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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 13 hours ago, luckyluke said:

    You seems to be confused by this quote transam.


    I am aware my English is not always perfectly understandable for Britons.


    I will try to do better :

    You claimed that the UK can't do what it wants due to the E.U..

    I claim that this is not the case in Belgium, and so far I know neither in other European countries member of the E.U..

    That we, men in the street, don't feel any concrete influence from the E.U. in our daily life.

    And if it is the case in the U.K., to let us know here, what they may be.


    Hope it helps.







    You're over-paying on some imported food for a start.


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  2. On 11/4/2020 at 8:20 AM, JusticeGB said:

    Just shows how pollsters are completely useless. It looks like Trump will squeeze in by a small margin. 


    It's Interesting going back and reading the comments on this thread. I agree pollsters got it wrong and I suspect its because voters don't want to admit voting for Trump but as it stands now with a projected Biden win and more data even we've probably got the outcome wrong.


    It's a tough job being a pollster.



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  3. 3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Change that to


    Of course he hasn't won yet.

    Yes its depressing that its so close and Biden on course to still win. That's a sad state of affairs considering yes Biden really is that bad. 


    and I agree with it.



    I hate Trump for all he stands for (although I did have a crush on Ivana when she was in her prime ???? ) but in all honesty, he is the better of two evils. How sad is that.


  4. 10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's relative.

    The Latino issue was largely in Florida because Latinos are very diverse. For example Cubans more likely to buy the lie that Biden  is a communist.

    You're right that the polls look worse than in.2016 so there is going to be even.less reliance on taking polls seriously going forward. 

    They tried but its become much harder to do them accurately. 


    That's a good point and I wonder with Biden being a Socialist wether the uneducated assosiate this with Communism.



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  5. 23 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    WOW, what a frustrating morning to wake up to. Still a cliffhanger and possibly not resolved for days.


    IMO the Dems regretting that they didn't put up a better candidate. IMO it's doing so badly for them BECAUSE of Biden. If he can't do better against the "worst" president ever, it says much about him personally, IMO.

    They also got it wrong, according to the exit polls that I've seen, that corona was the number one issue. Corona is third according to exit polls I've heard. The economy is first.


    For sure, a lot of pollsters and the guy that was correct in predictions since 1984 are sweating, as their reputations depend on a Biden win.

    Win or lose they've got egged as it's far closer than they were predicting.


    Interesting to see the IMO biased media trying to spin it. The BBC had the popular vote as Biden 53 % ( if I remember the figure correctly ) and Trump as 0 %.

    The presenters of the radio station I listen to are IMO biased against Trump and pushing the line that Biden is winning as much as possible.


    Totally agree. The democrats should have walked this election but there's not many young savey billionaires willing spend their money on a 50/50 change of becoming president.

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  6. 3 hours ago, ttrd said:

    The sad and scary reality is that the virus will always need a new host to survive and if we will end up with no proper vaccine or antiviral treatment then the experts have said that around half of the earth's population must be infected before the virus dies out. I repeat 50% of the earth's populaton and so far only 0,5% has been infected so do the math. The lock down solution doesn't kill the virus - it only prolongs the timeframe towards a covid free world and in the meantime the world economy will be destroyed in the effort to try to save the very weakest with underlying diseases which in any case are vulnerable also to all other types of viruses - even a regular flu may be enough. 
    Don't get me wrong - no life is worth more than others, but no one is benefited by the fact that everything and everyone will fall at the expense of a few and that reality will probably force itself forward as time goes on ...


    You're missing the point, the lockdown is to reduce the burden on hospitals.

    Got cancer? Due an Op? Tough luck, beds, doctors and nurses are taken up by Covid patients.


  7. 1 hour ago, 3NUMBAS said:

    as has been explained the gumment

    walks a fine line between lockdown and keeping the economy operating as every lockdown causes businesses to close for good and uk 2 trillion in debt which will never be paid back with fewer folks working..bankrupcy awaits when credit runs out ..oil price is crashing again as lockdowns have that effect


    Then social distance, wash your hands, wear a mask and reduce your risk. People aint doing it!


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