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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 1 hour ago, usviphotography said:

    Most travel insurance does not pay for a medical evacuation to the UK, which is what this guy wants. They'll say you get up to $500,000 for medical evacuation but if you read the actual policy most travel insurance "medical evacuation" will only take you to nearest hospital capable of providing adequate treatment. So if you get in a motorcycle accident out in the sticks they will pay to fly you to Bangkok, but they aren't going to fly you to Paris just because you like the doctors there better. For that you need to buy a special, separate service that has nothing to do with basic travel insurance. 


    So smart as you may have been, you would have been in the same boat as this girl. She's already at a modern hospital capable of treating her. The GoFundMe is all about her father wanting to medical evacuate her back to the UK to be treated there and travel insurance isn't typically going to pay for that. 

    I don't know where you are from but most, if not all policies taken out in the UK include medical evacuation back to the UK. That is part of the medical cover


    Aside from that, I would be more sympathetic if she had at least SOME sort of insurance. The fact that she didn't beggars belief


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  2. 1 hour ago, smedly said:

    Have to say - some of the posts on here by the "perfect faultless armchair TVF critics" are quite shameful - gossip mongers with lives so boring and pointless they feed off others misfortune


    sad really


    Hope this young lady gets well soon and wish her all the best 

    Yes and I hope these posts are spread out on the internet to remind people to stop being dicks.


    I really wish there was some sort of system that made insurance compulsory when booking flights/holidays. Is your life so worthless for the sake of £20 ?



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  3. 6 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    In reaction to the various posts regarding her stupidity in not having travel insurance.


    Well it's true, and stupid, but how many of us at 25 didn't think we were immortal?

    I've certainly done stupid things in my youth but I've ALWAYS taken out travel insurance. It's one of those things that's taught by our parents, internet and friends. It's similar to driving or owning a property and is as habitual as breathing.


    But then again some people apparently know better.


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  4. 18 hours ago, nrasmussen said:
    19 hours ago, owl sees all said:
    It's all to do with the curvature of the earth. Going from east to west is faster than going from west to east. The Finlanders fly over the north pole so it's roughly the same both ways.

    Actually, it's the jet stream that makes going in one direction faster than going in the other direction.

    Pretty sure it's because it takes an extra hour travelling from Thailand to London ????

  5. 7 hours ago, canopy said:

    Pretty creative headline. If you read that you would think he was acquitted of everything. He wasn't. The justice system is taking what seems to be a very unusual step of going after him a 2nd time to make even more charges stick. That's a good move and again proves everyone wrong about how easily he was supposed to have gotten off.


    I'm willing to bet everything I have that he does not spend any reasonable prison time.


  6. 10 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    Farage and his supporters would; he said as much in May 2016 when he said a 52% to 48% result in favour of Remain would be unfinished business.


    Of course, he said that when he though Remain would win. When he found out that Leave had actually won by such a small margin, 'unfinished business' suddenly became a 'magnificent victory!'


    Not quite.


    Corbyn made up his mind that he would obstruct any deal negotiated by May, and as far as I am aware, unlike May, he has not allowed his MPs a free vote on May's deal. If he had, it would probably have been passed first time around.

    Farage is full of hot air. The reality is that there wouldn't of been another referendum, Cameron would still be PM and the Euro-Sceptics in the party would have suffered a major setback. There would be a little bluster from the leavers but over time that would of died down. Does anyone really talk about the Scottish referendum these days other than the ginger minger ?


    Not just Corbyn around 75% of the MP don't want to leave...from all parties.





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