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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. About jumpers, where exactly are they located physically, and how do I change them?

    as tywais says - SATA devices will not have jumpers - the bios should sort out its boot device although its worth having a poke around in the bios just to check

    as for jumpers - if you look at the arse end of an IDE device - next to the power socket you'll see 6 or 7 pins - probably bridged by a small plastic "jumper", theyre used for telling the device how to behave as either primary (master) or secondary (slave)

    usual set up would be to have your system disc set to master and connected to IDE interface0 on the motherboard - from here you could hang another device, such as a CDRom, onto that same cable but you would use the jumper to bridge the pins that make the device a slave - theres usually a diagram on the harddrive or CD drive to show you - if no diagram look closely at the device - you should find that theyre labelled:

    ma - master

    sl - slave

    cs - cable select

    some devices will say to set as master - remove jumper all together

    hope this helps

  2. review the changes that you have made in the bios and recheck your jumpers - i personally prefer to change IDE devices to primary channel0 for your system drive and set you slaves to slave - im not a great fan of cable select.

    assuming youre using IDE - i dont think Serial ATA use jumpers do they ?????

  3. wiggybhoy - ive not read the whole thread but would like to offer my condolences to you, and your friends family.

    remember that news, whether good or bad will attract comment from all and sundry.

    this forum and many other online communties as a whole have a good relationship with its members and wouldnt go out of its way to be involved with speaking out of turn or speculating without evidence, however there are exceptions.

    all the best

  4. yeah looks good but its not freeware -

    if your pc is not connected to a local lan you can add windows security to the folders and shares which should be enough to stop unsolicited access

    edit# unless of course someone nicks your pc - are your disks formatted ntfs?

  5. no weve not "consulted a physcian" or booked an appointment with the doctor for a weeks time as we say in the UK

    im just wondering

    sorry to be vague but its spots, pimples, acne, blemishes, teenage red spots that are over her forehead - cant really narrow it down much more than that

  6. Is this for locking files and folders to be sent out onto the net?

    or just keeping em on your local PC?

    If youre moving them around a network - do a search for some freeware file encryption

    If its local - i dunno - will have to look into this

    edit# right - pop over to zdnet dot com > downloads > utilities and/or security > sort by licence "free"

    theyre pretty good from here - you should find what youre looking for

  7. Guys - my thai wife has been in UK for 18months now - she has never suffered from being spotty before, but she seems to be prone to getting spots quite a lot now.

    She washes, cleanses and moisturises twice daily...

    doesnt wear much makeup

    eats plenty of greens, som tam, but very little fish or meat - do you think this is being caused by:

    Diet - lack of multi-vitamins

    Lack of sunny weather

    The Pill

    any ideas on causes and prevention welcome

  8. wouldnt it have just been easier to ask her to go get one of the waiters that you do know - im sure any of the staff that knew your face would have explained to her that youre a local...

    either way i hope you enjoyed your steak - wherever you went for it

  9. 4 days without anyone posting a weather update, then 3 in one day. I think ol' daleyboy has been asleep at the switch (to busy trying on dresses ?)

    I think he's been busy making last minute plans for his imminent arrival into fatherhood...

    In his absense though - Id like to say that it has been raining in bristol in the last hour - just very finely drizzling now - now a break in the clouds is beginning to show

  10. on my machine at home i found a whole load of *.dat files that stored visited web pages in... however i cant seem to find them on my work pc - so cant be sure of the location - however if you have a dig around in this lot, you should be able to piece something back together -

    c:\documents and settings\[your username]\local settings\history

    this will help retrace your most recent browsing - unless of course you cautiously clear the history cache after every surf :o

    c:\documents and settings\[your username]\local settings\temporary internet files

    you can find all sorts of cr@p in here - gif files, txt files, cookie files - but the column next to these files shows the internet address where they were picked up from too.

    hope this helps

  11. Haven't you ever seen any prison/mental asylum movies?

    That is what they ALWAYS say to new arrivals! :D

    Yeah like the film scum. When Ray Winstone goes around saying whos your daddy? Very worrying indeed. :o

    Not once in that movie was the line "who's your daddy?" used.

    no - youre quite right - it was "who's the f***ing daddy now, eh?"

    classic family viewing - quality film from Ray's early days

  12. That took you bloody long enough, but then i have met you and if your typing is anything like your speech, 500 posts really is a landmark. :o

    Congrats mate, see ya in bedlam :D

    I forgot to mention the close friendships that ive formed since joining the forum -

    thanks dale :D

  13. If the system freezes happen before getting to windows try an F8 at boot and do a safe mode with networking to see if you get anymore clues

    If youre getting to windows and logging on - loading user settings etc when the freezes start - it may be worth taking items out of the startup folder one at a time.... pain in the arse i know but its a sure fire way of pinning it down to particular task if you cant find any clues from the task manager.

    if theres alot of stuff in the folder - you could just create a new user with an empty startup folder and see if theres any difference.

    Im not convinced that its a network issue as this side of the preceedings will have already been done before you get as far as loading the desktop..

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