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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. Tourists should try avoid the Thai roads,forget the cycle lanes,put the money towards the orphanages.

    I cycle 300 k a week in issan. Last weekend I went to a race in Chiang Khan, more than 300 riders took part, young and old- male and female. There are 3/4 such events every weekend in Thailand. Every evening I see others like me out and about enjoying this great sport. Nearly all towns have cycling clubs. I estimate I have cycled 30000 k in Thailand, I crashed badly once when I was knocked off by a dog.

    As for tourists, they can rent bikes at just about every popular location in Thailand.

    Your post just saddens me.

    • Like 1
  2. This must be a joke. I have introduced Thais to the book store (apparently, they don't frequent them) and offered to buy some/any books and the reaction was like I was going to pull their teeth. Lead a horse to the pond...but this headline is complete BS.

    Read it again,it means people are reading web pages on their phone, not reading books. I can't remember the last time I saw a Thai reading a novel. Even at school. A teacher once saw Germinal by Zola on my desk and asked to borrow it. I few days later he came back and asked me if I had something which was more 'fun'.

    ...give him Nana.

    .........what a naughty girl she was. I nearly gave him de Sade's Justine.

  3. This must be a joke. I have introduced Thais to the book store (apparently, they don't frequent them) and offered to buy some/any books and the reaction was like I was going to pull their teeth. Lead a horse to the pond...but this headline is complete BS.

    Read it again,it means people are reading web pages on their phone, not reading books. I can't remember the last time I saw a Thai reading a novel. Even at school. A teacher once saw Germinal by Zola on my desk and asked to borrow it. I few days later he came back and asked me if I had something which was more 'fun'.

    • Like 1
  4. Well more respect for the Burmese than the pathetic non response from the British - worse the weasel comments of the RTP's exemplary professionalism' from the truly pathetic Britsh ambassador. I don't know what has happened to our once great nation now populated by sniveling groveling civil servants like these. Why can't they have some respect for themselves and their citizens - at least the pilloried Burmese President has done so for all his misdemeanors .

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    Yes, Mr Kent's fawning , ingratiating performance was mortifying and cringe worthy. He should resign.

    • Like 1
  5. As a British resident he should have known how the situation with the parking fees here and swallowed his anger and paid up, silly man.

    Doesn't deserve a beating, though.

    Yeah! You almost have to pay to spit on the sidewalk in Pattaya.

    Old geezer made some parking attendant (likely a relative of that guy kicking sand on the lady on the beach) lose face or his thug boss said "Go rough-up the old man".

    What ever happened to CALL THE POLICE IF YOU HAVE A DISPUTE???

    hahahahahahaha! Sad, but true. Like inviting Dracula to a blood transfusion.

    Steering clear of altercations in Pattaya can be done...Been doing it since 1999.

    I don't know the particulars of this incident.......maybe he was new or just stupid or just pissed/drunk or all 3.

    I DO know I had a serious face-plant with some gravel on the Pattaya Dark-Side one day at a bar of ill repute (Black Pearl) on my way out. I was drunk enough to deserve it.....Som nam na.....I did it to myself.

    The staff DID rush to my aid, as I was plastered out of my gourd.

    I got a right pretty black-eye & skinned my face up a bit.

    Luckily my neighbor got me home & deposited me on my front porch. His name was Bob.

    Wife asked what happened to my face. I said "Bob hit me" & passed out on the couch.

    Bob never hit me. He drove me home. He was my best friend.

    I never told my wife any different.

    She hates the sight of Bob to this day...

    Bob took (and is still taking) the heat off that for me, from my wife. What a pal.


    My point is, one can get just about as stupid as you want to get......

    DO NOT ever make a Thai "Lose Face" though, which is, I'm guessing, is what happened here.

    You really buy that losing face stuff? Maybe 1 Corinthians 13/11 should be taught in schools here. 'When I was a child I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man I gave up childish ways.

    It's amazing how just walking with confidence and strength and assurance, with a good pace and chin up, and giving steady eye contact will keep one out of trouble here.

  6. Hear, hear!

    In Pattaya there is that story where some lump sum of THB 30'000 were shelled to avoid trouble in a Jomtien restaurant employing aliens illegally. Once that was settled the monthly "turn-the-head-the-other-way-round-fee" is THB 1'500. Combined with the THB 500 the alien pays ......... just wondering where all that money goes crazy.gif

    Nice big houses for themselves and their families wink.png

    What is this? Thai Neoclassical?

  7. I am referring to the date stamped Thai security cameras of the rich Thai kid that was taking an exam at university the day of the murders.

    You may wish to look into the credibility of the evidence that you are highlighting - and not just drink the crap they are putting out?

    Do you really think two migrant workers with nothing, who were in a foreign country where they didn't have proper command over the language would commit this terrible crime for apparently no reason, you know, just ruin everything that one night....just because?

    I think as has been mentioned a gazillion times, the actual wounds on the victims are so terrible and so strongly suggest that this was not a random act of violence - this had something far more substantial that motivated the killers....motivation I simply don't believe the 2 migrant workers have been claimed to have had.

    Other serious concerns John, before you go off believing all the 'evidence'.

    1. The crime scene was seriously contaminated from the beginning

    2. Certain people were allowed to refuse DNA testing, others were not

    3. Like it or not, the island is run by 5 families and they say what goes

    4. There would be no chance for these Myanmar men to get a fair trial in the US/UK etc due to certain official's comments and the rest

    5. Quite clearly someone was very very very angry with the David and Hannah, and had means to do something about it

    I hope the truth comes out to provide closure for the families - scapegoats don't provide closure.

    Hell hath no fury like a Thai man scorned.

  8. It's difficult enough to cross the road, even on a Zebra Crossing , Thais never slow down, they just seem to ignore the fact you are trying to cross the road.... Very dangerous..

    As for Cycling, love it, but NEVER in Thailand, far too dangerous....

    Oh dear, another person who should google - Thailand Cycling Events, to see how popular this sport is becoming here.

    Dangerous? Not out in the countryside where I ride. In Bangkok? I would have to agree with you.

    The 'PM' is right, it is one of the best types of exercise, and is particularly beneficial for those getting older. Just do it.

    Yes it is dangerous in the countryside, but not from traffic.

    I knoe of several cases now, where people have been robbed of their expensive bikes. Expensive bicycles are now becoming the target of some thieves.

    Thanks for the warning!

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