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Everything posted by Eaglekott

  1. Luckily with today's Laser technology there is not a single tattoo that can not be removed. But apparently it is much more expensive and painful to have them removed than putting them, and you might need several treatments before its totally gone. A friend of mine had one removed after he divorced his wife. The new girlfriend didn't like to se his ex wife name on his chest all the time.
  2. I have two friends that is dentists one even a Professor, and both say no, not if you don't have any issues with them, The damage was done when they were put there, and they say amalgam if far the best material for fixing caries if if was not for the mercury exposure when they are put there. Second best material to fix teeth is apperently precious gold, The composite plastic once tend to deteriorate over time.
  3. I believe that Canada and Thailand has a Tax agreement and unless Taxes in Thailand is higher than Toronto you would not need to pay any taxes here.
  4. I saw the CCTV video of this accident on TV, and it looked like the driver was standing outside of the car trying to recharge in to the pedals with his left foot. Was he trying to hit the break but accidentally floored the accelerator instead? He got squeezed in between the open door he was standing behind on his car and the white pickup in the picture. RIP
  5. Never go parasailing from a boat that start and land on the beach, The boats with a platform you sit on at start and they just winch you up in the sky and back to the platform after the trip is like 1000 times safer.
  6. You in most cases can eat totally raw chicken (or pork) without getting sick, but there is a small risk of getting food poisoning so why risk it? Also I guess the Chicken you ate was not completely raw. Probably it was cooked on the out side and looked raw in the center close to bones, and if so it probably was heated enough to be safe to eat anyway. I prefer Chicken cooked so they are juicy and soft. Not dry and boring.
  7. I took another bolt yesterday from same starting point to same stopping point, I payed the 151 baht the app stated, no problem there. I probably will avoid the option "Taxi" in Bolt that say meter +20 baht, the other options has a fixed price and probably the drivers pick the fastest most efficient route. I believe the Meter+20 baht gives the drivers the option to do like in my case choose terrible routes with a lot of traffic to "Fuel" the meeter. It was actually the first time I tried this option in Bolt I did use it a few times with Grab earlier tho. I checked the Bolt application after the arrival when he told me the price and also the app the price had changed from 171 to 266. I earlier had my Credit card connected to Bolt and Grab, but I disconnected it when Grab stared to charge the maximum estimated rate with Grab Taxi or the fixed fee with Just Grab the same second they found a driver. then many times the driver cancelled the ride and it took weeks before I got the fare back to my account. Now I mostly scan pay. I have started to check price for the trip in both Grab and Bolt before I book the trip and I have noticed that on most cases Bolt is much cheaper than Grab, some times half the price. only a few times I have seen lower price in Grab. I don't care about the 3$ extra I always give tip to drivers anyway. It is the principle and if many does like this gives taxis a bad reputation. If I see a price in the app when I book and even after the trip started I expect to pay that, not 50% extra and I also became late to my meeting instead of getting early by his choice of route. If he would have followed the GPS suggestions of fastest routes Im sure I would have been there close to an hour earlier.
  8. Yesterday I took a taxi from home to Sukhumvit, I choose Taxi 130-171 Baht and it say meeter plus 20 Baht. The normal driver and economy were all busy. My GPS said it would be a 45 min trip with tolls and 1h 5 min with out tolls. I choose to use tolls. I thought 20 minutes faster could be worth 50 baht and I would be there in good time. The app stated 171 baht when I started the trip. I was checking the GPS on the way and twice the taxi driver choose a path on the highway that added 15 minutes each to the estimated time. Then when we drove off the highway we ended up having to drive long i the direction towards Lumpini in very heavy basically standing still traffic and then u turn and go back. Totally the 45 minutes trip took 1 hour and 40 minutes. Taxi driver even stopped by the road and bought some food from a street vendor. When I at last arrived very late he demanded 266 baht, instead of the 171 initially said by the application. I have a feeling he intentionally took there longer slower routes to fuel the price. By the way so didn't he use the meeter in the Taxi, he just took the price from the app Never before have I payed more than about 160 baht for this trip. I hope this was a one time experience. Anyone else that has experienced this?
  9. I believe I tried this one time, didn't work. Had to wait the 90 days from arrival and go there.
  10. Totally wrong, I have always used my Mac, and Apple Safari. But Im sure it works in FireFox, Opera or Chrome as well.
  11. A friend have stopped do them, he has to go abroad about every 120 days, and every time he come back he must do his first 90 days report in person, it does not work online and after he try online its usually to late to send by post. So he always had to go or send someone to immigration. He simply skip doing them, it resets every time he come back from his trips anyway. only thing he need to keep track of is leaving the country and come back when its less than 90 days before he must renew the VISA They really should fix it so you can do the first after a trip abroad online also.
  12. You can also interpret it as Thailand Consider Lifting Alcohol Ban so the vast majority of restaurants does not have to break the law.
  13. Why does so many new media exaggerate? "Plane fell almost 2,000 meter in a few minutes" Apparently it didn't fell, the captain took it down after the turbulent incident and the "fall" is not worse than what they decline before landing. The captain most certainly did this on purpose to be able to fly much slower than in an air space (FIR) dedicated for traffic on high altitudes. He can fly slower to prevent injured passengers to get more injuries if he fly closer to the ground. "The plane was forced to do an emergency landing in Bangkok" I would say No, the emergency landing was a choice of the captain. Im sure no one forced him. He landed on the closest airport he believe can treat the injured people as soon as possible. "The turbulence killed one person" They believe he died from a heart attack, not caused by trauma, but the autopsy has to verify that, that probably would mean he had some heart conditions and he might not even be aware of them, Hypertension? The incident is most certain why caused the bowl of water to overflow with the last drop. "2 people died from the Turbulence" So far I have not seen any reliable source mention a second fatality. Only one that some media seams to refer to. They might be wrong, and I hope they are, one dead in one to many already. and the most crazy one: "One died of emergency landing from not wearing seat belt" Why state this? Im sure there is many more examples. Many media seams for example to focus on the oxygen masks that fall down on hight altitude if the cabin pressure disappear, in this case they probably can down when a passenger without seat belt hit the panel with their head.
  14. I would say this is a bit misleading. I would say 73 year old British man died during turbulence by heart failure.
  15. Oh really thank for the correction, maybe that's why it get removed from FB every time.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/7WE2vG29XkWPLJYp/ Worked a bit now it seams to have stop work again, am I doing something wrong?
  17. Maybe consider put heat reflecting film on the windows?
  18. Took 7 weeks for me to get it back one time so now I do online
  19. Many types of meat can you eat raw if fresh enough, Like beef. Many types of seafood also, but not Chicken or Pork.
  20. Guess it might work with printing the letter from UK embassy that they do not issue letters anymore to move stamps to a new passport. But if his second passport he want to move to has stamps that he has been traveling or the issue date is long time ago I guess there might be a problem to move it.
  21. You were Correct, the line where you choose bank is easy to miss, My bad. Thank you
  22. You must have been unlucky, I have used them a lot over my 15 years here in Thailand and never had any problem except one or two time they were out of service (Empty on cash?) Not more faulty than Other ATM's IMHO, but SCB Card less withdraw is the worst, have to enter your phone number and a 10 digit code sent to your app etc... take forever to take our cash (Unless they have updated last 6 months), BBL and K-Bank, prepare before approaching the ATM so app is ready to scan, Choose Card-less ATM, Choose Bank, scan QR, money come out, take seconds.
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