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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 48 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    That's because most of the (same old) people who gripe on here about TG never leave their village and have no idea what they are talking about.


    TG used to be very poor ten years ago, with bad food, old aircraft.  But over the last few years they are vastly improved - they have been modernising their fleet, food and service is better than most - and this is reflected in their reviews.  Regionally they are a good airline to fly on and I prefer them over most.


    Long haul, not for me - poor IFE with limited choice.  But food, comfort, service etc is just fine.  In fact I would say economy service is better than most.

    Business class lounges extremely poor.


    Dunno about the biz lounge but their first class lounge is probably one of the best. Not only that but they offer private check-in and a golf buggy to the lounge plus still have a smoking room.


  2. 8 hours ago, Hayduke said:


    Thai First Class passengers overwhelmingly selected Thai Airways as having the best completely free First Class seating made available to high level Thai government officials, Thai military generals and all of their family members.



    7 hours ago, owenm said:

    Thai fly various aircraft, including older 747 on some routes, as well as 777-300ER and the 787 Dreamliner. More recently introduced the new and wider wingspan A350-900 which I believe is too wide for the standard air-bridges at Suvarnabhumi and having to bus it to the aircraft on the tarmac. The A350-900 took forever to gain Australian government approval to fly to Melbourne because of the wingspan issue I'm sure. 


    It's usually more common for the budget airlines to use bus to aircraft on the tarmac at BKK and DM as I'm sure the charges are lower for the airlines. 



    If the A380 can gate why can't the A350?


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  3. 3 minutes ago, dabhand said:

    Many press/media reports have mention of her as a 'charity worker' for The Thomson Reuters Foundation. It takes no time to research this organisation (over and above the extremely obvious linkage to the component parts of the foundation name) to arrive at the conclusion that she was indeed involved with training journalists.




    Johnson stating that her work was linked to journalism is no more than was obvious from the start. Those blaming BJ for the plight of this Iranian lady are merely ignoring her total blame for the predicament in which she now finds herself. It also appears that she used her young daughter to give the impression it was a family visit rather than, most probably, attempted clandestine meetings with her local 'contacts'. I only feel sorry for her daughter...........


    What bothers me about this case is not whether she is guilty or innocent but the lack of evidence provided by the Iranian authorities.



    In early September 2016 she was sentenced to five years in prison "for allegedly plotting to topple the Iranian regime."The prosecutor general of Tehran stated in October 2017 that she was imprisoned for running "...a BBC Persian online journalism course which was aimed at recruiting and training people to spread propaganda against Iran


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  4. 3 minutes ago, bomber said:

    if you call 10-12% a small decline then god help you,the fairest way to asses the whole thing is the day before the vote,and 52 down to 47/8 is roughly 10% the following weeks in dropped another 2-3% which i would still put down do brekkie,of the last 5% drop i would put about 2-3% down to the bahts strength,so roughly 16-17% is brexit related. bare in mind the pound would of rose from 52 with a remain win,how much is debatable and guess work,but imo it would of rose to 55-57 and remained around that until the recent 2-3% surge in the baht,leaving it at roughly 54-55,economic data in the last 3 years would back me up,the economy was not going to crash with a remain vote.

    I dont dispute that the 52 to 47 was due to brexit but anything beyond that is just you guessing.



  5. 1 hour ago, Paul52 said:

    Do you just mean Euro vs THB will get worse, or other EU currencies vs THB, too?  If you’re just talking about the EURO, then it’s probably true, but if you’re including other EU currencies then you’re almost certainly wrong.  There’s no economic data to back that assertion.  Since Brexit, the Polish Zlotty hasn’t changed and the Swedish Krona has got stronger against THB.  Bottom line is: being a member of the EU is economically the best thing, but being a member of the EURO is not.  For British expats living in Thailand, the best thing that can happen is UK revokes Article 50 - but the english aren’t going to do that.  Immigration and austerity have pushed too many of them too far to the extreme right. Things are looking very bad for GBP.

    The Euro has depreciated by around 13% versus the baht since Brexit, the Zloty around 7% and the pound around 23%


    The baht is definitely getting stronger against most currencies but the pound has been hit especially hard because of Brexit. If I was a betting man I would think most of the loss has already been factored in by the markets if we were leave without a deal.





  6. 3 hours ago, bomber said:

    It reached 55 2 or 3 months before the referendum.

    Yes and it was 58 in 2015 so whats your point?





    Even before the referendum the pound has been progressively weakening as the graph below shows. Brexit can only be attributed (possibly) to a small part of the decline.



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  7. 6 minutes ago, bomber said:

    i doubt many expats in china are interested in religion,russia you mentioned earlier but your clutching at straws,USA we are all fully aware of the healthcare set up there so again your desperate,french infrastructure you are correct about but it is good.


    Once again you miss the point. Read my original post in reply to a member who hated UK.


    • Like 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, bomber said:

    you will find free health care free,primary schools and free secondary schools are common place within the EU,and most wont be charging £9.00 for perscriptions or paying alcoholics extra benefits,France is the no1 most visited county on the planet if i remember correctly and certainly has a bit more going for it than the UK,mexico is popular with expats and holiday makers,china has good area's and a few  expats,same as various areas of africa.iam afraid the terraces have taken its toll on you,no surrender,rule britannia and all that rubbish.


    Try supporting a religion in China or denouncing the ruling party in Russia or getting free healthcare in the US. All things we take for granted.

    The French infrastructure is heavily subsided by its government which is overburdened financially (98.4% of GDP v UK 84.7%) and has a socialist if not militant workforce.


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  9. 17 hours ago, mvdf said:

    Yes of course! Stop trying to instill a sense of denial in nervous westerners who are here hiding from the law of their lands! 


    If you have anything to hide, this technology will expose you and if you are found guilty of whatever you're hiding, you will face the law. 


    End of the days of using Asia as hiding places.


    Bugger, I'm off to Bolivia then ????


    If I was guilty of course ????


  10. 4 hours ago, bomber said:

    Oil IS PRICED IN DOLLARS THE POUND IS 10-15% DOWN,are you stark raving ????,i stated if the oil price stayed at the present price,in 2 weeks time todays drop in sterling combined with the last 2 weeks falls will add to the price at the pumps albeit only 1-2p a litre but its still an increase,trump clobbered turkey same same the EU and the markets can clobber the UK,they have already as the pounds decline proves or do you still believe its just another one of those coincidences,keep your stiff upper lift it will be an easy target for folks bigger and stronger than you. 5th my backside 

    Read up matey



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