused the accident.


    In addition, another poster has suggested that the accident was caused at a gap in the central reservations where U-turns are permitted – – now if that is right, anyone can be subjected to dangerous/careless driving because those things are death traps.


    I'll put on my "reading glasses", if you will put on your "thinking cap".

    You're obviously not reading the same words I am. 


    Oh well, you can't argue with senility. 


    Maybe you should trade your thinking cap in for a new one. 

    • Sad 1
  12. 1 hour ago, xylophone said:
    4 hours ago, VYCM said:

    The FUSS is that so many elderly are having accidents at these U-Turns

    It doesn't matter what age you are when you are sitting at one of these U-turns, because you are fair game to any hoon who isn't paying attention to the road, conditions, or traffic.


    I do recall reading something from a regular poster here, Colin Neil, who was diligently waiting on his motorbike to make a right turn, when someone ran into him from behind and unfortunately the poor guy is now in a wheelchair and partially paralysed, and that is my main fear here when I'm on my bike, that some other idiot will cause me damage or my demise.


    I use the motorbike for regular short trips around Patong, but some of these can be deadly, and the car for longer trips.


    It's not about age it's about road safety, training, awareness and intelligence.

    The headline reads


    Sa Kaeo: Brit, 71, living in Thailand killed while making U-Turn on motorcycle


    it's definitely about age, please put on your reading glasses.





  13. 21 hours ago, Don Mega said:
    23 hours ago, VYCM said:





    I know what Gasohol means, also its uses and when and where not to use.


    Can you answer the question? - Why is gasohol at the Shell petrol stations selling 95 Gasohol (ethanol) for 5 baht more expensive?


    Let’s keep focused, no need for info regarding Canada, petrol strimmer / warrantee or other issues.

    Gasahol95  is 26.75 at Shell.... is everyone else selling for 21.75 ?

    Ok, it's clear that nobody can answer the question highlighted above as I'm getting many comments but only waffle, so i'll assume the answer.


    Why is gasohol at the Shell petrol stations selling 95 Gasohol (ethanol) for 5 baht more expensive?..............Greed



    • Like 1
  14. 18 hours ago, sandyf said:
    23 hours ago, VYCM said:

    I know what Gasohol means,

    If you knew that you would have used the correct spec, E10, E20 or E85

    I have no idea what you are talking about, read my post #28 before commenting.

    I replied to you professionally, try to show the same courtesy.


    It's always a good idea to make sure you are on the same page as the rest of us before commenting.

  15. 35 minutes ago, VYCM said:
    1 hour ago, Lacessit said:
    On 1/11/2020 at 8:08 AM, thailand49 said:

    Just curious?   outside of Diesel, is there a reason Shell particularly in Pattaya charges 5 baht more for 95 than the other filling stations? Is there something special about it?

    There are two different types of 95. One contains ethanol, the other is straight hydrocarbon. All fuel manufacturers selling the hydrocarbon type charge more for it.


    Nope, he is not asking about Benzine,

    the question is about 95 ethanol.




    Is 5 baht more expensive



    22 minutes ago, sandyf said:
    35 minutes ago, VYCM said:

    Nope, he is not asking about Benzine,

    the question is about 95 ethanol.




    Is 5 baht more expensive



    "Gasohol" means it contains ethanol which can be 10% or 20%, not sure if that creates a price difference.

    As far as I am aware only Thailand and Canada have widespread use of this type of fuel. The idea being that it keeps the engine clean by effectively wearing the metal away.

    I have a petrol strimmer and the warranty prohibits the use of fuel with a higher than 5% ethanol content. I use Benzine, it is more expensive and becoming difficult to find.



    I know what Gasohol means, also its uses and when and where not to use.


    Can you answer the question? - Why is gasohol at the Shell petrol stations selling 95 Gasohol (ethanol) for 5 baht more expensive?


    Let’s keep focused, no need for info regarding Canada, petrol strimmer / warrantee or other issues.

  16. 25 minutes ago, Lacessit said:
    On 1/11/2020 at 8:08 AM, thailand49 said:

    Just curious?   outside of Diesel, is there a reason Shell particularly in Pattaya charges 5 baht more for 95 than the other filling stations? Is there something special about it?

    There are two different types of 95. One contains ethanol, the other is straight hydrocarbon. All fuel manufacturers selling the hydrocarbon type charge more for it.


    Nope, he is not asking about Benzine,

    the question is about 95 ethanol.




    Is 5 baht more expensive



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