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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. <script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

    I'm not sure how the behaviour of 4 idiots is somehow supposed to reflect on their nation as a whole. The whole world is full of really stupid and often quite nasty people; this doesn't mean that you can start painting "anti-China" rhetoric on everything over an isolated incident.

    God knows, I've lived in China and have some idea of how difficult the Chinese can be but this isn't typical or even close to typical Chinese behaviour and would be best ignored as an abberration.

    This particular case , doesn't happen every day obviously. I lived in China for a few years myself and I find that they have very poor "Social skills" shall we call them. I was not lucky enough to be in Shanghai or Beijing , but Wuhan , X'ian , Changsha and a number of smaller towns, you know population 8 million those sort of little hamlets

    As the Duke of Edinburgh famously said about China - 'absolutely ghastly'

  2. I have a friend who runs a business over there and sadly all the locals know exactly what happened.

    They were killed by heavy duty fumigation products that are used to kill bedbugs etc. There are certain products that aren't for commercial sale here, and would require a licence to use back west. The room is supposed to be sealed off for 6 or 7 days during fumigation and then another 2 or 3 days for airing out the room. This procedure was not followed. This is without question a case where the hotel owners is fully culpable but was able to pay off the Police.

    To add my own suspicion - it said the bodies were discovered 3 days later despite being only booked in for 1 night - they probably sat for a few days while these scumbags tried to decide what to do.

    Very sad story

    Too tightfisted to buy new mattresses. It seems to be a policy in Thai hotels - never ever replace anything.

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  3. total screw ball...these people who cant behave themselves on a plane need to be dealt with seriously, i´ve seen too many idiots on planes over the years, from Chinese / japanese wandering down the plane just before landing, puting the stewardess in danger that has to run after him....from drunken swedish , danish arrisholes.. a russian mouthing off at a thai on an air asia flight and the thai guy beating the sheeite out of him...a drunk dane sitting next to me that was refused any more drink then assaulted the trolley dolly before falling over, he was then threatened with arrest and being cuffed...a loopy nepalese woman fighting with a stewardess over her handbag , climbing over seats, refusing to keep shutters shut when people sleeping..while she filmed the sun with her camera.. , absolute nut cases, is it too much to ask just to behave yourself for a couple of hours???

    Why I can only just drag myself to an airport once every two years. The window blind is a classic,wake up 50 people just so you can look at an &lt;deleted&gt; cloud. And my pet hate - all those idiots who crowd right up to the luggage carousel so that no one can see when their suitcase is coming along. And the guy that gets onto the plane wearing the same shirt that he has been walking around Bangkok in for a week, and the sense of relief that he hasn't taken the seat next to me, even though I can smell that stale sweat from 6 rows back.

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  4. Such a vital part of Asia and you have clowns deciding its future, Dogmatix explains it all , if you have no guts for a fight , then you are wasting your breath against a country like Lao, they do what they like and stuff the others (Good ASEAN Partners), they still live back a hundred of years of Junta rule , sound familiar.coffee1.gif

    The party bosses and their families will reap the cash benefits for hundreds of years, while this once majestic river will just be a dead canal.

  5. Interesting, no mention of the Brit who was arrested last week,15 arrest warrants issued in the UK. The press also failed to spot that he [the Brit] was working at the exact same school as another western teacher who was arrested earlier in the year for murdering his Pattaya girlfriend and wrapping her in bin bags.

    Is your point that there are plenty of wanted Brits as well Americans, Aussies and many other nationalities that are arrested here. whistling.gif


  6. You achieve the body you want through diet and hard prolonged exercise, not through pills, slimming clinics, surgery, vibrating chairs, creams, drinks, massage, or even standing outside your house and waving your arms around for five minutes a day before getting back to the telly. It's a pity Thais are so ready to believe all the rubbish foisted upon them. There must be many tragedies like this.

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