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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 12 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Actually the vote total was about 33,570,000. Next you'll be telling us that 60+ percent of Labour voters went for Brexit.

    According to Wiki, valid votes came in at 17.2m



    How did you get 33,570,000 ?


    Edit : Were you referring to the EU Referundum ?

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  2. 23 hours ago, tebee said:

    quite a lot of useful things like raw materials, food and petrol are imported - they will all cost more  

    Assuming that the UK adopts a 0% WTO rate as was the Governments plan in March then food will get cheaper.

    For example, we are paying over 20% on cooked shrimp from Thailand, 7% on chicken and 21% on Ice-cream from outside the EU. In fact the savings will be bigger as we pay duty on the transport costs too. That's assuming the retailers pass on the savings to their customers.


    What MAY have an impact on the savings is how strong the dollar is against the pound as a lot of food globally is traded in dollars.


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  3. Thing is he did not campaign against Labour in the run up to last weeks elections, He made claims on Friday, then on Sunday, and again yesterday that he had voted Lib/Dem on Thursday, not unlike a number of tories who publicly said in the days running up to the election that they would be voting Lib/dem, encouraging others to follow suit. 
    If true they kicked him out for voting Lib/Dem how can they prove he actually did? of course they could kick him out because he said he did, but I suspect this is more to do with his remark that Labour/Corbyn are trying to ride both horses in a two horse race. 
    Do not shoot the messenger, he was only trying to point out why Labour got a good thrashing on Thursday.
    Not only that are they going to kick out every Labour supporter who on this occasion didn't support them?
    Got to be consistant with these decisions

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

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  4. 19 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    As Sheungwan hasnt go back to me and as you agree with him, maybe you could explain who the hard brexiteers are who are pretending that the center doesnt exist ?

      Who are the people that he was referring to ?

    As I stated before, I've not said anything about hard brexiteers. You cannot assume that all those who voted for the Brexit party want a hard brexit. All you can assume is that they want out either with a deal or without.


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  5. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    Well, if the result would have been a remain vote , would you be calling for another referendum ?

      Would any Remainer be calling for another vote ?

    Do you really expect Ferage or any Leaver to call for another vote , just because it was close?

    In a word No.....I don't know if Farage would of tried but I think the brexiteers would of accepted the result in good grace unlike the remainers


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  6. Nonsense. The Lib Dems loudly and strongly based their campaign on Remain. They were the place to go for disaffected Conservatives and Labourites who were pro-remain. As the results show. Is anybody even aware of what other issues they campaigned on? Did they campaign on other issues?  And since there were significant percentages of Tories against leaving, and significant percentages of Labour voters for Brexit, it's impossible to currently break down where those who remained loyal to their party stood. 
    Please read their manifesto. They were fighting on two fronts. Brexit and climate change. There vote is mixed. Also they did not score as highly as the brexit party.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

  7. So the fact they have not delivered does not play a role?
    Up until now, only fools see them as a leave party.
    Whether they have delivered or not is not the point. MPs from both labour and the conservatives overwhelmingly voted to leave back in 2016. Granted there is in fighting in both parties but May has been consistant with her leave means leave slogan. In my book that makes the tories a leave party and that has been their position Over the past three years. That may change with a new leader

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

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  8. Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

    It has been the contention of Brexiteers on this forum and Farage too, that the Tories have done everything they can to not deliver Brexit. 


    You can't have it both ways.


    That's a different kettle of fish. We know the overall consensus of politicians from all parties (other than Brexit party) is that they want to remain however the Tories have based their agenda on leaving. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, Nanglon said:

    I prefer 'remain' but understand we lost due I think partly to the divisive nature of 50% + 1 (ok, ok 1.7m votes) and also understand a 'leave' poster who said any referendum should only be 2 choices leave with deal, or leave no deal respecting the vote.


    So in order to overcome the parliamentary impasse, why not re-run referendum, due to the continuing division but instigate a min referendum of 60% required to effect any future change / introduction of something (money where our mouth is) and anything less than 60% remain, the original vote stands, bad luck we all accept the 'will' of the people and move on.


    So everyone supposedly more informed, can confirm their wishes to break us out of the paralysis.

    Because then democracy is dead. We voted and the establishment didn't like the result so they'll get us to vote again and again and again until we wear people down and get what we want.

    What happens if the result is the same ? What happens if remain wins? Another referendum? After all it's 1-1.

    I don't mind another referendum as long as the questions asked are leave with deal or leave without a deal.


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