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Everything posted by Eaglekott

  1. When people and friends is having a cheers I do, and I take a zip before putting my class or bottle back on the table, every time. If there is too many for all bottles of glasses to reach I "Bluetooth" clink. For me it always mean wishing each other good luck. People don't cling is out of luck 555. The rest of your post i have nothing to do with, I my own personality. Have to add, for some having a cheers with a glass of water or a empty container does not give them the Luck. so they don't have to bother. Guess its a little different where your roots is coming from.
  2. Any one that knows how many KM's that was included in the initial fee of 35 Baht in 2000? And how many KMs that is included now?
  3. The Transport Ministry is considering increasing taxi fares in Bangkok, from 35 baht for the first kilometre to 45 baht, noting that the fares have not been increased for 8 years. Full Story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/bangkok-taxi-fares-may-rise-soon/
  4. ...or inside a museum with a 1m selfie stick wiping down priceless pieces of art from shelves and walls.
  5. I remember the first time I visited Thailand some 20 years ago, I was surprised how far the 35Baht initial fare took you, felt like the meters never started to count. But now when they start the meter it starts ticking pretty fast. So I believe they have "raised" the flag down price by shorten the amount on included km's. or it just me that is getting old. 555 BTW I always give decent tip when they take meter. They probably earn more in some cases than the one that refuse meter. I usually also tip when using "Grab TAXI" (meter + 20 Baht) easy to tip and rate in the app.
  6. The mid 20 year old son of my friend died from covid 2 years ago, also very healthy. Living in Sweden. Non of his vaccinated family members got severe sick when they got it. Another friend here in Thailand refuses Vaccine with his wife. Has to do ATK before enter many Hotels while travel and his wife has now been severe sick for a week, fever, problem to breath, no taste, getting better and then back to worse. She refuses ATK, and they believe it's Common flue, and who knows it might be while friends around thinks it's Covid. She is not sick enough to go to hospital and I really hope that she don't have to.
  7. Maybe they should do like Finland, there you pay traffic fines as a percentage of you previous year income. In 2015 a millionaire had to pay about 2 million Baht in fines for driving 23 km/h over the speed limit that was 80 km/h And in 2002 a executive from Nokia payed over 4.2M Baht in speeding fine on his Harley. His penalty was based on an income of 500,000,000 Baht so he could probably afford it. https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-31709454
  8. So its maximum is UP to 2,000 baht, probably 200 or less for Thai nationals and 2,000 is the new farang price. Before 500 was the farang price. and price for locals was a wai with promise to do better next time.
  9. It's about 0.37 metric meter. The hight of the unit or a device that measure clamps. Kidding, it's a meter that measures how much currency that flows through a cable. Good to use if your fuses in the house blows and you are unsure what causes it. Most models work on AC currency only.
  10. I had exactly the same thought as you. When I asked I was told that the 35 baht starting fee was hardcoded in none programmable chip, while KM fare and waiting fare was soft coded and was changeable. Apparently he was wrong since they now mention raise to 45 or 50 Baht flag fall.
  11. If win big money never brag about it in any media. Not social or tv, newspapers. Just create problems and jealousy among friends and family.
  12. He went there to see if they made it deep enough for his submarines?
  13. I guess his ducks must be very small if he lost a few each day. Pythons eat when they get hungry. Depending on what they eat they might eat only a few times a year if they eat a big animal like an antelope. But when eat smaller preys like rats or Rabbits they eat about every 7-10 days, Young smaller Pythons eat more often than big grown up once.
  14. I heard that the reason they do not change the 35 Baht flag-fall price is that they can not change that price unless they replace the meter for a new one. Not sure that is true so take it with some salt. But I believe the meters is starting ticking price earlier than before.
  15. Might be correct it should cost, but it doesn't. I usually pay pretty good tip with every trip I take including when I book GrabTaxi. Easy to tip and rate in the app after the trip. I usually not tip if no Grab Taxi is available so I have to book the overpriced JustGrab or CrabCar and with Bolt where I pay cash I just round up so I don't get any coins.
  16. Don't think that they are reluctant has any thing do with the flag-fall. It is because they want the tourist to pay 200 baht for a 50 Baht trip.
  17. As I understand if you are in queue with a queue ticket they always take care of you on that day even if you are called after official closing hours.
  18. Still I wonder from where they get those numbers, 31,148 feels like a rather exact number to be an estimation. I can not also wonder if Dr Taweesin at Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration want to keep his numbers as high as possible so there will till be a need for CCSA to continue to exist.
  19. I wonder were these numbers is coming from. MOPH totally reported about 2,000 each day between 7 and 15 Aug for all 77 provinces. The total cases was about 14,000 for the whole week so 31,148 cases/day sounds very strange.
  20. Remember you can access all my data on the link above, Some is a bit unsorted but the data is there. It is in apple numbers format only, not excel, took to much work to export and copy all files.
  21. I think they should do this for Condos, empty shop houses, apartments and maybe even abandoned cars in parking lots and parked by the street for years.
  22. For many people today "Pay in Cash" means you pay with "real" paper money or you do a banktransfer without using a credit. Like you have "Cash" in your bank account and transfer that to another account.
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