I had the same problem . They said , turn off your VPN . But it was already disconnected , I told them . They said , what browser are you using . Google Chrome I replied . They said use a different browser . I used Firefox browser and that worked .
I have been using Wizz in Thailand and the UK for more than 2 years . I bought their pre-installed T95 Android box . No buffering in the UK but just lately in Thailand it has buffered quite a lot . When it comes to the bars in Pattaya that use Wizz they do not always use the Sky TV or TNT TV programmes . Tip = if you drop down the main programme lists you will come to other options to watch any Premiership game or Championship game . Something like UK EPL . The last time I watched the footy I was using the Sky channel which froze constantly . Dropped down the epg and all the EPL teams will be displayed on a grid , once you have clicked on the programme channel . Last time it was being broadcast from Hong Kong but with English commentary .
It was broadcast by True / Now TV . No buffering .
I have also bought a Thai IPTV android box off of Lazada . It is aimed at UK users , shows all progs and says no buffering but that is b/s . The epg is difficult to use and I will not renew .
If Wizz TV is not buffering , it is brilliant .
What I cannot understand is that when it freezes and you get that revolving circle , when it comes back on , it carries on from where it stopped . That suggests an IPTV problem to me . Agree ? I wish that WIZZ TV would comment about our concerns of their app . And do so on this forum because they do subscribe .