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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    Scotland produces prawns - but I guess our lazy Scottish prawn fisherman can look forward to Thai efficiencies and work practices to come as they bask in the benefits of the Brexit they don't want. 

    They are coldwater prawns not warm water prawns. There's a big difference in taste, size and cost. Most of the consumption in the UK is on the later. I sell over 20 times more WW than CW.


    Not only that, the cost of Scottish CW are so expensive that I can't think of any retailer that sells them (could be wrong), most of their relatively small catch gets sent to France. Most retailers buy from Greenland/Iceland and North Atlantic.


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  2. 48 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    And destroying a high number of businesses in the agriculture sector. In addition, if the UK tariff is set at 0% after we go on WTO terms you have to set it at this level for every country. And when you offer every country zero rates you have nothing to offer them for a trade deal. You have no negotiating position. Why would another country offer you a deal when they are accessing your market at a zero rate?

    How many shrimps (20%Duty from Thailand, 7% from Vietnam) or mango (8% from Thailand) do we grow in the UK ? the whole system is a ripoff. Granted some industries need to be protected but the tariff and quota systems have very little to do with jobs and more about protectionism. If we moved to WTO it would be temporary until we reached trade agreement deals. Businesses on the whole have a tendency of reacting and adapting to change given enough notice. Anyhow I said I wouldn't hijack the thread.



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  3. 1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

    She needs to get that through parliament ... so "no deal" is not her gift to give ... thank goodness.

    Poor choice of words on my part, I should of said she would of made it happen...and it could have been done if she wasn't so inflexible.

    I have to say that I've been a remainer (albeit a weak one) from day one but the longer this drags on the more I'm inclined to think leaving isn't such a bad thing after-all.


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  4. 4 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    In any situation where the passengers are in an enclosed space or cabin, wearing life jackets is effectively a death sentence. As in airplanes you should wait until actually in the sea before inflating it/putting it on. Remember the Phoenix tour boat that sank in Phuket last year? Nearly 50 people dead pinned to the ceiling of the cabin thanks to their life vests that they were told by the crew to put on when the ship started having problems in the storm.

     This is not equatable to helmets on a scooter.

    Regarding an airplane, partly true, you should put on your lifejacket but NOT inflate it until you are out of the plane.


  5. 3 minutes ago, RotBenz8888 said:

    Hope he doesn't go completely wacko on the flight back, probably in need of some heavy medication before boarding.

    I don't think he was wacko given what he was trying to achieve. Probably not the best of doing it of course.


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    • Confused 3
  6. 7 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    Then there should be a third immigration line for those that buy the service. The premium lane should remain for business class and others who qualify without extra payments.  Business class is for people who need to get things done..... and need to be somewhere quickly...... Usually and have paid for that privilege already. 

    Not saying that everyone else should go through the normal lines ( which on my last few visits through Swampy)  have been a breeze - 10 minutes Max wait time. If someone wants to pay extra,  then open a dedicated line for them. I don't think business class features should be given to people who don't fly business class.  Just my opinion of course.

    That's what is is now. Even if you pay for a service like BFS meet and greet, they will escort you to the appopiate lane, i.e. standard for economy and fast track for business & first. There's the additional lane for VIP/Thai First class also.


    The problem is that SOMEONE is selling FTs to economy passengers. A simple solution would be for the IO at the Fasttrack lane to check the flight ticket. Very seldom do they do this


  7. 10 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    Just a thought........ I wonder if karma ever catches up with people who keep banging on about karma.  Let's be honest it really means 'he got wot he deserved'.  Why not just state it as such and thus be a little more honest.

    Because "Karma" is 5 letters and "He got wot he deserved" is 22 letters & spaces...


    My keyboard uses batteries so I have to conserve the power plus it's much easier to write.


    Also "He Got what he deserved" doesn't really tally up with the definition of Karma


    Karma (car-ma) is a word meaning the result of a person's actions as well as the actions themselves. It is a term about the cycle of cause and effect. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person, happens because they caused it with their actions.


    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, cougar52 said:

    I am very confused, Sat fist day 42 people dead, Sun day 2 62 dead totally 104, now on day 3 70 more dead total 174, it looks like to me the death toll is going up every day!!!

    They are quoting the comparisons versus last year.


    Last year there were 48, 72 and 90 deaths respectively so yes they are down year on year. Hardly anything to cheer about though.



  9. Just now, geoffbezoz said:

    Thats exactly it. You made presumptions based on your own prejudices with respect to referendums. I gave you facts and you decided to to try and be obtuse. For your information it is most likely I am twice your age.  Unlike many, yes my parents did participate in the 1975 election because they thought it was their duty. Canines did not have the vote then all though judging  by some responses they should be allowed to now perhaps. It could avert yet another baddogs dinner . However to confirm the second Fact. my dog lived from 1984 to 2000 so hence there were no referendums in the UK in his lifetime.


    I sincerely hope that article 50 will be revoked based on its potential illegality that is now being challenged as per another thread,  and then the  EU will amend the rules so that a withdrawal of any country will require  a 2/3 rds majority of member states in order to ensure yet more extremist factions do not have the opportunity destroy currencies, jobs and peoples positions just because cranks like Farage etc want to stand and be heard on their personal "soapbox"

    No I made an ASSUMPTION not a PRESUMPTION and I'm happy to be corrected.


    Your assumption on my age would make you 90. ????




    • Haha 1
  10. 6 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    I can see logic is not your strong point in an attempt to refute a statement of fact by another poster !!   As both my elderly parents passed away in the 1990,s ( 1993/1998), then  as I stated they only took part in one referendum in their lifetimes.


    Further, I thought the Scottish Referendum was only applicable to those in Scotland ? I didn't realise the whole of the UK, like the 2016 referendum vote, had the opportunity to take part in the Scottish referendum also has you have suggested ????.

    You said


    " Depends whose or what lifetime is used as reference I guess.  There was one in my parents lifetime but already two in mine. However there were none in my pet dogs lifetime. "


    You didn't say whether your parents (or dog) had participated.


    I said ASSUMING you're parents were over 44 then they would have SEEN 4 referendums. I didn't say they participated in them including the Scottish referendum . If they had passed away then that's a different kettle of fish



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  11. On 4/12/2019 at 2:23 PM, geoffbezoz said:

    Depends whose or what lifetime is used as reference I guess.  There was one in my parents lifetime but already two in mine. However there were none in my pet dogs lifetime.

    Assuming your parents are older 44 then they would have seen four referendums in their lifetime - The EC Membership in 1975, Alternative Vote in 2011, 2014 Scottish referendum and of course 2016.


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