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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 13 minutes ago, Enoon said:


    The big change is in the explosion of support for the only "out and proud" mainstream Remain party.


    The Liberal Democrats have gone from 1 MEP to 16.


    Increase in hardcore Remain MEPs.......15 (increase of 1500%).




    Yes and pretty much  all taken from the Tories and Labour.

    The Lib dems were fighting on two positions, Brexit and Climate change so you have to say their support is a bit of a mixed bag.



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  2. 28 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    How can the Brexit party honestly be considered for Government when they only have 1 subject that they've shared any views on (& named their party after).


    Talk about a 1-trick pony, what about Education, Healthcare, Policing, armed forces, the economy... etc... 


    I suspect there plan will be to get out of Europe and once that's done they will call another referundum leaving the next party to pick up the pieces.


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  3. 9 hours ago, EricTh said:

    Would you earn more money if you do business with a small poor country or  large rich country?


    China and USA are the second and largest economy in the world respectively. 


    The other small countries pale in comparison to purchasing power.


    No, but you can do business with many smaller poor countries rather than one large rich country...


  4. 11 minutes ago, Enoon said:


    You are wrong.


    The money doesn't cross any borders.


    You have completely failed to understand how the TW system works.


    Read up about it.


    PS I just checked how much it would cost for someone to receive £1000 worth of baht in Thailand:


    I pay £1007 pounds, TW charge £6.85, recipient gets £1000.15 worth of baht @ 40.38 baht to the pound.







    I will reply in a more courteous manner to you than you did to me.


    I didn't read up about it because I stated "As I see it" which infers very little knowledge.

    The £10 was just an example to make it easier to lay out my calculations.


    on "reading up about it", it appears TW do have an account in Thailand which begs the question that the OP asked.






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  5. Just now, EricTh said:

    China is Thailand's largest trade partner and also its biggest tourist spenders.


    With China's economy affected by Trump's policies, Thailand economy will also falter.



    I'm not sure, you may be right but if I was China, I would be looking to import and export to countries OTHER than the US. This may benefit Thailand. Too early to say


    Also if I was Thailand I wouldn't rely on Chinese tourism for too long. They get fickle and will probably move onto other countries.


  6. 1 minute ago, bangkokequity said:

    Thank you for your explanation of inflation (more money chasing similar goods) and the advance of technology verses cost.

    In the end you write that in your opinion the THB is 'improving in FX terms against other currencies" I am not going to debate REALITY with you ... since this was all started by my per peeve, people who think that when the THB goes from 31 / $ to 32 / $ ... it is "increasing in value!  555!  You CAN'T make this stuff up!  

    That's what I said! But in terms of exports that's only PART of the equation!


  7. 27 minutes ago, toenail said:

    I would imagine the strong Thai baht makes some goods more expensive to purchase than from other SE Asian countries that are selling the same product and things will not improve with this “tariff war” between the USA & China. 

    Possibly, but remember the EU (and I can only talk about this as I have some knowledge) have removed GSP on most Thai goods. In affect this acts like a duty discount. For example cooked shrimp from Thailand and Vietnam until a couple of years ago attracted a duty rate of 7%. With the GSP removed on Thai goods this has sent the duty rocketing to 20% whilst Vietnam remains at 7% and possibly 0% when a FTA comes into play.


    Just think. The same prawn bought from Thailand will be at least 20% more expensive than the SAME item from Vietnam. If you are a retailer what do you do ? You move your sourcing from Thailand to Vietnam.


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  8. 17 minutes ago, lahgon29 said:

    Having a FTA with Thailand hasn't made goods from Australia cheaper. Since I've lived here the dollar has gone from 31 to 22 Baht and Oz goods have never dropped in price, but gone up. The FTA was over 10 years ago. Thailand just cheats. I've just accepted it. 

    The FTA only affects the cost of goods (COG), other factors may have risen in the meantime, transport, duty, local taxes, local wages and also are the retailers passing on the cost benefits or taking as additional margin?

  9. 25 minutes ago, bangkokequity said:

    Fair enough ... perhaps you were joking?

    Please answer this one question so we are clear.

    Is the Thai Baht "increasing in value?"

    Well firstly that has little to do with what I said and the article is about how exports are falling. I gave one of a myriad reasons why exports are declining. One of the other issues is of course rice exports but that's another story.


    Is the baht declining in value ? Value against what ? For the average Thai, I would guess yes as what they could buy for 10 baht a few years ago now costs 15-20 baht but on the other hand, a LCD TV costing 20,000 5 years ago now costs 15,000 as technology and mass production has improved.


    For a tourist, yes,  certainly over the past 10 years as their buying power has diminished in terms of fx.


    For exports, hard to say as most business is done in US dollars but there are other factors involved such as freight, duty, quotas, availability, competition, margins etc which are all factored into final cost price but COG have certainly increased in my experience.


    On the whole I would say that the Thai Baht is decreasing in value but improving in FX terms against other currencies.



  10. 1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

    Did they already sign?


    Here's some info on that one: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/legislative-train/theme-a-balanced-and-progressive-trade-policy-to-harness-globalisation/file-eu-vietnam-fta


    EDIT: That would have a real benefit for expats: EU grade goods available at reasonable prices. A huge plus.


    EDIT2: Not a done deal yet:


    In other words, Vietnam needs to get rid of the commies first.

    I've been keeping an eye on this over the past few years. The last I heard was that it was still going ahead despite the pressure by Human Rights quangos. No date set in stone yet though.


  11. 1 hour ago, bangkokequity said:

    The THB is getting WEAKER ... not "increasing its value"

    Before you "LMAO" ... can you and Chelseafan please get a clue?



    What on earth are you on about ? I have fair knowledge in this area as I used to import over $70m from Thailand. I think I have already made my point unless you want to contradict me with fact rather than insult.


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