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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. Possibly perhaps the majority of mods, excluding the multi talented and perspicacious Antipodeans of course, have not yet seen a possible nexus 'twixt " Wes " and the Scamp despite the numerous clues littered about the forum, intentional and otherwise.

    A deaf bat flying in Braille couldn't have missed it..........

    Or perhaps they just want to have a laugh at the expense of people going through the visa process, which would be very sad, not to mention annoying, but then again that is what trolls do.

    Wes Turner being someone else (scampy) is irrelavant as far as I am concerned, I don't care. Pretending to be someone else, or inventing a altar ego for posting on a web forum is very very sad indeed.

    Get out more, Wes Scampy or whoever you are and save your drivel for somewhere else :o

    gotta agree with this...

    multiple accounts / alias's are not allowed...

    and its certainly not helpfull having this $hit in the visa section :D

  2. Dale - if you do fancy lowering yourself to their level and knocking f*** out of em, give me a bell next time youre going shopping and ill come along... :o

    Ive been lucky so far - neither myself or my mates that are married to thai girls have had any problems like this... but I have seen the lowlifes sneering and sniggering when we've been out in town for a drink...

    It concerns me that my wife has said that she actually feels threatened by some peoples stares - as though its in mallice.

  3. Has anyone who frequents this forum read his book? Any opinions?

    Thank you for indulging me.


    yes - i read a book of his, cant remember the name unfortunately, but it was a collection of stories from 12 young thai monks and how their stories of their lives before becomming ordained....

    ive not read any of his other books - and am not a practising buddhist so i cant comment on that side of it, however the book i did read i thoroughly enjoyed.

  4. ....I don't want any negative thoughts to interfere with something that so far is awesome! :o

    in that case - quit searching the forum for horror stories and get on with your relationship with this guy... reading the jaded experiences of some is not gonna help you stay possitive is it!

    its no different to the guys that warn all the other chaps to stay well away from goldigging bargirls, coz they'll take you to the cleaners and will screw around if someone richer comes along... etc etc blah blah

    but (believe it or not) there is still a good to high percentage of guys that are very happily married to women that they met in bars etc - if everyone listened to all the opinions on web forums, it would be a very dull world indeed.


  5. I am not sure what kind of school your family are in.

    Most schools are just starting the long end of year break, which lasts for 6-8 weeks depending on the school.

    International schools follow a different timetable.

    my wifes niece goes to a local secondary school in nongkhai - she tells me that they will be on a 3 week holiday starting next week :o

    i think there maybe a breakdown in communication - as for a 6 week holiday - first ive heard of it.

  6. Can someone tell me if term times for schools in different areas of Thailand are all the same...

    My wifes niece and brother are due to have a 3 week break from school starting next week - i.e. would school kids in bangkok be on holiday at the same time as Issan or Southern students?

  7. January


    March... Im still going well

    Hiya rio666uk

    You are leading by example and inspiring others, well done for achieving so much.

    After 2 months you are well on the way to success from what i remember about stopping.

    All the negatives will really start to exaggerate and you will be increasingly offended by smokers

    if you are the same as i was.

    While accepting there right to do this they appeared as selfish people who didn,t care that it is really anti social and harmful and non smokers where in their presence.

    The fact that i had gone through all the effects of stopping they didn,t give a tuppence and couldn,t give even a flicker of consideration, really got to me.

    Having said that i just got out of their way when someone lit up, the smell being the most offensive of all.

    I feel sure you will win and are definitely on the positive side of your goal.

    They reckon ex smokers are the worst for being aware of the negatives and the selfish thing

    but only ex smokers know both sides of the coin and the benefits/non benefits.

    If people smoke it is their choice and i have no problem with that ( unless o course it,s someone i care about.) then i try to encourage them to stop.

    All i would ask is that they give non smokers the same considerations, without sounding like a preacher/better than you poster as i am not.

    marshbags :D:D:D

    P.S. You may also spare a thought for people like T.P. who are trying very hard to give it up and at the very least " ask if they mind you smoking in their presence ", and not get uptight when they say they do object.

    cheers marshbags - thanks for posting some helpfull advice on this topic - Ive been speaking to TP about giving up via PM and am aware of the difficulty hes been having... but i know he's also a strong character and will achieve his goal in time.


  8. As most of its already been said Ill keep it brief... my advice would be to use WPA instead of WEP, If the function is available on your wifi access point you should enable WPA key rotation too and set a timeout of something like 10mins to change keys.

    MAC address filtering is a handy tool but is no means 100% - coupled with WPA its gonna be hard to break.

    You could stop broadcasting your SSID - this step alone will be enough to put off most hackers unless theyre really desperate to get in.

    Monitor your access points / routers event log, it can be very handy at showing times and devices that have been refused connection.

    Make sure that your routers default username and password have been changed... and when you do create another admin account delete the old one.

    As for your Yahoo credentials being someone elses - its far more likely to be that either someone else used your machine if you werent there... note: used your machine not your connection... or as someone else said - an ISP proxy

  9. I use a mini-dv/memory stick combination, and am happy with that.

    Anyone buying a camcorder now, I'd advise to look into the very compact, memory card only stuff available. This seems to be the way it's heading, anything else may be obsolete in a few years...

    If you are looking for value for best quality, I would recommend MiniDV format and would NOT recommend at all memory-card (MemoryStick, SD, xD) media. Why?

    - Because memory card is still considered expensive than MiniDV tape (4000 Baht of 1 GB SD/MemoryStick vs 100 Baht of 60 minutes MiniDV tape)

    - Because memory card has limited capacity (2 GB max for SD, 4 GB max for MemoryStick), unless you can afford to purchase big capacity card (the new launched 4 GB SD or 8 GB MemoryStick) which is too way expensive

    - And the most important one, because using memory card the video would be compressed as MPEG format. You're loosing the quality especially when you want to have DVD quality video. Using MiniDV you would not loose a single bit.

    Yep i reckon you're absolutley right from what you and others have said - plus reading the other topic that Nordlys suggested looking at.

    So now that I know what format im going for - what are the recommendations from those in the know - remember now, im not intending spending too much...

    list makes n models not so much prices as im in UK at the moment so it doesnt make any difference

  10. Yeah sorry I havent been back to this topic - Prasert kindly went through some suggestions to a lengthy PM i sent him regarding cisco aironet 1100 access points - and some error message that was displayed when access the point from web interface.

  11. Sanyo's Xacti range of video cameras are great, I have a C6 I picked up in Hong Kong with a 1 Gb memory card for 20,000 Baht. Its also a 6 megapixel camera and can take pictures (at that resolution) at the same time as filming at a different resolution.

    ive seen this on a website for £379 in UK - whats the zoom like....?

  12. thanks for all your replies.. id like a dvd camcorder or solid state writing to flash... however, given the amount of yearly footage im likely to take - i reckon miniDV is got to be the best bet.

    cheers chaps

  13. Hi all - ive been doing a bit of looking around on the net for information on camcorder formats...

    I realise that DVD is the best and provides the best "ease of playback", but was wondering what your thoughts are to the main formats.

    Im after a camcorder to buy in the UK for filming the current snow flurries, and other various english things to show the in-laws on our next holiday - im not after really high end quality for making blockbuster movies...

    And can you also explain the method for playback and editing of these.. i.e. how does minidv playback? is it as simple as just plug into the TV etc..?

    any advice welcome.

  14. did you part with some money for something you didn't really want because you were to bitch to say no? Man up punk, and respect the hustle.

    <deleted> :o

    Im fighting an overwhelming urge to type out some "Ali G"

    Debating if this guy is for real or not is one thing... but since first reading this topic, ive come back to read about people suggesting that he should have the $hit kicked out of him and or be urinated on - then photographed again.

    Im sitting her at my desk, in Bath, England - its been fking snowing here this morning... and you gits are sitting at your PCs, either in work or in yer apartments and condos discussing some tw@t who's begging for money...

    whats the matter with you all - go shopping, go for a beer, go for a game of pool, go short-time, go for a run around lumpini park... do anything other than just sit there bitching about nothing when you have so much outside your front door.

    cos sure as $hit if i was sat over there instead of fking here..... ahh screw it... cant be bothered to rant anymore..

    play on people - its keeping me ammused really - i reckon the OP should print this whole topic off and hand it to the guy next time he sees him... assuming he can read english of course!

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