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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. Now . this is a thread worth watching .... :o at least for the laughs

    Unless you're 'londonliving' :D

    yeah this is very true - perhaps not the most helpfull welcome to the forum... but never-the-less it is not uncommon for this sort of situation to arrise with "new builds"

    it doesnt help being based in london at this time either - i guess you just have to keep contacting the contractor.

    dyou have any contacts / friends in bangkok who can help?

  2. while we are on the .pdf subject here, could someone tell me how to remove the "source" headers and footers that appear on an adobe document?

    for instance, i change a .txt document to a .pdf, and at the bottom and top of every page of the .pdf it shows the location and title of the source document.


    have just converted a word doc into a *.pdf with the above mentioned pdf creator - i dont have any headers or footers... is it picking them up from the doc in its previous life as a txt document.

    try saving the *.txt to a *.doc or *.rtf and then doing the *.pdf creation - see if that helps

  3. sorry groo - must have been typing at the same time there

    no worries mr boj

    1. click "download PDF Creator"

    2. on the next page - click "download" for the PDF Creator

    3. grab the first one - the msi (microsoft installer)

    4. choose yourself somewhere to download from - i went to the bottom one in Kent - UK Mirror Service

    any probs let me know

    Ill hold you to that massman too - ive got a memory like a sh*thouse rat :o

  4. i'm just learning about "proxy"... but many websites i searched by keyword "proxy thailand internet" are blocked by thai gov....!

    so many websites are blocked these days.... it's too much!

    if you want to know all about proxy servers - you may have better look getting a definition from wikipedia if youre getting blocked by thai gov...

    youre being blocked because thailand opposes the use of anonimisers and anonymous proxy servers... search the forum for "anonymous proxy" for explanations.

    all you need to know is this - a proxy server sits somewhere on your isps network - when you type in a web address into your browser - the request is usually sent of to your isp where three things happen.

    1. your request goes to the dns server - dns resolves the www.whatever.com address to its IP address or something...

    2. your IP address goes off to the Proxy - the proxy will look at the requested IP address to check if it already has a cached copy of the website you require.... by doing this - download time is increased as youre not having to re-invent the wheel - as it were.

    3. of course if your proxy doesnt have a record of this - it will either pass it on to another proxy server and make a note of the results or throw the request out to its nearest gateway to go out into the wilderness to find the address.

    theres alot more to it than this - but you get the idea - and hopefully can see why a proxy server may be to blame.

    i.e. if the proxy is still caching (saving) an old copy of web pages... even if you delete the pages on the hosting server - the requests from other users arent seeing your webpage - theyre seeing an older cached proxy version.

    hope that helps

  5. it reads old data like 3 months ago...! even i delete the file from the server...

    if youre still seeing files from 3 months ago - despite deleting them from the current hosting server - it sounds like a proxy server problem - do you have access to your proxy? or can you get someone to check this for you.

  6. congratulations sadman. :D

    PS the only reason im posting here is to up my count!! :D

    i sometimes wonder where members with several thousand posts find time to sleep!!! :D

    yeah i know exactly what you mean - unless this forum is for expat insomniacs and ive been missing the point up till now - -

    461... :o

  7. Can any one please tell me how I can check the size of the RAM and HDD, running on computers using Windows XP professional and Windows XP Home , operating systems ( the computers do not have an internet connection ) .

    Thanks ...... Mumbo

    Try start->run->msinfo32


    At a command prompt (start->run->cmd) type:- systeminfo

    Far more info than you should ever need :o

    not much to add to the above - other than if you want to do this remotely on PCs on your LAN - follow the link and download PStools from Sysinternals - a handfull of commands to grab all sorts of info from Local Networked PCs.


  8. if you've not tried insects before - the small fried grasshoppers are probably the best to start with - ive actually grown to like them - although there is a big difference between the fresh ones cooked in clean oil at my wifes home than the street vendor stuff in BKK.

    once initiated you can move on to all sorts of bugs, beetles and grubs.... Ive yet to try "gee-lor" but before my wife came to england, she would go off into the fields to dig these beetles up on a daily basis.... then when the family and neighbors had a large haul, would cook and eat with sticky rice and salad.

  9. Hi folks,

    Just completing VAF 2 settlement application form and I have a few little queries.

    Q 2.7a Asks the current marital status. When my fiancée hands in the applcation we will not yet be married, however when she has her interview we will be married. So do we tick single or married?

    I think we should tick single because thats what she is at that point in time but I would just like to check.

    I ticked single - as you say at time of completing the form you are both single

    Q 2.13 Asks for a permanant home address. Do we put her apartment in BKK or her hometown address?

    her current address i guess - when the visa is approved she will need to go back to her hometown to change her id card for changing the name in her passport.

    Q 2.15 Asks for a home phone number. Can we not just give her mobile number?

    of course - i gave my number too - not that i thought they would call me in the UK but its better to have it and not need it etc etc...

    Section 3 Asks about having ever been married / in a realtionship similar to marriage and so on. Are there talking about our relationship here? Or is it past tense? I understand it to be talking about previous relationships, but it doesn't actuallt say previous :o Really wish they would make these forms clearer.

    i believe it means "ever" - i ticked yes as i had been previously married and since divorced - if this is the case you must enclose your decree absolute along with your affirmation to marry - as and when you come to do the deed.

    And finally Q 6.15 Asks about holding any savings. We do at present but by the time we are married and going to the interview, probably not :D

    Thanks alot people


    list all monies you have at that time - dont worry about what youll have after you've paid for her flights back home, feeding and watering half the villagers at your wedding do or anything else.... thats all by the by

    Ohh - and black and white photocopies of your passport should be fine - i sent b&w copies and obviously took my passport when we went for our short interview but you show all that sort of thing when you get married and have the sworn translations done.

    all the best

  10. How can any one at the age of 25 think they will never get a job again for the next 40+ years.

    I suggest you get out of the job you do not like as soon as you can and get the next plain out of here and try to work some where eles. Do not just give up on all things you are young so should be able to change much better than others. :o

    I'm interested to know what the whistling smilie indicates in your reply. Do you know?

    well obviously i didnt post it - but in answer to your question - i reckon what warriors meant was - the young adapt to change easier than their older counterparts.


  11. Nice picture...but scary avatar...why you changed it,rio666uk?

    thanks Glauka... for some reason you cant enlarge the picture????? probably not a bad thing though :D

    Oh yes you are right I can´t enlarge it!!!!!!!!!!...

    Just joking...again nice picture...horrible avatar.... :D

    im working on the picture - bare with me

    the avatar represents my sinister side :o

    its "Samara" the evil little girl from the movie The Ring

  12. dunno whats happened to that... :D

    didnt even post that to the forum... got as far as typing that bit and then gave up cos the site kept timing out when i tried to attach the photo.... :D

    couldnt post in the members album either :o

    nope - just tried again and get "page cannot be displayed"

    b0ll0cks to it - youll have to use your imaginations... apart from daleyboy as hes already seen the full horror of me!

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