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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. Farmland along the riverbank is already disappearing due to the ceaseless building of concrete and rock walkways along many parts of the Thai Mekong. Many parts of the river resemble a huge construction site at the moment, work is set to continue for the next 20 years by which time 70 percent of the Mekong river bank on the Thai side will have been concreted and rocked over. Once this is done, nothing can ever grow there ever again, except course and ugly long grass. It's an environmental disaster on an epic scale, driven by corruption and lies about erosion, which is almost non-existent.[The riverbank is in exactly the same place as it was 15 years ago when I first visited the area, no houses have fallen into the river]. Farmers who have farmed the fertile river bank for generations are now starting to wake up to the fact that their valuable holdings which they sold to  greedy and corrupt developers for a few baht will now be dead ground forever. Their ancestors would be spinning in their graves.

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