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Everything posted by Wuvu2

  1. Travelling abroad? The dudes were at home. I stand corrected. The first rule of not getting your ass kicked by police anywhere in the world - don't be an a-hole ????
  2. First rule of traveling abroad. Don't be an a-hole ????
  3. So you hit a 14 year old kid and another child on a motorbike leaving them bleeding with concussions and you're gloating because you don't think you'll be found guilty? That's pretty lowlife dude. The lesson YOU should learn is to pay more attention! No matter who's at fault, being involved in the deaths or severe injury of two kids would haunt you for life. YOU got lucky this time ????
  4. Can we pass one card around to all the other guys staying in our room? Asking for a friend ????
  5. Sounds like an interesting approach.My supplier has a somewhat diabolical marketing strategy. He promises great buds at a great price and only expects payment after I receive the weed - unless I want to send it back. Stupid me - I fall for the same trick every time I reorder ;-(
  6. This has become very entertaining. Please help me understand your system further. You have three pricing levels New customers Repeat customers (200% new customer price) Gold tier customers (100% new customer price) Pray tell...what does one need to do to become a Gold tier customer? I can only be a virgin once right?
  7. Really - only double the price for existing customers? I think you are spoiling them. My supplier triples the price every time I reorder ????
  8. Uhhh you been smokin' a bit too much of your own products? Check yer math ???? #Avoid
  9. Yes, thank goodness for Thailand's Consumer Protection Board - on duty since in 1979. Great job so far ????
  10. You had no written agreement so you basically gifted agent 15k baht. The only shocking part of the story is that you got 12k back ????
  11. It seems obvious that the intended purpose of the "Lumpini Youth Center" is to serve the kids of Lumpini. If old foreigners want to use the place it seems completely appropriate to help support local youths. We're guests in a country that is less affluent than where we come from. All the tight fisted whining over a few hundred baht is plain ridiculous ????
  12. Well, too bad for both of us. I was looking forward to tasting yer weed ????
  13. It's not the current law. Your company is asking me to compromise my data security to protect you from a future law that hasn't even been set yet. I'll happily go back to buying on the black market before sending my personal data to random sellers. My black market suppliers were a lot less predatory than the ridiculous prices and many scams from retail shops and online sellers.
  14. YOur checkout requires I send my passport photo to you. Who??? There are tons of places to buy weed - both online and off - that don't require I compromise my personal data security. Sorry I'm not THAT high ????
  15. Hard to think of any governments that aren't ????
  16. Hmmm. Many opinions posted on this topic, but no where near enough photos ????
  17. Chinese watch a lot of Japanese porn ????
  18. Says the people trying to sell you a condo ????
  19. Anybody that's ever had a meaningful relationship with cocaine is laughing at the question ????
  20. One of my hobbies is making snarky replies to silly forum posts. Thanks it's been fun ????
  21. Because you don't have the self control to ignore posts that don't interest you?
  22. And, Klingons howl towards the sky to warn the heavens that another Klingon warrior approaches. I guess it all just depends on how you believe the universe works ????
  23. Companionship, humor, fits in well with the friends.... sounds like Mr. Kim and his latex bride need a golden retriever ????
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