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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. 7 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

    Sugar is worse than alcohol. Trans fats are also horrible, but Thailand has a FAR larger issue in all the sugar Thai put in everything.



    Rubbish, sugar is fuel for active bodies. Though refined sugar should be avoided. A high carb low fat diet is ideal for active sporty people. If you are a sedentary person, eat a lot less of everything, you don't need it. Fruit, vegetables, grains, pasta, brown and black rice, are all good. 

    • Confused 1
  2. 2 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

    No different to England where rape gangs roam freely and what seems to be impunity from justice.

    A teacher who rapes 20 students at a school in the UK will get at least 30 years behind bars, with a probable recommendation  that he is never released. It's likely that the school would be closed, or possibly re-built and re-named also.  So, yes there is a lot of difference between England and Thailand regarding the treatment of child rapists, and in particular those who have abused a position of trust.

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  3. 35 minutes ago, seajae said:

    when we stayed at a very upper class hotel in Bangkok one time we were greeted in the hallway to our room by a very loud moaning female enjoying what was being done to her, a lot louder than the one in the video with a few words thrown in as well. Thing is as soon as we went into our room and closed the door there was no more noise, makes you wonder about her claims of it stopping her hearing the alarm. Maybe she means her reaction to listening to the other couple is causing her to ignore the alarm and she recorded it because she is not happy she has to fly solo, why didnt she record it from her bed, hmmmm.................

    Probably because you were staying in quality accommodation they had installed proper doors which are quite soundproof. Thai apartment blocks have doors made of plastic or composite, and are hollow. I hear all corridor noises from my room. I solved the problem by making a noise blocker from an old heavy stiff mattress I no longer use. This I affix to the inside of my door with plenty of overlap.  The sound proofing qualities of the mattress blocks all noise from the corridor, such as idiots talking loudly outside their room at 3am, fools slamming their doors etc etc, and I can get an uninterrupted night's sleep.

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