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Everything posted by JimHuaHin

  1. As noted above, this is a controlled drug in Thailand, you will need to go to a (government) hospital and see a doctor.
  2. I am surprised the names "Prayut" and "Prawit" were not proposed. 5 5 5
  3. I have used Thai public and private hospitals (mainly the former) for a decade - and I have nothing to complain about. I have had an operation in a public hospital, and admitted on 2 other occassions for treatment, and I have nothing to complain about. The public hospital medical professionals are generally excellent (every country has good and bad medical professionals), but over worked and the hospitals are understaffed. In public hospitals, yes, in open wards families are expected to help (have you seen how many patients the handful of nurses on duty have to look after?) and some staff do not speak English; but this is Thailand, not Farangland, and Thai is the language used here - be thankful that at least some of the staff speak English, and your can communicate your medical problems and health needs.
  4. What an interesting post - I shall try not to upset the site's administrator(s) and have my post deleted and myself warned/suspended. There are many super-smart/highly intelligent Thai (and Chinese-Thai) women in Thailand at any age; some of whom I have been fortunate to meet and befriend of many decades of visiting Thailand. And I must hasten to add, not all of these women have had high (read university) education - high intelligence does not necessarily require high education. Maybe if one has been unable to meet "super-smart" mature Thai women, then one has been moving in the wrong social circles.
  5. Arrogance? Yes, but also ... As some earlier posts have noted - the need to keep the masses ignorant so that they can be controlled. There is the conservative "accepted" Thai version of history, and then there are the ever-changing "contested" versions of history.
  6. I have had similar problems with Westpac and gmail login verification - usually I just wait a few minutes and try again; if not, wait 5 minutes and all is ok. Seems to be a temporarey glitch in the system, maybe.
  7. My report on Non Imm O-A Retirement 1-year extension this morning: I arrived at Immigration at 8.15 am - 1 farang in front of me. However, I was third to be processed after the office opened at 8.30 am. Documents presented (here I am copying in part from the original post): 1) Completed TM7 front and back completed in blue ink 2) Passport copy data page, all previous extension pages, last entry stamp page 3) Bank Certification Letter + 12 month statement from bank 4) Copy of bank book pages since last extension updated at bank yesterday after a small transfer / transaction 5) Health Insurance coverage to Baht 3 million from local health insurance company.. Documents not presented (but which I had on hand) and not asked for - copy of house lease, map of house location, and copy of foreign pension income letter. Happily exited Immigration just before 09.00 am with 1-year extension approved. Once again great stress-free service.
  8. Will these Royalists also be going to petition the Chinese and Russian Embassies?
  9. Yes, Khun Pita is certainly what Thailand needs. The antithesis of the last Prime Minister - intelligent, well-educated, fluent in English, young, etc.
  10. Naughty Nong Aum, she should be wearing "traditional" Thai attire which Thai women wore 200-300 years ago, is that right Thai moral police?
  11. I regret to say, that in my years of experience here, such ignorance of mainland south east Asian history amongst both young and old university-educated Thais is widespread. Even knowledge of generally (ie globally) accepted Thai history is shaky at best. As far as knowledge and history of the rest of the planet is concerned - very limited. Several decades ago, I spent a semester lecturing in an international Masters programme (which had a South East Asian focus) at a top Thai university in Bangkok - about one-third of my students were Thais, the rest from other Asian countries. My Thais students had a very very limited knowledge of the rest of South East Asia.
  12. Correct - I have a similar document in front of me "Order of the Royal Thai Police no. 654/2564". Dated December 27, 2021; Signed by Police General Suwat Chaengyodsuk.
  13. Wrong heading!!! "Golf course decimates elephant habitat - elephants seek to reclaim their stolen lands".
  14. Sorry state of buying a new popular affordable care in Thailand these days; colour choices black, white, red and maybe silver? What happen to the blues and greens and yellows etc., have they been forbidden by the junta? What is wrong with the colour sense of Honda, Toyota, Mazda, etc in Thailand?
  15. 0.4 gm Tamsulosin (often sold here under the name Harnal) worked well for me also. Some doctors here say it "shrinks" the prostrate, but some medical sources state it is a muscle relaxant. A couple of my doctors here also say that I should take it for the rest of my life ( I am 67) to prevent future problems.
  16. I would very carefully check that the professional staff have the appropriate (medical) qualifications, ie they are currently registered, that the food provided is appropriate and that the caring staff have received the required training. My ex Thai gf is a registered nurse, and she told me a few horror stories about incidents at a couple of privately run Thai nursing homes - medications not given to people, wrong medications given to people, doctors/ambulance not called when person was seriously ill, staff infrequently checking in on people to make sure that they are well, etc.
  17. 34 inside my home in Hua Hin yesterday afternoon.
  18. Great to see some "colours" rather than the now boring off-white, off-black, off-red and off-silver which seem to almost the only colours on most brands made in Thailand these days.
  19. Just another indication of how <deleted> 40% of Americans are.
  20. Where can one get free hard copies of this magazine? I have not see a hard copy here for at least a year!
  21. I went to the BluPort office at 1216 (accoding to the queing ticket I received) on Friday 17th, February, and there were only about 8 people waiting, and several more being processed. I needed to do a 90-day report. At about 1225 I was walking out of BluPort, report completed. No complaints from me.
  22. Does not the BluPort office open at 11.00 am?
  23. Thank you Sheryl. I have already consulted with 2 overseas-qualified (USA) endocrinologists, who basically told me the same diagnosis and prognosis. I have neither had surgery for this conditon, nor diagnosed with thyriod cancer. However, I have read about a few people who have had long-term side-effects from treatment (possibly due to high dosage treatment); but a dear friend, now in her 80s, decided to continue using Methimazole, in a lower dosage than advised since her early 60s, and to forgo the radiation treatment, and she is still stong and healthy at this time. Thus, I wanted to seek the experiences of others before I make a decision. Again, many sincere thanks for your advice.
  24. About 20 years ago I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid gland, hypothyroidism, for which a medication was prescribed, and all was well, until ... 7 years ago my thyriod function tests started changing, and I moved between an underactive and overactive thyroid, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. After 3 years the thyriod stabilsed, and I have been taking medication. Methimazole, for the past 4 years. My doctor now advises me that due to possible damage from the long-term use of this medication to my liver, I need to stop taking the medication, and undergo a procedure called iodine ablation or I-131 thyroid ablation. I understand the procedure and have read about it on various medical sites. My question - have any members undergone this procedure and what were the results, especially adverse long-term impacts. Many thanks in advance.
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