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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. 4 hours ago, lvr181 said:

    Yup, fall off your pushbike at 10kph without a suitable crash helmet and hit your head (temple) on solid concrete e.g. guttering and your gone!

    Is this your clever theory? If you are to be believed, most children of the 1970's would never have made it to their teens. Your head is a lot tougher than you think, and can take some very hard knocks. A crash helmet should always be worn of course. 

  2. What's this? If they cared about the river, they wouldn't be concreting over the river banks, following the disastrous Japanese model of concrete and rock embankments and walkways along whole stretches of river. Most of the Thai side of the Mekong is a big building site at the moment. Most of the Laos side, is as it should be, grass sloping down to the water's edge, abundant large trees lend shade and prevent any erosion. The colour of these huge escarpments is skeletal white, which is appropriate, as it is now dead land.  The corrupt greedy maniacs driving this wanton desecration, will be cursed for thousands of years.

    • Like 2
  3. Hilarious, and very healthy to poke fun at your own culture and human nature  in general. Tour groups are often derided throughout the world, they do after all represent the most unimaginative and mundane cheapskate class of traveller. Travel alone with a varied itinerary that takes you well off the beaten track, and you will garner plenty of genuine smiles and more besides.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Anythingleft? said:

    I feel sorry for the pick up driver, he has to live with this for the rest if his life when it appears he was at no fault...

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

    I doubt he is in the slightest bit affected. The other day I told my handyman that two kids had been killed crashing their motorbike just down the road, he just laughed.


     His main concern will be fixing up his battered truck.

    • Like 1
  5. Often, the Thais idea of gardens, and parks are patches of grass with ugly blue water pipes sticking up all over the place, and concrete walkways. If you  want to see beautiful gardens and parks go to England or Italy. I left Bangkok because of the pollution, traffic and overcrowding 15 years ago, and I'm very glad I made that decision. It's not a healthy place to live and/or especially to bring up children.

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  6. So what constitutes an international school in Thailand? An over-priced pretentious establishment, often hiding behind prestigious names such as Harrow or Rugby etc. The students dress in Australian style school uniforms, and everyone speaks English with an annoying antipodean rising inflection, that makes every sentence sound like a question. The parents are usually a particularly irritating type of ex-pat who spend their time golfing and sailing, and attending sweaty gala dinners in Bangkok in aid of some worthless charity.  


    • Haha 1
  7. 58 minutes ago, kentrot said:

    The picture does not show the shoes.

    But if they are the kind that have a toe that locks into the pedals,

    I have to say they are very dangerous in the kind of traffic we have in this part of the world.


    Rest In Peace

    Mmm, don't know much about cycling do you? It's the bottom of the shoe, not the toe that clips onto the pedal. The foot can be instantly taken off the pedal with a simple twist.

  8. 40+ degrees in the sun, body temp 37, one will rise to match the other, go figure.  If you are cycling in this weather, you need to make careful preparations, over hydrate, plan a course with no hills, cycle only in the early morning or evening to avoid direct sunlight, make stops every 40 minutes to pour cold water over yourself.  Personally I don't cycle when the temp is over 34, it's dangerous, stressful, and not very enjoyable. 

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