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Everything posted by superal

  1. There is always one clever clogs isn't there ? Most replies have been informative . Until now my lady has paid the bills by going to the offices and paying cash . She has always paid this way for years , has few if any online banking skills and answered my question to her about paying online , saying " I do not know " , hence my request for info on this forum . Now that I have the info from some helpful members I can proceed with a confident outlook . There is no need for condescending replies
  2. Some might say you could have avoided your problems if you had a legal lease drawn up under Thai law , ( because of the tenants actions and yours , it is doubtful ) . A lease can include a monetary deposit from the new tenant prior to gaining access to the property , along with a third party guarantor for the rental side which will normally include utility bills . The deposit to be returned at the end of the lease if the property remains in good condition and that the terms of the lease were honoured . In pursuance of any claim against the lessee the legal expenses would become payable by those at fault and probably include the forfeit of the initial deposit. With all of the aforementioned a lessee with an official lease will seldom default .
  3. I do online banking with my UK bank but not with my Bangkok bank as I have heard it is not straightforward nor reliable . Do you have to be able to read Thai or is the app translatable ?
  4. Interesting dilemma but I would like to ask you the following . If instead of setting up the new debit accounts for the 3 services , could you have approached the 3 companies and explained the problem and request that they cease providing their services immediately . That would have cut out the 30 or 40 day wait and also stopped the bills , for the waiting period , that I suppose you would have to pay . After all the 3 service contracts are assigned to you , or is there a legal aspect to this ?
  5. Mislabelled ? you are a very forgiving person and have picked up on one of my concerns . There has been some good informative replies on this subject
  6. Referring to your statement in bold type above . I have just completed my 7 day quarantine in a Bangkok Sha Plus+ hotel . With both of my pcr tests I had to leave my room , use the lift and go to the ground floor , then walk another 50 meters to the test area . I asked the test team why they do not test me in or outside of my room because I am supposed to be in quarantine in my room . By me walking through the hotel I could be infecting others or getting infected by others . Have I got this wrong ?
  7. I thought you made a typo on the price per kilo , until I did a search . Then I found wild Alaskan smoked king salmon at $29 for a 6-8 oz fillet . That works out at over 4000 baht per kilo . Who pays these prices ?
  8. No doubt a treasured family photo and thanks for sharing it with us . Is that you in your fathers arms ?
  9. Reckon I could rely on John West and Princes to be correctly labelled but the others , not so sure .
  10. Is the Chinese farmed salmon sold in Thailand and appropriately labelled , showing its origin etc ?
  11. If you are a regular consumer of salmon in Thailand , where do you buy it from, what price per kilo , which country was its origin and was it farmed or pole caught ? I was recently reading an article about the salmon trade and the intense salmon farming methods which produce inferior fish compared to the natural wild caught Alaskan salmon . Finally , smoked salmon , is it available in cutlets in Thailand ?
  12. 2 days ago my lady had to pay 220 a kilo and today her friend said it was 280 a kilo in the local market . I am talking about pork loin which is arguably the best cut .
  13. Cannot argue with that but I still do not want to catch the virus . Heads you win , tails you lose ?
  14. I was once flying into Logan airport Boston , with the undercarriage down when the pilot took off again and told us there was too much ice on the runway , we were diverted to the JFK New York , pretty scary
  15. One of the reasons for scrapping pre- flight tests maybe the availability of fake pcr test reports . Having said that fake vaccination certs with kosha QR codes are also being sold . So all of the paraphernalia of checking certs at airports could be a waste of time . Waiting times at Heathrow immigration , for arrivals to be cleared , can be up to 7 hours . Individual airlines may well take their own stance on this latest Boris announcement because they have to be seen taking health & safety into account for not only their passengers but their air crew who if catch the virus will be unable to work and flights would be cancelled , so not good for business . I do not fancy boarding a plane when there could well be infected passengers. Maybe airports could carry out their own rapid tests ?
  16. Yes , I agree with the buggeration of waiting around for flights and sometimes road transport is more favourable with a door to door service . I believe that there is a market for inter provincial air transport especially if using smaller turbo prop aircraft that are more economical and require shorter runways and thus open up smaller airports . Specific provincial flights need not operate every day , just maybe 2 or 3 times a week or whatever the demand suits . Providing the aircraft are piloted by qualified pilots and not some tractor driver who fancied a go .
  17. which android box do you use ? I have a h 96 pro but not sure on the internet spec if 1 gb or not
  18. Agree , I have just been reading the official statement and it does say that all approved and registered applications can enter Thailand in accordance with the approved measures . There are no additional requirements under approved measures bar 1 and that is the 2nd pcr test that will be free of charge . So where in the detail is the 10th of January shown on this official Royal Thai Embassy announcement ? Has that statement been published in the Gazette ? If someone was unaware of the pa-lava and taking the embassy statement as correct guidance , they would be still planning to travel to Thailand in mid January .
  19. I have the same problem , live TV buffers but movies OK . Also the speed check the same . Technicians at my place many times and speed test on their laptop always shows high download and upload . Not sure but someone told me if you are say watching a live footy game , there are many others streaming the same which dilutes the stream .
  20. So how do you check what your device can take, also if buying a new device e.g. a smart tv
  21. The D.O.A. , in my opinion need to review their plans . The hub of most provincial and international flights is Bangkok . I understand the logic for international flights but not for provincial . Today , planners would seek to place the hub for provincial flights somewhere more central , thus enabling shorter journeys and more economical aircraft . As it stands , many provincial flights have to fly to Bangkok and then change to the final destination . BTW I did not read any mention in the report about the Buriram airport development nor its profits or losses.
  22. What potential visitors to Thailand and indeed those already here , need to consider is that what is being taken for granted is the status of airline flights . With no doubt many flight cancellations because of the T&G postponement , the question is , will the airlines continue to their planned schedules and be prepared to fly with few if any passengers ? Potential for being "trapped in Thailand " all over again ?
  23. Its always darkest before the dawn , so ? Looking at the history of the SARS virus , cousin of the covid , it peaked in May of 2003 but burnt itself out and the WHO declared the threat over in July 2003 . The main event was in China where the virus appears to have been defeated by the summer season , below a copied extract from Wikipedia . With the hot season just around the corner there may well be light at the end of the tunnel . In what conditions does COVID-19 survive the longest? Coronaviruses die very quickly when exposed to the UV light in sunlight. Like other enveloped viruses, SARS-CoV-2 survives longest when the temperature is at room temperature or lower, and when the relative humidity is low (<50%)
  24. When are you due to fly ? follow this link and they will assist you in quick time https://asq.in.th/thailand-pass for a fee
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