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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. yes you did read that correctly - but its not required for the visa..

    ive copied and pasted this from their site - its not required as part of the gubbins for the settlement visa - however it could be handy to have it translated for use in UK....

    it was one of those things that i didnt get round to doing - will have it done next time we're there.


    The Thai marriage certificate will be in Thai only. You may wish to commission a “sworn translation” of the marriage certificate from a translation bureau, so that you may use the document for legal purposes in the U.K.


    the link to the embassy page i sent in my last post runs through the whole process of what needs to be done and in what order.... you could of course get an agency to do all the legwork for you at a cost - personally i prefered to do it all myself - job satisfaction and all that

    good luck

  2. Note: This info is from the UK embassy - if youre not a brit please check your own embassy site as certain things may differ.

    I didnt and still havent got my thai wedding cert translated into english - and it wasnt required to be translated when we did the visa business at the embassy... either way

    all the bits and pieces that we needed to be translated and sworn we did at the same place.... see below for address and link at bottom for more info


    Have the affirmation authenticated and translation certified

    * All Thai Registrars will require authentication of the British Consular Official’s signature and certification of the Thai translation. This must be obtained from:

    The Legalisation and Naturalisation Division,

    Department of Consular Affairs,

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (www.mfa.go.th)

    123 Chaeng Wattana Road, Laksi District, Bangkok 11120

    Tel. 0– 2575 1056–59, 0–2981 7171

    (08.30 – 11.30 and 13.00 – 15.30)

    * There are two fees available: -

    1. Baht 400 per document, and it takes up to two full days or

    2. Baht 800 per document for the same day service.



  3. You dont want much do you... ok ill see if i can help - but only brief if you want to know the in and outs of frequency modulation etc you'll have to do some research

    Ok what are the "technical" difference between a T1 and xDSL (aka TurbDSL/SDSL/ProDSL) ? are they performance difference ? what kind of technology do they use ? and why are they different ?

    T1 - Not so popular now but still a very reliable connection - can be run over copper but quite often is fibre run from wherever (exchange) to you... been around for a while i believe and will transmit upto 1.544 Megabit per second. You may have heard of it refered to as a leased line - or dedicated line.

    ADSL - Makes use of the existing phone line and uses a splitter to sort low frequency voice and high frequency data over the same line - which is why you can talk on the phone and use the net at the same time on the same wire.... obviously using this higher and broader range of frequencies means larger data transfer - and so broad-band is born. The "A" in ADSL is asymetric - this basically means that its upstream and downstream data rates are not the same.... given that your average net surfer will be wanting to download more than they will want to upload - it makes it the sensible choice.

    If on the other hand you happen to be a web designer or host other peoples websites or do a lot of ftp work upstream onto the net from your PC - you would be better off using SDSL - which splits the upstream and downstream data rates in half - meaning its just as fast to upload as download......

    All the other flavours of xDSL im not really familiar with - but you can be certain of one thing - they're all just different ways of sampling more data onto the wire, faster!

    Someone here keeps claiming that there no "physical" (they use the same phoneline) and "performance" difference.

    See above - not true - T1 is commonly run over fibre optic cable - anyone worth their salt knows that fibre and copper are nowhere near the same... DSL is sometimes refered to as last mile connections... giving its ease and cost effectiveness using new or existing copper between the exchange and the end user.... not to mention the relatively massive differences in max distance between the two.

    The T1 is just an overcharge from ISP because of their SLA (Service Level Agreement, better service and quality). Is it that simple ?

    no idea at all

    what about latency in xDSL ? what are their origins ? "physical" limitation or just "cheaper routing" ?

    what about latency....? there will be latency in every medium you use.... copper will be affected so will fibre.... even in its purest silica form - fibre will attenuate over distance unless amplifiers or repeaters are used... its an open ended question and depends what you mean.

    origins - I believe it started with a couple of "baked bean cans and a length of string between them"

    Physical limitations are yet to be seen with DSL as far as I know - T1 speed i believe is about 1.5Mbps - distance over copper not sure - distance over fibre a long way

    cheaper routing???? cheaper installation is copper and existing copper is even better cos its already there - so dsl i would say - although different DSL lines will use different cables... for instance an ADSL and SDSL cable are not the same.... T1 would often be piped in specifically for a purpose - hence leased line... thats pricey - or it used to be anyway!

    Routing - not really an issue untill you get down to the nuts and bolts of it - extra costs will arise from the need to convert incoming/outgoing optical digital data back to copper digital data and onto your network... if you see what i mean

    hope this has helped

  4. so this guys pension totalled to less than a million baht.... and he lost the *ing lot in one afternoon :D

    that's gotta hurt.... :o

    doesnt say when he arrived - other than last year - but you usually get to hear the horror stories and potential pitfalls within the first couple of days/weeks

    obviously in this case "love" was'nt just blind - it was barking mad too.

  5. first things first - download yourself a copy of some anti-virus software - theres a sticky listing loads of em in the forum

    i hear avg is very good.... grab a copy of zonealarm too - that takes care of your immediate firewall needs.

    second - whilst youre downloading, grab ad-aware from www.lavasoft.com and spybot search and destroy... after installing this little lot you should be well on the road to being more secure.

    If of course your PC continues to crash and reboot before you are able to download and install the above - you may need to try some other things such as booting in safe mode etc or at worst rebuilding your PC from scratch.

    If this is the case - report back here and, either i, or someone else will advise.

    all the best


  6. At a world brewing convention in the States, the CEO's of various brewing organisations retired to the bar at the end of each day's conference.

    Bruce, CEO of Fosters, shouted to the Barman: "In 'Strylya, we make the best bladdy beer in the world, so pour me a bladdy Fosters, mate!"

    Bob, CEO of Budweiser, calls out next: "In the States, we brew the finest beers of the world, and I make the king of them all, make mine a Bud."

    Hans, CEO of Lowenbrau, steps up next: "In Chermany ve invented das bier, verdamt. Gif me ein Lowenbrau. Das ist der real King of biers!"

    Paddy, CEO of Guinness, steps forward: "Barman, would ya give me a diet coke with ice and lemon, thanks?"

    The others stare at him in stunned silence, amazement written all over their faces. Eventually Bruce asks: "Aren't you going to have a Guinness, Pat?"

    Paddy replies "Well, if you fookin' pansies aren't drinkin', then neither am I!"

  7. Hi. Just had some thoughts about it.

    I think that most of los expats are real losers. I mean, really, who are they? Most of them overweight, not good looking, late 40-s(50-s).

    Its really looks like they screwed up big american(european, aussie,russian) dream.

    Who is a typical Pattaya expat: He is late 40-s, he's prolly fat, he's baldin(bald). He is a divorcie for sure. His wife prolly cheated on him, while he was on long business trips in Cali (Ireland, NZ). He prolly screwed up his Mortgage. He cant pick up a woman in his homeland. He cant Date. He cant earn. His wife got married again. His kids thinks he is a real loser. All he could come up with, is just to sell his house, and move to thai. He proly has a Condo in Northa Pattaya area. He has a Thai GF. She tells him, she loves him long time. He is believe.

    One day she ll come up with an idea for some big time investment. He ll fall for it. She'll screw him. He will comeback to NYC(Carlisle,Moscow) and comitt suicide.

    Thats a story of a guy i knew. RIP Andrew, u had a big soul.

    Thats a big shame guys.

    I love this country anyway. :o

    And what.....

    out to get a reaction are you? cos I cant see any other point to your post.


  8. Hello everyone!

    I go by the handle ChiefBEM.

    I was in the US Army assigned to Thailand 1968-1971.

    Bangkok - Worked on a Thai Army Site by the Airport - Lived in the Water Buffalo (Sephan quai) district at Seri Court on Pattipad Road. Sorry my romanization is as bad as my Thai vocabulary.

    Ubon Ratchatani - Worked North of the city - Lived in Sang Seri and The Siam Hotel.

    My wife of 35 years is from Ubon Ratchatani and she returns to Ubon just about once a year.

    The last two times I was in country was April 2005 and April 2003.

    I am retired at age 59 and we intend on building a home in Ubon Ratchatani or across the river in Warin.

    Looking forward to increasing my knowledge base on Thailand before we move and then keeping in touch while living in Ubon.



    Good to have you on board ChiefBEM, VOX.. everyone else - no i aint typing em all out!

    Enjoy the Forum


  9. here are the guys from the Police Station

    Excellent ! I feel better having seen them on their knees !

    Hope the Boys in Brown treated them well :D

    we can but hope...

    theyre a *king disgrace and should be made an example of by the thai authorities..



  10. Welcome to the forum Blue - as said by others - everyone here has experienced their first taste of thailand - and it never gets boring hearing about someone elses either... glad you had such a great holiday.

    Horseshoe Crabs - youre right - theyre unsettling to look at.. Ill try em one day :o

    If you've got some photos on digi camera - create yourself a gallery and upload em.


  11. Its Thailands future, and its future relationship with forreigners that concerns me - no one seems to sure what lies in store - you may or may not know what im getting at - but it cant be discussed here anyway...

    Yes...I don't think there is any need for scaremongering - in the sense like Thaksin will be round next week to personally strip you of your foreign ownership of that little condominium unit. However, the thing is there is so much sh*t below the surface and things that most of us don't know about...certainly in my humble view there are good chances of some serious "fun and games" here over the next 5 years or so. And this might be a consideration for those considering property ownership.

    It may not be a case of directly impacting foreign ownership. More a case of you just not wanting to be in this country anymore...and then having an "asset" that you can't liquidize. Of course this is no huge problem for those for whom a property purchase would just be small change and just want somewhere of their own to live and personalize etc - for however long that may be. But for those not in such a comfortable position and God forbid those actually wanting to leverage themselves to buy..."you've got to be f***ing crazy" is probably a reasonable appraisal.

    As an aside, there'll be what looks like a seriously explosive book related to Thailand coming out in the middle of this year. As above, it certainly can't be discussed here, suffice to say there is more chance of Trinidad & Tobago winning the World Cup than it being legally available in the Land of Smiles...


    i dont know about any book - you're more in the "know" than i am - sounds interesting though

    but the rest of your post sort of sums up my concerns.

  12. Fair enough - from the sounds of it i think youre seeing the outward facing IP of True - so the problem could lay with them - I would think that you will be using one of their Dynamic NAT addresses.

    can you do a Start > Run > type "cmd" > and at the prompt type "ipconfig /all"

    see if this IP address matches what you get back from www.whatismyip.com

    If it doesnt match then the problem is not at your end

    If it does match... erm... ill answer tomorrow - cos im off home now

    out of interest though - try the following and post your results - at command prompt

    ipconfig /release

    and wait for the message saying released - your ip will show as as will dns etc - type

    ipconfig /renew

    wait for new address and see if this has made any difference - i would doubt it but worth a try

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