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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. Quiet and expert perseverance won the day, and we are all grateful.  But this kind of mushy, emotional writing makes me think that this is one of those 'Princess Diana events', when unprecedented numbers of people go a bit soft in the head. Can you imagine  if the same kind of coordinated, expert, and international focus were applied to solving the appalling road death crisis in Thailand, and how many THOUSANDS of lives would be saved? The whole country is jabbering about this commendable rescue operation taking place far from home, while hundreds are dying all around them.

  2. On 7/2/2018 at 3:40 PM, Thian said:

    Yup, isn't that weird? 13 people trapped in a cave and it's worldnews in every newspaper. 7 people die in a caraccident and nobody cares, even not in Thailand.

    A very valid point. 200 people have been killed on the roads during the last 9 days, and almost no one is aware. Don't expect road deaths to come back into the news for at least the next two months, by which time another 3000 will have died.

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  3. That's very tragic, Chiang Mai is a cycling hub for riders from all over the world.  No details on how the accident happened, in normal circumstances you would have to wobble or fall into the path of the truck, or bounce off , or be 'pushed ' into the road by a car parked on the hard shoulder/bike lane. Usually trucks are well into the road, and don't occupy the same space as cyclists. I've seen many cyclists riding 2 or even 3 abreast in Thailand.  I only ride singe file here, and I'm as close to the grass as it's safe to get. It's good to see that there are none of the usual 'cycling in Thailand is suicide' comments here, let's hope they refrain from making an unwelcome appearance this time.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, habanero said:

    I think the yellow scarfs are supposed to be symbolic and represent yellow ribbons.   "Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree". Except for no oak trees.

    That's my guess.

    You're probably on the right track, the boy scout uniform is synonymous with the great outdoors, and caving is a scouting activity. He'll also look good in that big old outdoor kitchen they've installed, he can showcase his scouting skills by chopping some veggies. The scarf is maybe a nod to the First Cav Colonel in Apocalypse Now, in the scene where he lands in a Cong village distributing playing cards, and then goes surfing.

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  5. I happily walk from the river to the embassy. It's not like you have an early start. Set off at 11.45am, and you will easily be there in time. In fact I walk everywhere in Vientiane, the tuk tuks are a rip off, you will save 200 baht by walking, and get some great exercise. Also the tuk tuk drivers can be rude and unpleasant, I just don't want to deal with them. Walking between the river which is the best area to stay, and the embassy is just a stroll to me, I noticed that a lot of other people take this option. Carry an umbrella, useful for the sun, and the rain. 

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