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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. Fashion a small piece of mirror, the mirror from a compact make up is about the right size. Slide it quietly under the gap below the bottom of the door and the floor, so it is lying flat on the floor. Then look into the mirror at an angle of about 45 degrees with your eye close to the mirror, you will be able to see the whole of the interior of the room, thereby getting the whole vivid scene, as well as the explicit vocals.

  2. I would say that many people need to take a step back, and take a weirdness check. People all over the world fixating on the small lives of these people that they have never met, never would have met, and never WILL meet.  It's OK up to a point, that point is 'the job is done', 'well done'. Beyond that, it gets decidedly unhealthy and a bit unsavoury. Worse than that are the famous people that keep butting in with their 'heartfelt' messages. Does anyone really care what Jose Mourinho thinks? Just send a cheque Jose, or some footballs, on the quiet, in a way that used to be labeled discreet, dignified, or unassuming. But no, we need his picture, and he needs the publicity, not the usual sort that he gets, but the 'Jose's a nice guy' sort, which understandably he DOES need. Could Kyle Walker not have found the boy's address' just by making some discreet phone calls ? Of course he could, it really can't be that hard with his connections, but he had to ask/tell the whole world about it. 

    'Manchester United announced', 'Donald Trump tweeted', 'David Beckham posted'................

  3. 20 minutes ago, cottonpusher said:

    Can't see why they can't rent some refrigerated containers or trailers same as they did with the tsunami 

    That would be expensive, and understandably trailer owners don't want their equipment used in this way. This problem shouldn't even be an issue. Nearly every funeral uses a refrigerated temporary coffin, funeral rites can last 3 or more days for an important person, in this heat decomposition can be very rapid. Really, the authorities can't even pay for refrigerated coffins for these victims? Imagine how distressing that is for the relatives. 1 senior level official could sort it with a few phone calls.

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  4. 36 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Yes,by crikey..


    Just hammer away at it and most people will understand..unless they're on TV of course..nobody get's it right!Not..Jutes,Angles,Saxons,Normans,Georgians,Victorians or internet weirdos


    Wasn't it great when the Thai boy responded to the British diver?Wasn't it just..goddam*...great??


    *"Goddams" was what the French called the English in the 15th  century-for very obvious reasons.

    If you're referring to the Reformation, that would have been the 16th century. 

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