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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. hi 666,

    thanks for your reply and well done for not relapsing in 6 weeks - how long was it before the cravings got less? are you finding it a lot easier to not smoke now?

    i'm not using gum/patches etc, as like you, i wanted to just completely stop by willpower.

    yeah, the drinking thing is hard although i have been trying to go out with non smokers which makes it much easier to not want to smoke. i'm fine with going for a meal, but i've yet to go clubbing as i think that will be another trigger point for me.

    i think also what helps is knowing that there are others in the same position - i feel like i need a smoking version of AA!

    as h90 says - the cravings get less in time.. the first week is a nightmare, week2 starts to be a bit easier... i think its different for everyone - but by the time i got to week 3 and 4 i would only get the urge when youre in that eurphoric feeling between sober and drunk... but it passes if you just try to think of something else.

    there are many obvious advantages to quitting smoking - but the most suprising for me so far has been the difference in hangovers... when i was smoking 20 on a heavy night out, i would usually be rough for the whole of the next day....

    without smoking a hangover seems to last 30 mins in the morning now - by the time ive had a shower and something to eat im 100% back to normal - its incredible!

    bit like when youre 18 and you can get plastered every night with no ill effects...not that im condoning - or encouraging binge drinking!

    keep at freestylegirl and everyone else

  2. She can also have discreet relationship if wanted

    ohhhh can she....

    wow - ill bet they'll be falling over themselves to form an orderly queue then...

    cracking first post mate - cracking.

    Troll feeding time!

  3. Hi Freestylegirl and welcome to ThaiVisa Forum.

    As far as your smoking goes... Im a relative newbie to the non-smoking community - Im on week 6 now and have stopped on will power alone.

    However I know that this is not an option for many people, are you using patches, gums or whatever?

    If youre anything like me, I always found overwhelming inspiration to give up on a sunday or monday but come the weekend would reward myself with a cigarette or 20 and start a-fresh on monday again..

    the trigger points are important to giving up - mine are:

    a: going out for a meal

    b: being in a bar/pub where smoking is allowed

    c: having a few beers at home

    Ive pretty much conquered "c" now - but still have some "hunger pains" for a smoke.. they pass quite quickly now though

    "b" is easy - as long as im not having to many drinks.. the more beers i have the more those cigarettes seem appealing - but ive yet to give in

    I tackled "a" for the first time since new years eve, last night - when i ate out.... luckily we ate in a non-smoking cafe so it wasnt too much of a problem..

    From your post - I would guess that the "friday feeling" over the weekend is your trigger point, same as mine... you need to find out what works best for you - if possible you could try staying away from bars, restaurants and other smokey atmospheres for a month, until youre over the worst of the cravings.

    As for dealing with stress - do anything, chew gum, deep breaths, glass of cold water etc they can all help... but smoking is only a quick fix that puts you back to square one again.

    If you've had a relapse, dont beat yourself up about it too much - just keep at it - i have friends that took several months of stopping and starting before giving up for good..

    just dont use that as an excuse to prolong giving up - i was meant to give up on my 30th birthday at the end of november... i kept making excuses about delaying because it was near to xmas etc.. on new years eve i ran out excuses and just stopped.

    i wish you all the best - and dont forget to post back here to let us know how youre getting on.


    PS : follow this link posted by another TV member


  4. Bolognare, from reading this thread and others that you have posted, I have decided (no offence intended), that you are absolutely paranoid!! :o

    Furthermore, whilst you are trying to figure out how to 100% 'hide' your new online business, there will be many others who have considered the risks, dismissed them as negligible, launched their business and stolen your intended customers!

    Sometimes it is better to act, not just to talk....


    Point 1

    Agreed I think the OP is overly paranoid.... as much as people have commented on net anonymity - it seems "a fairly pointless topic on a public forum".

    Point 2

    Unless of course the OP is involved in some extremely covert operations - but then again refer to point 1.

  5. appologies if im repeating a previous post - but im just adding a note - so havent read all the replies...

    when you use something like visualroute - you're only using a glossy version with a pretty gui of the command "tracert"

    for those that dont know - "tracert" uses the ICMP protocol to trace through to an end point and returns the number of hops (routers it passes through before continuing).... similar to "pathping" command

    these routers can be configured to "discard" or "drop" ICMP packets, and only route legitimate traffic.. this is because ICMP packets are used for "denial of service" "ping of death" attacks on routers... and is a favoured method of attack on a companys website

    therefore - if you are unable to ping or traceroute to an IP end point - this does not always mean that the host is unavailable, its more likely that a router along the way is discarding your ping requests....

    additionaly - IP Routing tables of the worlds Routers are constantly changing, if a prefered "known route" becomes congested or un-available the "open shortest path first" protocol is employed, and another "path" is created and saved into the routing tables - for this reason it is not "always" possible to accurately gauge an endpoint location without involving some nifty software....

  6. Pattaya - with respect to all the ThaiVisa members that have replied to you..

    Do yourself a favour, follow the link below, create yourself an account and post your original question on the forum (feel free to edit out the buggering off to thailand bit)... goto the "dealing with debt" and "dealing with redundancy" message boards to post your situation.

    You will receive some sound advice from the members and moderators - a lot of which are working in the banking, finance and legal sectors.... You will find that yours is not an uncommon situation on this forum.

    All the best



  7. Do any of you get interest on your accounts?

    And will the bank close them if theyre not used for x amount of time? i.e. if you holiday once a year only..

    No ..as long as you leave some dosh in it...

    An ex TG of mine didn't use a Krung Thai account and the bank closed it, keeping the 500bt that was in there at the time! I'm not sure how long the account was unused though.

    My wife forgot to close her account before coming to England.. only had a few hundred bt in the account...

    I said "no worries" we can draw it out and buy some bbq next time we're there.... she said that the bangkok bank would close the account if it remained dormant.... despite still have 300bht in there.


  8. I was trying to load the Yahoo toolbar, to get the Yahoo spyware killer. It downloaded ok. The toolbar is ok. Then when I downloaded the spyware killer it wouldn't let me complete the task as I do not have administrator privelges. But, I do.

    I suspect I have a virus doing something, but I'm not sure.

    Can anybody help?

    I would doubt that a virus has anything to do with this at all - its more likely to be the yahoo toolbar that youve downloaded.

    Did you force a reboot after installing..? my guess is something up with the toolbar thats preventing the other program from being installed.

    Once youve done a reboot - can you confirm that the new programs can be found in the control panel > add remove programs window... ?

  9. I know many West Country folk have a different conception of time, but isn't that 164.58 days? (5925 miles / 36 miles walked in a day)


    I dunno - that daleyboy, you cant take him anywhere... its probably best that hes kept down ere in the south west of angkrit eh


  10. Very strange - so far youre doing everything that i did last september.. still there you go.

    Not having a job and not having any funds in the bank to support your wife would be a problem.

    However if you have one or the other this changes things considerably.

    Using your mum and dads house as a base is fine - although i believe that if you are doing this, as with a house of your own, you will need to provide some information regarding number of people living there - number of bedrooms etc etc etc.... I did the same thing and got the old man to write a letter explaining the size of the house, and that he was happy for us to stay there indefinately etc etc.

    the safest advice i can give - is the more evidence you can provide to the visa officer, the better... if youre returning to UK beforehand you should be able to sort out some work - even if its just a letter from an employment agency confirming that youre on their books...

    If you can find yourself a flat - be sure to use your tenancy agreement etc as support evidence too. If youre not going back out to thailand in time for the interview - post the agreement out to your mrs.... you may get away with photocopies of somethings but not others.. you will need to check this on the brit embassy website. see link below.

    where abouts are you based in the UK?

    all the best



  11. dunno - who cares - imagine what a trip that would be.... are you thinking of doing it then????

    id love to plan something like that.. in fact i may even do it whilst on the way over to thailand when me n the wife move over their for good - in a hundred years time.

    visas for the mrs could be a problem :o

  12. Thanks for your help.Her husband will not cooperate to get a divorce, he's already threatend to kill her, thats why we are leaving Spain. We want him to think she's gone back to Thailand to live. Would it be possible for her to get a visa as his wife and to go to the UK without him?

    as brit says - you can forget that idea

    affraid to say - if he aint gonna co-operate, then he aint never gonna goto thailand just to get divorced... you will have to pursue a divorce case there i guess... take some legal advise on this as there may be other ways to make this easier.

    good luck

  13. I will only be in Thailand less than 3 weeks and I am hoping she can return with me about 10 days after the wedding.-I have heard she can apply early (say 4 months before we marry?) and arrange for an interview and get the visa after the wedding? We will only have a week. Is this true? Anyone done this recently?

    yes its true - i did exactly the same thing last september - i applied 3.5 months before my arrival date, allowed 3 days to marry and get all the paperwork sorted, translated and checked and advised of 3 possible dates for interview... embassy were fine with our plans and offered us a short interview (2 mins) on the first date i suggested.

    After we are married does she need to change her Thai passport to my surname or even to Mrs? What are the issues-we would like to buy land in Thailand at some point and this seems to be an issue? However is it better to travel say to Europe/US later with her having taken my name on her passport? Again we will only have a week to do this after the wedding.

    yes can change name - for the visa - her ID card needs to be changed, this has to be done back in her village where she would have gotten it from originally.

    buying land - she can do this as long as she hasnt given up her thai citizenship... therefore not applying for UK citizenship is a good idea - she wouldnt be able to do this till shes been in UK for 5 years anyway + it now requires a written exam pass... you could research into this as im not sure if and how she would be able to get dual citizenship... im not an expert on this so ill shut up on this

    I want to try to book us on the same flight back to UK-I will get a return from the UK but can I book a single for her from too at the same time or does she have to by this in Thailand then turn up at the airport together?

    again - did the same thing... waited till we went back to wifes village to change ID card - then changed passport when got back to bkk and finally booked single flight on same flight as mine - not too busy in sept/oct so shouldnt be a problem at all

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