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Posts posted by faraday

  1. An overdose of Insulin will make them lose consciousness very rapidly & not distress them in anyway.

    that is correct but the Insulin has to be injected and the injection must be intravenous. not an easy task for a layman.

    Insulin is always injected intramuscularly.

    according to my vet that would lead to a prolonged death and the pet suffering. i can't judge whether his information is correct.

    I'm very surprised by what he told you, in fact, astonished.

    An overdose of Insulin leads to death in humans & animals, & if he understands anything about physiology, must surely know this.



  2. What is 'ER indoors'? ER = Emergency Room but maybe not in T'land. And it sounds like Mr.Thailand is running a business with guests coming to CM from HK, Macau etc.

    As Stoneyboy explained.

    Another one is 'trouble & strife' = wife.


    Always found Air Asia to be v cheap, when booked during their sales. But annoys me to have to take care & unclick all the 'options'.

  3. Anyone seen a man eating Dog?

    Think about it.....laugh.png

    You might want to think before you post insensitive remarks. The OP is obviously distressed at the thought of losing his dog and you want to make jokes? Not cool.

    And you might like to think about what I wrote, my dear chap. Rather than thinking I was being insensitive..

    I'll forgive you though, as you appear to have completely misunderstood.

    Additionally, look at my previous post where I suggested a humane & painless way to euthanise his dog.

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